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 Aug 2015 Michelle
I've lived a thousand lives
And died a thousand deaths
Within the pages of my notebooks
 Aug 2015 Michelle
There is not enough ***** in the world
to help me forget the feeling of your skin on mine.
The burn in my throat is nothing
compared to the sting in my heart.
The innocent kisses,
are the ones that hurt the worst.
we decided after 4pm it wasn't day drinking but its 3:53 pm.
Yes, I'm listening to mayday parade again.
You shouldn't have kissed my nose.
 Aug 2015 Michelle
Nathan Pival
My favorite lie
Is to be told that everything is going to be alright
To feed that hope that things will get better
Somehow life will be perfect one day
This is a beautiful lie
It tricks you and comforts you
In a time of need
No one talks about it
But we know the truth
This lie gets us through the mess
One more push to get through this
On to tomorrow
The next day
The next struggle
But don't let it get to you
Everything is going to be alright
 Aug 2015 Michelle
joey nix
she said
 Aug 2015 Michelle
joey nix
I'm an independent woman
She said
He reached out and she took his hand
I know
He said

I've never needed anyone else in my life
She said
He pulled her closer
I know
He said

I've got this, I can handle it myself
She said
He put his arms around her
I know
He said

I have lived this long alone and well
She said
They embrace tightly, no space between
I know
He said

Don't ever let me go
She said
Kissing him, they breathe each other in
I won't, ever
He said
Kiss me, that tonight might pause....
And this moment, frozen,
shall be alive, only by us...
That it may be eternal between two lovers
Till sweet blue lit dawn
And then, again at dusk....
Kiss me once again...
Another frozen time...
Allow with me these forevers...
These standstills......
your soul lost without mine....

 Aug 2015 Michelle
Secret Poet
My pen is a blade and the paper is my skin, my words cut deep as the blade does my wrist.
Life imitates art
The job of a muse isn't easy
He has to keep me alive
Heart beating
Yet **** me
So I can feel both
Love and misery
So I can write
In darkness
Of its beauty
To live with a broken heart
To die of love
So truly
To breathe death
Within my lungs
And know fragments
Are purely


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