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 Apr 2017 Michelle
Connie P Jones
Wake up with an ugly old bed head
Breakfast is coffee and stale bread
I'd like to complain
About taxes and rain
But I won't
'Cause at least I am not dead
If you do not want to love me
Any longer
Please do tell my whimpering heart
I am broken
I hate this
I hate us
Right now
Just tell me
And be honest
I think I may be able
To handle your brutal truth.
 Nov 2016 Michelle
i have slept restlessly for  nights now, reliving the events that have conjured within the past 72 hours. i think to myself, how would anyone want to bring another into this world knowing the pain they will endure? yes. you will feel pain, indescribable, chest filling, body aching pain from your head to your toes. i wont try to paint a perfect picture of this world and let you down. hating me every moment for the things i never said. you will be beaten down by others, torn away from the connection you thought you had. you will sit in a coffee shop alone, biting your lip with anxiety, and he will call you in the dead of night pleading for you to keep him company once more. you will miss the way you looked at the world, with innocence and purity, reliving every moment of suffering and rewriting its pages. you will invest your heart in people, things that will only let you down. but sweet child this suffering that you feel will be soon over. it is how you overcome these situations of awkward confrontation and scandalous betrayal. because one day a bee will buzz past you and you will jump up and down like a child again, tugging on the end of your own dress, smiling. you will laugh once again because the perpetual love you feel from those who surround you with positive energy will fill the gaping hole of disappointment that the world has so willingly handed you. like i said, i will not paint a perfect picture for you, because every artist has their flaws, but they cover them oh so well. and you should never have to carry that kind of burden.

love always,
 Nov 2016 Michelle
but it was too messy to call it making love

my hair got in his mouth
his hips were too low
my legs got in the way
the angles just weren't right
it took us a few tries
to just "get it in"

there weren't roses or candles
i was in a white bra and *******
there was no black lingerie
i had shaved my legs in the morning
but i still had stubble in the places i missed
he wasn't tall dark and handsome
i wasn't white skinny and ****

we didn't know what we were doing
and if we could see ourselves
i'm sure we'd have died of embarrassment
seeing the mess of arms and legs
and body parts in awkward positions

but maybe that was the whole point
we laughed
and we laughed
he had a lopsided smile
and he smelt like home
his touch was comfortable
and his mouth lit a fire inside me
those eyes were full of greed
for not my body, but for me
it wasn't "him" and "me"
we were a we
and together we went through the journey
of discovery
finding out how our bodies work
when they are with another
finding out which curve fits where
learning where to put my hands
when he climbed up on my hips
learning how his body responded
when mine arched in pain and pleasure

his exhausted body
holding on to mine for dear life
no one mentions the sweat in your eyes
or that urgent need to ***
no one tells you that maybe you won't bleed
and maybe your favorite song won't be in the background
and maybe you don't walk out a woman, no longer a girl
no one tells you that *** isn't this magical thing that stops your whole world

but they leave out the good bits too
there's so much they don't tell you
like how, when it's over, he whispers *i love you

how his gaze drops when he says you're beautiful
how you can climb out of bed without pants and laugh
how he'll touch you in places you thought were sacred
how his touch will be worshipping the places you know are sacred
how *** doesn't change who you are
but at the same time:
it does.
your body will always have his touch;
but that's okay.
because you want it to stay
maybe he was a moment
or maybe he is forever
but when you were together
you loved him and that's what mattered
safe & comfortable
passionate & loud

it took me a long while to be able to write this
because it was too messy to call it making love
but maybe that's the whole point
because love is messy
and making it, even more so
but its a mess you don't have to clean
(except the bedsheets)
maybe, just maybe
it was messy enough
to call it making love.
 Nov 2016 Michelle
The moment I think back on
the most
isn't when
                   we learned to samba
                we saw each other naked
              our lips met for the first time
or even when we said I love you.
Its our last night together,
the night we
            played cards with your family
       slept in your twin bed
    couldn't work the DVD player
and took our first bedroom picture.
It was the night when
    I woke up and cried quietly
until you felt my tears on your skin
    You wrapped me up and rocked me back to sleep
    You whispered I'm here over and over again.
Don't you remember, love?
*It was the night before you left (me).
 Nov 2016 Michelle
Keah Jones
the way he rolled his cigarettes was godly
and i know baby that you miss how he tastes of smoke and loneliness
and i know that you miss breathing in his aroma of stale coffee and sweat

you told me about how his hands caressed you like you were a whisper
and how he bit into your skin like you were something to be devoured
 Nov 2016 Michelle
 Nov 2016 Michelle
I stayed up so late just to re-read
the things we talked about,
And laughed throughout
Each funny line you'd write.

To see your name in a blur
on my phone's screen,
It's not so bad to me.

to be able to pretend
you were laying right next to me,
I stayed up so late.
I miss you at night time husband.
 Aug 2016 Michelle
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out
I should have been embarrassed
Of the way we started
All lust and heavy drunkenness
Or the way I came crawling back the next day
My heart hammering nervously in my chest
You've been trying to make me blush ever since
It all moved so fast
It was supposed to be one night
One week
A text every once in a while
I thought we were always doomed to stop
Or at least slow down
Or something in between
I wasn't quite innocent
But I wasn't quite not
Not quite white like all the sheets
In all the 2 star hotels we slept in
Our limbs intertwined
And we would talk and laugh about nothing
I love your voice I love your laugh
I remember when I looked into your eyes
And realized they're the same color as mine
And every boy I kissed before you
Has become just another forgettable pair of brown eyes
You like to tease that I'm short
But I've never felt taller
Than the way I feel when you kiss me
It's like heaven is just barely out of reach
And the hardest moments are all the good byes
I cry a little more each time
And I stay awake all night missing your scent
Missing the way you feel
Of course, I stay awake all night when you're here too
I've seen every shade of the night sky with you
This love is something you don't find easily
So rich and beautiful and unique
 Jul 2016 Michelle
Jazmin Ortiz
It Hurts
It hurts knowing
it will never be the same
having to see you
with someone else
acting like it doesn't cause me pain
seeing you laughing
having a good time
while i wonder
why i can't call you mine
while my eyes are filled with tears
and i can only see blurry
i take a deep breath
and tell myself not to worry
because deep down i know what's true
i am still deeply in love with you
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