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6.2k · Aug 2014
Micaiah Aug 2014
Seduce my delicate
Mind and run after my
Oxygen which is the
Key to my sweet, long
E**verlasting pain
3.6k · May 2014
Magic Wand
Micaiah May 2014
Stuck in my daydream
Always want to scream
Sip my magic wand
Evades from Sadland

From my window I stand
Lose control, let my hand
Influence my heart and mind
For I am deaf and blind

Always a sweet escape
From sadness and anger
Light up my stick
Heat surround me

Black and White
Heartbeats and rhythms
Melodies and smiles
Life and Death

Magic wands make me feel at leisure
Take me to Wanderland
And lead me to my band
For you are my guilty pleasure
3.3k · May 2014
Micaiah May 2014
Step out from the obscurity
Haunting your mind
And your soul entirely with
Darkness which invades all your
Organs slightly
W**ith a pocketful of sunshine.
2.9k · Dec 2013
Micaiah Dec 2013
The nature’s unpleasantly clean
Green and brown and full of wheat:
Bending wheat
Straight wheat

The wind blows
Bending and straight wheat flutter
Straight ones move out and don’t come back
Bending ones shift but always come back

When new crops grow out:
Straight ones tittle-tattle
While bending ones mind their own business

Arrogant people stand straight and empty
Intelligent people bow their heads because of their mind’s heaviness
**Better to be dense rather than hollow
1.9k · Aug 2014
A Fool's Mirage
Micaiah Aug 2014
The sun is still up
Your time is almost up
Where have you been
Did you feel any rush
or do I have to hush
and put a lot of cream

Do I have to buy you a watch
Because you seem like you had a 7-hour flight
The sunset carves your silhouette
As if you were a part of the 7 greatest wonders

Your voice penetrates my ears
it starts to damage its functions
Did you overhear my name
Or was it from your own private research

I've been seeing your face lately
Is it a mirage or are you next to me
You're with those other girls
While I'm foolishly occupied by you
Appearing randomly is a bad idea

I've waited for that adrenaline moment to come
Your motorcycle is a heavy attractive ride
Holding you tight was serenity
I'd probably miss my head on your shoulders
As the wind celebrate our joyfulness
Or was I alone in my own twisted, never-ending game
1.4k · Dec 2013
One's Youth
Micaiah Dec 2013
The lights, the fashion, the fame,
Don’t forget or else you’ll be tamed.
Some could be clever,
Some could be jokers.
Just do these steps on your own;
First step: just stay in your bone.

Remove your mask when the masquerade’s finished.
Don’t be afraid,  fake a smile.
Stay strong, just like a tile.
Put your mask on again when the masquerade’s back.

They say it’s a place where you meet new people,
But it’s also a place where you get your education.
You’re always made fun of in your class’s poll.
You know you’re still a loser even though you won.

Can someone give me the definition of “friend” ?
Spell it and you’ll notice it ends with the word “end”.
They tend to forgot: action speaks louder than words;
Broken promises hurt like hundreds of swords.

I tried to tell you some of my secrets,
Thought we were friends so I had trust in you.
Sometimes you make me smile when my world’s blue,
But you treated me like one of your pets.

You’re not alone so stop being selfish.
Each hungry person would desire a wish.
I didn’t choose my place where I am today,
If I had a wish I’d give them a new day.

Better watch out for unexpected things.
Slow down, don’t take a risk, drive carefully.
If ever you fall, use and spread your wings.
You’re no silly, she is just a bully.

You’re afraid of them ‘coz you have Androphobia.
Whenever you see them, you first panic then cry.
Don’t wanna be laughed at, don’t know why.
You’re an unlucky charm, stay away Gelotophobia.

Now you find it hard to trust new people.
It’s hard but self-harm ain’t a solution.
Remember your dreams since you were born ?
Enjoy life while you’re free and do it all.
Everyday, everything is similar.
I can see the same even though they’re  far.
I’ve always asked: If seasons change,
Why can’t society do the same ?
976 · Jun 2014
To be or not to be
Micaiah Jun 2014
Do I have to be selfish
And hide the truth
To achieve everything

Do I have to be a thief
And steal one's right of knowing things
To manipulate everything

Do I have to be egocentric
And forget about others
To be happy alone

To yawp is to scream
To scream is to feel relieved

Am I relieved
Or do I look relieved

To be or not to be
926 · Aug 2014
Micaiah Aug 2014
Pourquoi autant de haine et de
Ignorance chez toi; qui jouas avec mes
Emotions chétives et mes mots en
Redondance, partiellement
Répugnants jusqu'à la perte de leur
E**légance? Cryptique, n’est-ce pas ?
446 · Dec 2013
This is Reality
Micaiah Dec 2013
I thought I still knew the same you.
You were sitting not that far beside me,
I think just a block or two...

You stepped down from that morning car,
That morning car that never fails to make me smile.
The wind made your hair blew like it’s new,
I felt that me heart fluttered like it flew.

I always knew you’ll change,
I always knew we’d go separate ways.
But now, it’s happening, reality, this is reality.

You were so different from my night imagination on my yacht
Heads and shoulders stroking each other
Those cuddles, squeezing me every second we’re together
Missing that tickle you always give to my back
Those words I never heard that fulfills my day back then
Wishing to touch all those precious, soft hands again
I thought reality was the same as this
Reality never noticed my dreams

Everytime I try to look at you, I always panic.
Whenever you’re right beside me, I feel so sick.
Every minute, second or hour that I see you,
I’ve always wanted to know if you feel the same way too.

I really don’t know what to do.
I’m out of words when I miss you.
Don’t makde me run after my breath,
Or else I’ll meet you after death.

Babe, please run slow.
Babe, please don’t go.
I just wanna stay with you for the night.

Don’t ask me for my book again,
‘Coz we always never know when
We’ll find our fate once again.

I’ve always thought fairytales were true.
But then, you proved me wrong and I, feel blue.

— The End —