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Jun 2016 · 4.8k
M Jun 2016
Anxiety has taught me that the large blue doors at the entrance to the next four years of my life are there to keep me in more than to keep others out
That the best way to keep the students with no future away from the students with one is to create advanced classes that will determine whether a college will allow you entrance without a doubt

Anxiety taught me what it's like to hold back tears
And how to freak the guy next to you out because he's never had to handle a girl crying and being dependent upon and not being able to provide is one of his greatest fears

Anxiety taught me that "it's not just one quiz it's the rest of your life!"
That you must work hard in school and get into college and get a good job and make money and these are the only ways to become someone's wife
That seeing your fears of not being good enough becoming true in the eyes of the only one you love and that it feels like your heart has been stabbed at by a knife

Or when you're sick and throwing up but you have a paper due in 3 hours and it's either sleep or finish the paragraph who's sentences will probably end up slurred

Anxiety taught me that time is not your friend
That it will not be there when the fate of the rest of your life is hanging on 10 more words to reach the 500 word limit

Anxiety has taught me that no matter how many assignments you complete you’ll never get rid of this weight on your chest
That you have to keep working until there's no more time to rest
That you can do problems 1-50 in your textbook and it'll teach you the material but not how to take a test
That no matter how many hours you study you will not perform your best

Anxiety taught me what it's like to put all of your eggs in one basket.
One human shaped basket that isn't always around and won't be awake at 2 in the morning because he has an 8 AM and needs his sleep
But when he doesn't have an assignment going to bed early is one of the many promises he cannot keep

Anxiety taught me what a social barrier is
A beer covered barrier that reminds you that all he's going to want to do this summer is drink because that's all he's done the last 8 months and you haven't been there
And that you don't like the taste of alcohol much and he knows that but he'll still hand you a shot out of nowhere
That you can feel yourself getting drunker and drunker and that terrifies you and he knows that but he no longer seems to care

Anxiety is more than being nervous before you ask someone to prom
anxiety is more than feeling helpless when your parents don't get along
Anxiety is being the hero and failing
Anxiety is being afraid of heights and knowing you'll have to fall every single day
Nov 2015 · 900
pseudo PTSD
M Nov 2015
I live in such constant fear that my dreams will crawl out of my ears
and into reality,
that I keep having flashbacks of memories I don't have.

I find myself on dark nights
crying about things that haven't happened
and could happen only by chance

I think of the many ways I've never gone flying off the road
when I'm on my way home and I'm sitting next to my thoughts
Nov 2015 · 620
A poem about college essays
M Nov 2015
please pardon my perplexed mood. I cower far,
lest I scare you away. I strive to request such an
easy retrieve, yet nobody seems to obtain!
as anyone else can tell you, it becomes remarkable how
so un-soon these replies become,
even when those who read, do little else.
Apr 2015 · 420
identity crisis, a response
M Apr 2015
it's funny how you can look in a mirror and wonder where your reflection went and how long it's been gone.
Apr 2015 · 430
M Apr 2015
now that I've lost myself to you, I'm afraid you'll lose me too.
Feb 2015 · 631
a (10w)
M Feb 2015
hairs stood silent and upright as lips did the talking
Feb 2015 · 438
M Feb 2015
when the full moon blows chilled breaths through the trees
and the fox tail brushes against your calf
when the winds of neptune's yells cause your ears to freeze
that's when the demons will be freed
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
M Feb 2015
The human mind is a filthier place than the bottom of your shoe.
Feb 2015 · 549
sad stories (10w)
M Feb 2015
how do you compliment
something as damaging as a dagger
Feb 2015 · 356
No. 3
M Feb 2015
Feb 2015 · 366
No. 2
M Feb 2015
I'd love
to have
you in
my bed
but I'd hate
to go
to sleep.
Jan 2015 · 324
identity crisis
M Jan 2015
it's funny how you can look at someone's ID and still not know anything about them.
Jan 2015 · 308
No. 1
M Jan 2015
how are we
supposed to ****,
if I go cold every time
you put your thumb
to my lips?
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
M Jan 2015
I was always told to avoid drugs at all costs,
but what about the one that brushed its fingers against my neck?
that got me addicted with words
injected itself into my bloodstream via soft, slow lips
how do I stay away from the slickest poison of all,
the poison that has poured heated breaths into my ears
left dark bruises in unseen places on my chest.
how can I avoid the hallucinogen I love most,
what do I do to avoid you?
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
M Jan 2015
it's a lost memory
chilling, nauseating, disgruntling
the plants, the sugars
it's all gone, and even in my absence
it still haunts me
creeping, disturbing, stiffening
keeping myself stable on his current caffeine
a perfect snow tinted green
asked if he did this everyday,
he said
Often || The Weeknd
M Jan 2015
I felt your lips ******* the color out of my skin
and your hands ripping apart my chest
and your body aggressive over mine
and your teeth eating me alive
and my teeth pulling at your neck
and my body hidden under a thousand night skies
and my hands sputtering and scared
I heard my lips whispering "no please, I want this"
Dec 2014 · 7.2k
M Dec 2014
my brain shrinks
at the superiority of yours
it struggles to keep up
but yours has already finished the run
Dec 2014 · 390
M Dec 2014
his hands hold a thousand years
mine only hold ten
Dec 2014 · 355
questions I want to ask you
M Dec 2014
Do flower petals tickle your rib cage when you hear my name
When you think of me, can you feel snowflakes on your skin?
How about when you touch my hair, do you think of running water?
Does your heart feel like a kite flying through a summer day when you kiss me
What about when you hold me, do you feel like you're caressing gold?
When you hold my hand, do you feel porcelain under your fingertips
Would you find me in a china shop,
Do you want to place me on a shelf?
When you touch my waist do you feel like you're holding a daisy or pulling a rose
Do you mark my neck like its an official document
Do you kiss me like you've just learned how?
Dec 2014 · 336
M Dec 2014
I pulled my fingers apart
trying to reach you
Dec 2014 · 880
christmas list
M Dec 2014
I want you to break the physical barriers of my neck with your lips.
Dec 2014 · 435
M Dec 2014
I could spend hours talking about
how the bottom part of the back of your neck
opens slightly to support your broader shoulders
or how much I like to kiss the cleft in your chin
and when the muscle in your arm flexes under my arm
when you're holding yourself up over me and kissing me
like we aren't in the parking lot of a supermarket.
Dec 2014 · 745
"make love"
M Dec 2014
I woke up to find
I had written
romance novels across my arms in black sharpie
while I was dreaming
Well ****,
I thought.
If I'm this articulate
When I'm unconscious,
No wonder he wants to sleep with me
M Nov 2014
a sense of urgency
and the knowledge that the distance
will inflate
like a child's imagination
in a matter of minutes,
pushes you into a speedy loss of self control
that'll sleep in my veins
and cry in my arteries
Nov 2014 · 566
rip tide
M Nov 2014
I'm sinking deeper into oceans
that are swimming with sharks

the waves in your eyes
pull my soul out to sea like a rip tide

your mind is a dangerous storm
that's ripped apart the sails of my ship

the shores of your chest are lined
with soft white quicksand

your blue eyes are intoxicating.
Nov 2014 · 268
M Nov 2014
I often confuse a pair of scissors with a hair brush, and I feel like that is a good sign that I need to change something in my life.
Nov 2014 · 413
run on
M Nov 2014
we went to the park and next thing I knew your hands were down my pants and I was struggling not to convulse
and your body is holding mine against the couch like rocks on my chest
and I can't resist your skin against mine but I want to rip your hands away from parts of me almost as private as my journal
and you've seen everything and I've stayed behind the curtains while you got on or more like got off and I slept every night alone
and my whole body shivers and begs when you barely brush against me but I can't handle you inside me at all
and I don't want you to feel upset or bored or mad for my inability to get my legs caught on someone else's
and I feel like there's a catastrophe going on in my mind, and you are both the cause and the silencer.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
pressing flowers
M Nov 2014
the prints
that the pressure of a deflowered love
made on the pages it was pressed in
still float loosely in my journal
with all the purple petals
thrown out long ago
and all of my worries
penned out into oblivion
waiting to be read.
Nov 2014 · 259
M Nov 2014
Nov 2014 · 529
M Nov 2014
you are the flame in the fireplace that I crouch by
that melts me into the floors and boils my bones
who makes my mouth water
and my lungs cry

you are the breeze that blows my hair around
that constantly whips at my clothes
who pulls the hairs on the back of my neck straight
and crawls down my spine

you are the monster who's got a hold on my heart
that's soft lips burn marks into my skin
who takes everything he wants
and isn't refused once.
Nov 2014 · 397
thin boned
M Nov 2014
The top button on my flannel is my best friend, and those imperfections haunting a thin complexion are my worst.
M Nov 2014
break enough bones and you'll find yourself
laying on surface as cold as your heart
with your veins bursted and your skin mangled
your black blood pouring out of deep cuts on your knees
and your burnt soul scattered in bits over your destroyed frame.
Nov 2014 · 361
M Nov 2014
your blue eyes
can clean out
my entire soul
and abuse
my every vein
all at once.
Oct 2014 · 274
M Oct 2014
keep me in your mind,
when you need to remember
that you exist in a conscious other
than your own.
if you've forgotten whose dreams
you constantly invade,
keep me in your mind.
Oct 2014 · 479
what a title
M Oct 2014
I used to draw gardens, but oceans seem to fit better lately.
I approached a staircase and climbed up the first step, then the second, but when I went to climb up the third I felt a foot to the front of my head and the floor to the back.
I feel like my chest is a rotting apple, one that fell from a tall tree and was ravaged by the birds.
I feel like a man lost in the woods for over a year and finally managed to light a small fire, but you are the wind that has blown it out.
I've fallen down a well with the walls smoothed out, I've been locked in a closet with no light switch.
I feel like my chest is filled with water, and as the time runs dry, my insides are submerged.
there is a thin layer of darkness surrounding my ribcage, clouding up my feelings and seeping down my spine like an untouched smoke, the vapor killing my lungs and my quiet lips screaming for peace.
the wires connecting my heart to my head are thin and frail and the plastic has been cut off and the metal is exposed and the last electrical pulse telling me that everything will be alright has been sent, leaving my heart a hopeless, useless object.
and when I face him, even with my heart in my hands and his words in my mind and your ruling under my feet, with my breathing slighted, with my voice sputtering and all the salty ocean water kissing my cheeks and the volcanoes already erupted, I fear it will not be enough, I fear being deserted.
I watch my handwriting scribble and fail as I write this, I can see my hand shaking through the ink.

— The End —