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mark john junor Feb 2014
her bracelets sparkle in the rain
as she runs for the overhang
laughing she shouts her joys to the skies
as he holds her out to the falling waters
laughing with such delights
two young lovers pass me without seeing
too into seeing just eachother
too into the warmth of her hand in his
the three of us go onto the road
she leans over to me offering her smile like a band-aid
the world appears to hang round my jester neck
and its corporate sponsors all have prepared speeches
which they ****** at me with such desperately eager hands
the words they want me to say are verbal fists
for the beating of men
for the night to rationalize the dark things it dose
i call out that i'm a child of dawn
but a voice only bitter says softly they haven't got a choice
everyone else has gone away or
are mute to the venereal disease known to be spoken here
i weep for this terrible turn of events
till she comes to rescue me
with a king james in one hand
and an oxford standard in the other
never knew the girl had such fire in her
thouse sweet eyes will fool ya everytime
she is holding his hand but its my song she's singing
and id really like to know what that means
but the only clue just walked home
in a winter rain
mark john junor Sep 2014
she is a graceful moment in my stumbling day
im a simple man but shes simply beautiful
her blue lace
(if i could love one more time it would be her)
mark john junor Mar 2014
her wrist bears a set of golden bracelets
with bells and woven beads
light blue with a tangle of red
it goes with her dreadlocks
and the trinkets woven into her hair
beads and baubles
there is amongst other treasures
on the edge of one of her dreads
a tiny box
within a small face
made of pewter
old as lord nelsons prize at the nile
old as the length of a pewter mans dream
i am the pewter man and
the absence of her perfume on the air
is the absence of my soul
and my heart labors
how will i push the pen forward
can i even breath without her near
mark john junor Jan 2015
illustrated in ink
her dark hearts tales all told
all but one
his visage haunts her every breath
her bronzed skin
the inked pallet upon which i lay
the foundations of this dream
like a golden chalice laid upon a roughian's hand
wet lips pause round the more difficult things
like things she would never wish to say
as she weighs them carefully on her pierced tongue
dry eyes as she weighs implications on her unadorned mind
find her soft hand
and unleash my aloneness on it gently
she smiles a quick vulnerable smile
i reassure with strength
she looks up into my eyes with doe in headlights love look
we draw images of ourselves for others to dream upon
we draw images of what others tell us we are
end of the day
its alone in that mirror of your own closed eyes
that you must measure
you must pass or fail
mark john junor Dec 2014
two souls we once were
separate in every way
just wandering the bright blue sea
you were as sweet as beauty
i was rough as granite

till chance lead us to a strange shore
and a chance meeting under a romantic moon
till your beauty spoke to me
till my handsome grain spoke to you
in a charming way
so we spoke just passing the time
neither thinking would lead to much
what dose in these strange times
yes what amounts to much in these troubled times

but the further we got to to the conversation
you began to see me
and i began to see you
began to see the handsome man beautiful girl
as more than just something more
our talking became dancing as we fell into the lovin
began to see what it could amount to in these strange times

you took me by my hand and without a word
lead me where you wanted me to take you
and take you i did all night
in sweet ways
in these troubled days

we were two souls
separate as can be
wandering the deep blue sea
till the magic of loves ways set on on the trail
of finding each other
now we are one soul
for real and evermore
come on my lover sweet lets run
catch the moonlight before the sun
lets run run run
mark john junor Jun 2013
true to the soul of your years
rough fabric hewn from
a life filled with bitter days
and desperately lonely nights

her worn eyes look thru me
as the candle flickers with nightbrezze
dances light shadows across walls
and amplifies the emptiness
and the window to the world outside reveals
little but the skies wheeling silently overhead
and a trail out of the wilderness
away from her glass cage

hollow hearted she is bent over the page
beads of sweat pepper her brow
her lips flicker with silent phrases
as she labors thru each crafted word
weaving her barefooted form out of the
crisp white page
showing her carefully posing her hands
in the gestures of birds in flight

while her words are in broken french
her soul is fluent with all the seasons
that one finds on the harsh streets
and in the hallways of institutions for bent thinkers

as darkness breaks the soiled sunlight
and the shards sharp and swift
it sheds all premise of innocence

the light is unclean
it breeds children of shadow in the mind
that run laughing thru the memory's
tearing at the fabric of her image
scrawling obscene words on the walls of sanity
and breaking the dusty windows along the road
between your today and all your yesterdays
the essence of its cage bound in place by shadow
know its child of misgivings
see its motherless harlot of fears
and sour the milk of reason with its poison eye
leaving me hungry of the thirsty floor
leaving me angry on the grieving hardtack

like so many who hide themselves away from harm
she became trapped in her illusions
and now spends her days trying in thought alone
to break free
i pity her
as much as i fear a monster like her
your ****** moments fade your smile from my mind
mark john junor Jun 2013
the light is infected
its disease casts a haze on my weather beaten
its denial of warmth radiates down to my very soul
razor thoughts are the bitter seed in the fertile soil of her filthty mind

vertical sunlight uneven on your confused thoughts
at least illuminate the way
as you forge the path to certain shade
benith palm trees etched out against the tropical horizon

she braids her hair
as she steps slowly among the rose petals
deep eyes entice
as her loose garment falls away
barefoot she weaves her way
from distant vision
to standing before you in deliberate slow motion
letting you drink in her natural and sleek form
before it is joined with yours in hot embrace

seas of sand
and the taste of ocean on the air
salty and swift to the senses
deep with the memory
of a thousand times
on the rolling waves deep in the atlantic's nights
only dreaming of her smoky form leaning into you
as she whispers your name

the light in the porthole
is infected with the muttering of the skippers madness
as he swears to take us deep and far
to a no-mans land of uncharted sea
leave us scattered like dry bones
on the wet soils of nameless atols
with  the bitter breads to be our banquet
and the dog that chewed off his finger as our ale

i climb the wave
to spill us off the crest
abreast the next
just to tempt his ire
but he rights us without a word

sailing in a wide circle
we are round here on the charts
but squared away and shipshape by
the hairy old ******'s eye
iv rhymed a word or two in the last few poems without intending to...not sure what thats about, rhyming is as bad as **** itch in your ear...annoying, pointless, and weird.
mark john junor Aug 2014
internet wingnuts...
nah nah nah whatcha thinkin?
whatcha spelled it wrong
whatcha didnt capitalize
are you satan's spawn you cant write that here
i will come to your house and eat your dog
nah nah nah whatcha thinkin?
ill follow you round tearing you down till you let me kiss you
ill fill your mailbox full of hate till you love me
i will tell everyone what a horrible person you are
till you let me in
who are you....keep me warm....let me hate you
wingnuts....wingnuts everywhere
whoever invented the block list should get a freakin sainthood
whatcha thinking you cant block me
ill just make a new profile
fill your inbox full of hate till you love me
mark john junor Feb 2014
fragments of that lifetime ago
the sun low to the end day horizon
and my childhood companions shouting
and laughter
the intense feel scent of fresh cut grass
the long shadows garden gate
spiders web and the shell of
brick doorway
the long path with its tangled trees
what man tread there
what past tread through this dark wood
mesmerized by the burnt ruin
captured by the tale
i would stand in that doorway
and ask for her hand
i would ride in the brisk sun
a child no more
free of the things that bound me to that place
were it that i could go back
undo all wrought
but standing here in the sea and sand
i pray that i finally have come home
mark john junor Sep 2013
the road was a dusty grey
in the early morning light
shadowed by a thick fog
quiet with late summer breeze
his footloose wandering had brought him
through all the long years
and all the long miles
to this strange place

the old wood fence
broken down in places was
all that separated from the woods
cool and rich with the scents of summer
and it looked like a wonderful place
to take his rest from midday sun

so sat neith a tall oak
has his supper and did fall fast asleep
lulled by the warm summer day
and he dreamed

a dream of all the worlds wonders
dream of loving warm things that give the heart ease

he woke well after the sun had fled
to a forest strangely silent
to a foreboding to chill to the soul
he cast about seeking the source of ill-ease
but nothing there was so it seemed

deep in distance he began to perceive
the small sound of a woman's voice singing soft an sweet
drawing near
and he could see distant light moving through
the trees
drawing near
and he did marvel at the ideal of sweet maiden
coming to ease him
so sweet was the sounds of her approach
he had only thought of beauty
only had thought of lusts
but narrow is the edge of reality we perceive
and swift is reality's vengeance for the unguarded heart

and then he saw her
and swore within his heart that he was in love
so fair was her face
so enticing was her form
so he was ensnared
so he was doomed
she is a siren of the dark wood
her fair face hides the sharp teeth of her viper heart
her fair figure hides her dark nature
she fell upon him
and murdered poor traveler without even a thought
left his bare bones to dry in the morning sun

the dark wood
contains many things to chill the soul
but none so gruesome
as the fair maiden
mark john junor Jan 2014
like a hollow version of bobby dylan
she peeks out into the alley
before dashing out to
dance in the ***** rain
its grey face stains the asphalt
with strange designs
i wait for her to grow weary
before i try to rescue her from the wet alley
someday she will get to replay
her misspent youth
but not today
the agents of mystery remind me
she sits on her college textbooks
and towel dries her golden dreadlocks
as she excitedly tells me of her adventure
of how light she felt
as the ***** rain danced with her
how it romanced parts of her
that would make a good girl blush
she finally slows down with a great big yawn
put her to bed
wrap her up in my loving arms
and gave her a lullaby in perfect country english
she will cherish this
like she cherished the ***** rain
seeing things in our moments
that no-one else can ever know
magic is your lovers eye
mark john junor Apr 2014
she cradled the thought of me in the eyes of her heart
and constructed me from fragments
of what she had thought she knew
with deliberate care stitched the pieces
of her self deceptions to the fabric of reality's rags
a wedding cake of circumstance and make believe
that was the union of her fears and madness

she crept up to my window paine
and carved into the stain of frost on winters nights glass
the thought of the face of the bitter dogs
their lonely years hanging loose upon their bones
their fear have all withdrawn to gather in moonlight
the stillness of her own reflection
fails to bear fruits of reason
so she joins them to whisper at the falling sky

she lay in the halflight of evening
fully clothed under the sheets
writing in her mind symphony's of silence
embracing the gloom
while beads of desperation's labors burst upon her brow
her tight lips pressed to retain
but the words cannot help but but be spoken
please love me

in her hearts eye she cradles me in
the embrace of a lover
in her hearts mad mind it was meant to be
she has known it since secret writings came to light
never you mind they bore another woman's name
the just feel like they speak to her alone
in her hearts mad mind
she carves heart shaped love letters
in the stain of frost of winter nights glass
mark john junor Jan 2014
the radio has a voice
its loud in my mind
its as bright as sunshine
it talks to me personally
it has a voice that sees right through me
it knows what's happenin
and it knows that im spinning at the center of the world
i am the center of the universe
she can see it
i can feel it
its bright as sunshine
its warm as hands

hands that pulled me from the water so deep
i was down there listening
to the world get small
to the sound of my dying
its a glass eye
in the world
its as bright as sunshine
it makes me dance with no music on cobblestone
it makes smiles painted feel real
she sees it
she sees me
and its loud in my mind
i can do anything

real i tell you
here in my corduroy jacket pocket
i look so joe college
cause its fast as light
cause its smiling in my mind
like madness
she can see it
i can feel it
its bright as sunshine
its warm as hands
as  she walked away
in the pouring rain
mark john junor Mar 2013
She came thru the rain on a warm june day and took my hand lead me to her world

i want to leave this dark place i want to run time back to thouse days when she showed me all the smiles and love in the world

back to the world
where all of you live
mark john junor Feb 2014
it was a winters night
the air thick with cold
a thin veil of snow dancin its way to the the
the dead earth tangle of leaves and twisted vines
an odd echo follows her words
as the cold steals them off her sweet lips
it distracts from the meanings of her deity gazing argument
and i allow the conversation to die a fitful death at the hands
of her discomfort
wanting only to hold her hand
but denied by the harsh truths in her stance
by the tears she inflicts by proxy
we resume our walking with a silence between
like a rough thief his filthy hand on our hearts

the snow becomes heavy
and the taste of cold is bitter
she shivers as we reach her door
she pauses me in my distracted mumblings of fumblings
and invites me in with an odd voice unspoken
so we lay warming ourselves silently by the fire
watching it define itself with its own soul searching dance
she reaches out and takes my hand
and without a word begins to weep
i pull her to my arms troubled but not breaking the silence she keeps
like a fortress of shadows
like a dark army dressed all in black
become a funeral procession at war with itself

we did not say a single word to eachother that whole night
we made love there on the dusty carpet
and slept fitfully wrapped in eachothers needy arms
like two lost fearful minstrels wearing the same terrible tale in a mournful song
i can still hear it in the taste of her tears
when she was near her ****** she stopped and looked deep into my eyes
kissing me with such gentle hand
like forgiveness as the tears began to fall once again
we made love again and like the wine dried to the bottom of our well
we pushed it aside to find comforts in slumber
and eachothers nervously tender embraces

outside the snow fell like a soft mountain
deep and thick with its own tale of dark princes of night
deep and thick with its own tears of memory
somewhere in the distant mountains
a stranger run to the river to fetch water
trying to appease the fire that consumes his world
the shouts of desperate urge painted thick on this cold cold wind
disturbing our dreams

till the cold dawn broke the overcast with bright scorpions of sunlight
through the high windows
falling on the wine stained dark wood floor
where she had left a note for my waking minds confusions
and so she had fled my world
on the steam train headed north
headed back into the winter
leaving me in the windswept dunes
watching gulls swim in the winter sky
alone without words to heal
alone with just a aching memory of her body in my arms
mark john junor Nov 2014
my heart is a child
holding a bead
weave that onto a necklace with your finest golden threads
weave my dreams into the fabric of your life
can you do it without breaking me
can you do it without making me silent when i should be singing
turn me on when i'm cold and alone
make the stars shine tonight
can you make the stars shine for me
can you take my breath away without taking hope with it
can you be the only one i see
can you be that fragile whisper that is home to my run away train
be the place where my heart stops
skips a thousand beats
one for each delicate smile i see in you
my heart is a child holding a bead
can you be the one to weave me back into the fabric of life
be my rainbow
be that smile that saves me
mark john junor Dec 2013
she is in the full length mirror
in a long white dress
tossing her hair
and she says aloud
that she doesn't like it at all
i laugh and go take her in my arms
and we start to sway
looking eachothers eyes and feeling the warmth
of our embrace
i am intoxicated in her perfume
and in the scents of her eye
wander the mysterious paths of a woman's heart
and caress the soft textures of her romantic soul
she laughs that we are gonna be late
we are going to be out on the ballroom floor
in the spinning lights and smokey air
slow dancing in eachothers arms
soft touching eachother in every way
swaying to the songs we arnt even listening to
we only see eachother
the rest of the world is some long lost summer night long ago
far away from this ballroom floor
far away from us
she leads me off the dancefloor
and our to the cool evening air
and we make out in the back of the car
like we were once again teenagers on a school night again
enjoying the caress and loving the taste feel
the knowin
we make love
grand slow and glowing warm love
and then the world slows
and picks us up again
we break into giggles
as we go on home
sneaking into our own house
like we were a couple of kids all over again
she has re-discovered the young man in me
for the dew eyed girl in her
and she has rekindled the happy for ever after
the lets just kick off our shoes and run in the waves
the light in her eyes
is enough for me
((we went ballroom dancing again...always ends up an adventure with us))
mark john junor Jun 2013
i hear your voice in the shadows
i see your reachin out to save me
but you dont know
you dont see

deep down inside
deep below the fast waters of words
is dark places that have claimed my soul
there are shadows shot into the soul

there are things
in the shadows of your world

just round the corner from your bistro's
just down the street from your happy homes
just round the alley from your bright shopping malls
are places like an open grave
and theres no life there
in the the breathing things crawling there

i came from there
a place no one belongs
a place not easy to escape
so don't ask me
cause i may just tell you
and that's always the first footfall
on that dark path
is thinking bout that dark place
thinking it holds something
other than death
living death

so don't ask me
i don't want to tell you
wouldn't wish it on anyone
have the courage to live for your dreams, and dont look for darkness...theres nothing there worth finding
mark john junor Sep 2013
and the city lights fading behind me
the wheels turning in the night
the tears called upon to save you have decayed
faded into the cake of makeup
stretched on your parody smile
put a candle on that babe and celebrate another year

twenty miles outa town
stopped my buick
'neith the highway sing
and in the cool desert moon
made love to another woman
just to have another falling star to chase
shes a little cracked but she can smile
yes she can
and that's a ray of pure sunshine to this broken heart
that's a glass of gladness in the chambers of sour

i owe a thousand apologies
but none of them east of the mississippi
so i head to sunny florida
spend all my time in the rain
writing letters home to the mountains of the moon
serenity is just another girl after all
isnt that what she would say
a fun pile of hot packed in skintight jeans
but just a girl

tried to find a narrow path in the thorns
attempted to get round the snags
but milkmaids and **** kings
are all too sure that id fail someday
and they wait with bated breath for me to be
on my knees
but im making a new lifetime outa the dust
im carving a new hope outa the curses laid on me
ill make it because im resolved like iron ink
but im rusting like rainwater
and there is nobody i can hope not to offend

i had thought to find your hand to hold
and standing here in the rain
wish itd work its way out
im so weary of the futile chase
but you left on a train headed north to go find my enemies
to deal out some measure of justice

im resolved like iron ink
rusting in the american sun
nobody's treasure
born to wait
come home someday
mark john junor Feb 2014
things surface in the darkness
fair and foul alike
from these dark waters
i have swam and wept these ashen waters
when the fevers of fear and sadness
have swept over me drowning me in
their hostile dreams
when the dark overwhelmed me
when the worlds rough hand has toppled the
ivory towers of greed and lust

i found refuge in this darkness
where your face need not be your own
where skill with pen or sword achieve the same ends
but  these long years on the narrow mile
tilling the dead soil have only harvested shadows
i wish for better crops to be sown which to
set the paintbrush of my pen upon
so i stand here at the gap in the breezeway
and step tentative to the light
to meet favour and fortunes
or death and shadow

should i meet death
i shall drink and sup with him
break unleavened breads and regale him
with fanciful tales of the far east
distract him while you slip away
to plant the seeds of our hopes
or wreak the havocs of our dooms
i shall be as a companion of this mad reaper
i shall be as counsel and cage to his worried mind
keeping at bay the ravenous hounds of his delight
and feeding the crying children of his fears
for are we not all children of light
and we should not turn aside this chance to bend
the fates in our favour
against this strong foe
should i meet death and live to tell the tale
i shall feast this night
and drink the strong ale
mark john junor Apr 2015
beautifully inspired by the quiet moments
the rapture of words is short lived
and passes by like a swift summer rain
filled with glorious life yet to be lived
with promise of tomorrows never ending sunshine
all in the briefest of moments
captured by the heart like a photograph
distilled joy in the frame of memory
only to be handled with cherished fondness
as the years roll by
as the memory's are distilled into
a panoramic of life's adventure
a vision of what we perceived
was not is
but cherished nonetheless
mark john junor Jan 2015
you can see it all from a twisted lens
if that gets ya thru yer day
you can tear it all down
claw your way to sunlight just to
claw your way back out of sight
if that floats your boat

as strange as your song might be
the one next to you got a stranger song
he just ate his ear lobe
so lets get something straight
your gonna be ok
we been at this for thousands of years
nobody got it right yet

burning your shoes while your
walking in the snow will keep your feet warm
but  its not exactly a great plan for getting thru the night
we been at this for thousands of years
can see the guy thumping his head
painted on the caveman's wall
just like you doing now in your living room
so set your shoes on fire
and smile
it gets better
mark john junor Mar 2014
celebration of the softer mind
its weak hand flutters along the edge
of its misspoken and brittle cakes of haphazard thought
tasty sweets to distract
distilled from the lesser thoughts of some brilliant mind
its watered down textures is vile
to the tongue
but one must find the strength to utter it
lest you be thought too frail to press on with the greater good

she shivers inspite the thick bundle  of her cloth
and looks with pleading up to the ignorant sun
can you do nothing to warm me she inquires
but the suns bliss is uninterrupted
as in its daily wanderings it could ill conceive such creatures
so far below milling about under its brilliant beauties

so in celebration of the softer mind
we pick up our lacklustre thoughts
and dragging them behind like some misbegotten
carriage of poorboys laughable creation
we pick our way east along the kings highway
looking for floozies and harlots we could sit and pass the
time with in gentile repose
they know the truth of kindness
and know it has no coin
so while you may think it strange
that my lover and i seek such minstrels of carnal dances
we understand that the finest linen dose not always
make for such fine thread to keep out the worlds cold
the truth of kindness is that it needs no coin
mark john junor Feb 2014
theifs of the polished face
hoist its metal lies over the far fence
neatly escaping into the failing light of day
while the watchman fondles his superhero comic
and daydreams of saving the day
they load its shiny fair haired face
into the truck at the edge of some tangled wood
embark the dusty fate for the sun flees and we shall follow
see it fly to the worlds edge we shall fly too
for we must
we cast off the dead weight till
all but our very bones lay littered behind us
like a trail of turmoil's
and still the road leads on
still the sun flees
one by one we fall to the dust
one by one with hand upraised push the surviving onward
fall to silent dust
one by one fail
till there is naught but the two of us walking side by side
in the narrow stretch of dry bitter sunlight
bearing between us the copper face
its bright eyes fixated on the fleeing sun
its hour passing with hard thoughts
till there is only i
and this heavy weight
this polished face
this unbearable freedom
mark john junor Aug 2014
the phone rang
middle of the night
it was god calling
but hung up got the answering machine
if only

but what could you say anyway
ask to do differently
unweave one strand of the worlds tapestry
undo one space and place in time
surrender the whole for one fragile moment
but you would say what beauty there was there
you would say how precious this thing i lost
in the ocean of the world
looking for that single drop of water you cling to
middle of the night

the phone rang for a brief moment
it was god calling
to say he is sorry but
sometimes just cant be
some people just catch all the wrong raindrops
some people see the rainbows but never get to see the smiles

so let me redefine this phrase
im sorry for all the calls you missed
nothing can prepare you for this journey
its only the warmth we find in others that make it bearable
and im so sorry you have had so much trouble finding them
the phone is ringing
its me, not god
hoping you were home
ill love you till you find the love you were meant to find
mark john junor Dec 2013
joy is transient
but its brief journey is golden to the
hearts eyes
in this place that must suffice for a reason
to remain
some come to bind themselves
to some inglorious fate
so that they may have that one moment
in free fall where they may open up golden wings
held quietly since childhood in hopes one day to shine once again
may once more soar among the clouds
light and free
they come here to sing with the angels of a better nature
or battle with the demons of a dark past
she walks with slow care
placing each step tenderly gathers her voice
and mutters the words in guttural whispers
to the soundtrack of her mad mind
where the ashes of burned cities settle like snow
on the image of a broken landscape she painted in dark watercolours
i came to build temples
out of the streets driftwood faces
the nameless who wash up on distant mystery shores
and leave intricate carvings in the minds scrapbook
that show like a roadmap to one souls journey
my coming to this tropical Christmas
and cardboard cut-out hero sortie into your world
if i could rescue you
i would be there on a sterling english steed
with a loud proclamation
that only the prettiest damsels get fine young dandies
she smiles for my soft approach
as i glide in under her eyes
joy is transient
but its brief journey is golden to the
hearts eyes
mark john junor Sep 2014
how did i breath before i knew you
how is it possible that i existed before you were here
fill my senses with everything you
that smile that is a summer day unleashed for me alone
the way you brush back that dreadlock from your eyes
the way i can feel you with every inch of my bare skin
from ten feet away
the way you taste on my lips
how did i think, breath, exist before you found me
you are a waking dream
its in the way you walk
its in that brilliant light in your soft brown eyes
its in the beads woven into your dreads
its in your ****** rings
i lived in a cold dark mountain world
full of sinister people
you saved me in every way
i was not alive till there was you
i did not exist till there was you
my lover
my wife
mark john junor Jul 2014
laying here in the dark of night
listening to my lovers soft breathin'
listening to her sweet dreams as they sweep her
in beauty's company through the
mystical and the magical
and i hold her tight to me
and think of how wonderful it is
to be a part of her magic
part of her world
to be part of her tender smiles
given so freely to each and everyone
like a kiss of a mystic rose

and as sleep sweeps me away
i know i will find her heart waiting for me
with a great laugh we will run
and play in the sweet visions of
such beautiful forever sunrises
like a homecoming
in her arms
sweetly dreamin of eachother
and i will know her as she will know me
body and soul
touching eachother like stars touching the sky
like homecoming
waking in her arms
to thouse beautiful eyes lovin me
mark john junor Mar 2014
we went walking in the
birdsong breezes
hand in hand in the
spring grass 'neath the juniper tree
and her heart sung me a lullaby so sweet
her heart laid her empathy's hand to cool my worried brow
as she walked up the beach
in the strange empire just north of miami carrying a conch
barefoot wearing a quilted hippy skirt
and filled the world around her with joys
its the truth of her
it shows in everything she dose

we went walking in evenings tide
as sea and sand swirled neath our bare feet
as the golden taste of setting sun nourished our souls
she gave me loves tender and true
thrice she tapped at souls gate with her giggling charms
thrice she gently laid spring doves to sing me awake
thrice clad in her hippy quilted dress she loved and saved poor mortal me
and so we went walking in the evening tide to cool our bodies
and set fires in our souls
her voice in my minds eye as she read my poetry aloud
in a parking garage at three am
because the echoes added to the magic
but the only magic i see is her

we went walking in the fresh spring morning
in a deep rich forest to marvel at king johns kingdom
and when we found him
as any gentle soul would she fed him
and wiped away his tears
its the truth of her
in everything she dose
theres no cruelty's cage like denvers hippies
theres only love
we went walking
and made our way home
her college girl glasses on my nightstand
with her french romance novella
and a pack of english cigarettes
she sleeps sweetly in my arms
while spring stirs the sunsoaked curtains
filling the air with birdsong and flowers
Jezebel Rose i love you
mark john junor Sep 2013
her dreads bounce on her shoulder
as we walk in the pouring rain
and they sparkle
in the towns lights
like magic
like her
shine wherever they go

she carries her rainbows with her
like the warmth of her heart
like the smiles she has for any kind soul
jezebel's rainbows
sparkle thru this crystal ball she has
woven into her dreadlocks
so she can always have her rainbows with her

the beads and baubles
she has woven into her dreads
iv kissed each one tenderly
everything about this beautiful woman
is entrancing to me

and its raining again
but that's alright
with you standing here with me
take my hand
and it don't seem so bad
you look up at me
and manage a soft smile
and suddenly my heart is walking on
and the day smells like spring
your smiles always bring out the best in me

its raining again
but that's alright
with you by my side
it feels like there is a bright road ahead of me
feels like there's rainbows to be found
and firefly's to be chased

i'm ready for anything
this world has to dish out
long as shes at my side

love you baby
a love letter to my girlfriend
mark john junor Jul 2016
tender is your daydream so sweetly dreamt
written with joyful colors and inks of a
heart cherishing the bright and intimate light of
loves enduring song
you hum the tune and i put words to it
true spoken endearment one lover to the other......
we build a sailing ship with the strength of our love
put the wild winds of our passion in the sails
we will find our paradise in eachother's bodies
lets run the fast waves in the sweet night
as we fold our self's into eachother's pleasures
lets be lost at sea to the world outside
within this cradle of the love
we are reborn to each breathtaking waking moment
in eachother's arm
mark john junor Aug 2014
the motionless air hung heavy
with late summer heat
at a distance a woman's voice in song
the rich sound reaching for your heart
with feelings of life lived joyous and bold

i walk the sunsoaked road
to the farm field to find her
where the dusty faces of the pickers greet with smiles
their great baskets filled with the newly picked crop
its thick scent filling the air with intoxicating fresh natural beauty
**** and tangy ripe to the souls tastebuds
they gather round the water spigot
laughing and speaking
a family of strangers
come to harvest the land

they invite me to join them
for the midday meal
so i sit in the shade of a truck
sipping the cool clear waters
eating the thick rich bread and cheese
such people of the earth
their hands worn with its labor
their hearts alive with its loves
such kind souls of the land
sharing their moment with me

the meal done
the baskets for the picking ready once more
they wander back to the field
and she begins to sing once again
as the sweet summer sun lulls me to slumber
her voice a beautiful tapestry woven with her
love of her people and her life
a rich tender sound
she carried me into sweet deep dreams
of the kindness of people who harvest
with their hands and hearts
the bounty's of the earth
(migrant farmers on the sun coast)
mark john junor Apr 2015
she laid a mean line down
but her heart was too kind
and seemed like she was always getting burned
after all what can you do
more of the real you you give up
the less you got when the chips are thrown down
fight back at encroaching darkness
only to be accused
aint nobody nicer than you
you know you are the apple of my eye
but babydoll something got to change
sick of seeing the world chip away at you
you got to find your peace of mind
got to remember that we all may be sinners
but you only got one price to pay
cant let the darkness catch you
have to let your joy shine
let it loose in a freeform dance when the music plays
let it loose when your in my arms
got to find your way home
to all those summer roads where we
smiled with brothers and sisters
all those dreams that we lived
mark john junor Apr 2013
her soft skin wraps around my awake mind
creeping along
i want her soft hair in my mouth
i dont care that
her love only is peice of foil and a straw
i sit next to her
and reach over
pausing before i touch
no objection

voice broken
hands shake
in the wicked wind
on the edge of the storm comin
stands alone waiting as dawn creeps up the sky
tears are pain
tears are a lifetime of regrets

smile has been replaced
helpless gestures
emptyness that follows untill its real
it consumes
its you upon which it feeds

remember me to my friend
on the river road
his is an endless summer
his is a home built for the ages
built with love

remember me to my brother
on the citys edge
his is the mad mad night
his is a road that holds no comfort
built with the broken backs of a thousand lost souls
his is a land that is dark
i cannot abide there

where am i going
my girl came home :-)
mark john junor Jul 2014
midnight wasn't a cure
for all that darkness following her
she could see the sun coming up someplace ahead
always see the cheap advertising long
before some idiot actually hits the switch

stepped on the gas but her feelings kept pace
with this four stroke joke of a machine
one stroke for each time it failed to get her away
from feeling it all over again
she would trade it in
but nobody is feeling sympathetic enough for
that kind of charity

so she will ride it out into the strange night
with some dude speaking french in the passenger seat
seems like hes saying something important
but who the **** knows
she flips him off and turns the radio up
nothing is forever

if she could just stick to the plan
dump the loser's and leeches
find her somebody who speaks the same language
as her crazy good for nothin heart
she could get up outa this
one horse town

go set up in some romantic beach house
and drink margarita's till the world ends
just stick to the plan kiddo
keeps telling herself
as she cozy's up to the french clown
for one last night
just to keep warm
nothing for keeps...right?
mark john junor Sep 2014
summer had slipped away
but the days still had sunshine clinging to the fading trees
and 'neath one such white picket fence copper colored oak
she lay in the cool cool shade
with the magic of her momentary grace
with the delicate beauty of her face
and gave me back all my summer days
wrapped up in one of her smiles

we ran hand in hand in winter fishing town
we had been laughing sweetly over some nonesuch thing
and our joy was a beauty to behold
could have warmed the world with the love laughter shared
with the heat of the hearts beating
with the magic of her momentary grace
all the delicate and lovely beauty of her face

winters eve
found her in my arms
never could have known just what
wonderful things the world can hold
till you find yourself in the gift of loves tender kiss
could have warmed the world
with all i found in her tender eyes
we made our way back to our white picket fence oak
now bare with winters hand
stood neath her spread branches
kissing in the moonlight
her momentary grace
and all her sweet beautiful face
could warm the world with her heart
even on winters eve
(for my friend Kara, whom could warm the world)
mark john junor Oct 2014
her eyes invest in me the truths of her fragile heart
she wished to know happiness and freedom once more
she leaned gently against the window frame
her eloquent beauty whispered gently on my eyes
she gave me a soft sorrow by declining the offered flower
my words like autumn leaves gathered dryly at my feet of clay
my intents pure of heart stumbled weakly
as i tried to explain
that a breathtaking glimpse of her had found me
she was standing subtle and alluring in sunshines vivid light
highlights in her hair a golden hue like a regal crown
lost in the imagery of her smiling moment
lost in her radiated gentleness
that engulfs like silent fierce seduction of your heart's better natures
you only think of heartfelt wish to see her joy
you breath and live to see her smile
you will love her presence like summery sunshine's kiss
you will adore her silken voice like moonlight dance upon water
the offered plastic flower but a token of adoration
a bauble cast with noble intent
for a fine young goddess
(for morning book kara... :-) a really nice girl and nice friend)
mark john junor Dec 2014
knock me from this caterwauling armchair performance
for the natural beauty who came to read my poem
pop-**** pixie queen with adorable written all over her pink ked's
a christmas kitty with snuggling on her mind
but i have five verses of doom's gloom to dredge
and she has had her fill of headstrong people for her to play the role of
so she waits patiently for me to finish

two cups of good java and the coffee shop has feet
so we shuffle it past the empty parking lots
in hopes of finding the perfect place to watch the stars
the ones that dance and the ones that shine
as long as we keep the feast of the mind moving
we can keep the hunger alive

she is scent and texture
a fragrance implied upon springs first breeze
a kiss of beauty's tender truth's implied in a whisper of a dream
she came to me in the dark of night
with words like stain upon her soul
she came with sculpted reason
so i let her craft me
i am her poem
as my poem is the sea
symbol of the restless fundamental earth
symbol of the transient moon
mark john junor Mar 2014
she sat on the rocking horse
wearing the soldiers coat he had thrown to her as
he rode away into the smoke and thunder of battle
she pulled it tight to her
like it was a part of him

she had come down from the
north towns to make a new life
in mysterious places with
romantic sounding names

but she lost her money in the river town
and fell in with some dark men
who tried to make her take up in the
***** house
but just as they lead her down
a fair haired lad looking handsome
in his soldiers uniform heard her cries
and saved her

the intensity of her beauty
and the sweetness of her heart
so enchanted him
he asked her to be his wife
he was so wonderful and handsome
she said yes

but a soldiers life called him
to battle and as he rode off
into the smoke and thunder
our precocious girl
sat on the rocking horse
and sang a sweet song
for he had rescued her
in every way a person can be saved
and she was going to be his wife

so careful young maidens
of these carefree wanderings you take
for it was a bright day for her
it is not allways such
take care is all i ask
for the world dose not allways
favour the fair
mark john junor Mar 2014
her voice like a velvet wine
her subtle essence a garden
of breathtaking beauty and
the tenderness of a lovely soul
like a vivid summer nights dream
which fills the heart with its warmth
and has such grace within itself
to render the dreamer a lifetimes of joys
her lithe form lingers on the mind
like visions that every lovers
sweetest ****** and tender dream
would envy
this strong brilliant
young english goddess
is a favorite of mine
mark john junor Feb 2014
the devil in the details
retain the written
cast off the spoken
like the table scraps from
some dark kings feast
his richly clad hands gripping the meat
with stranglehold
the other clutching the spilled wine
his rages echo in stone hall
pronouncements of beheadings
and tax collectors greedy hand

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee

it was a bright kingdom
long ago
its glory days faded but still it shone brightly
rich in its fair folk and fertile lands
sit down here by the fire
take your ease
let me spin you a tale
let me weave you a storybook kingdoms dark fall
drink up your wine and steel your heart
for its a tale of a king
of love and lust
betrayal and blood
its a cautionary tale
of a young princess and the bright hopes
that blinded her
to the terrible man she loved

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee

she had come across the channel waters
in fine sailing ships
stood in the deck expectant eye to the distant shore
in her lace and silks and jewels a three
her hair flowing like a river of dark chocolate
her eyes of crisp blue
she was the finest of maidens
a princess caring and true
the kindest heart and the wisest mind
she thought she was destined to be a queen
but fate has terrible twists cruel and careless
cry now for this sweet princess

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee

all these years later it is a tale had to speak
so sit yourself down here by the warmth of the fire
gather the courage of your heart
for this is a tale to test the strongest not to break to tears
this is the tale
of king john and the kingdom of the forest

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee
mark john junor Jun 2013
the brittle sound of the room
seeps slowly into my  conscious mind
soft low watt bulb echo on closed eyelid
leaves a bitter metallic aftertaste
while an expanding cold puddle
crawls unevenly out onto the hot floor
from the rattling roach infested mini-fridge
stark contrast of filthy green linoleum tile
and what can be described as a breathing moving
once red carpet that seethes with life in the dark end of the room

refugees we huddle in the light
awaiting the shouting and gunfire to die down
long enough to seek semblance of sleep
but naught to be had for love or money
was only days ago we rode into
this place like kings
now we resemble peasants hat in hand
but inside i am smiling
she loves me
mark john junor Aug 2013
the moonlight is soft
as it reaches down through the time stained window
and pools on her bare skin
i trace the edge of her
with a fingertip
so as not to wake her
kissing her softly and tell her in voice
just above her ear soft and careful
that i love her
and she is the center of my world

im her moon looking down on her beauty of creation
with a love that shines in the darkest night
with a hope that is like
a picnic in a summer meadow
cool crisp wines for your thirsty heart
and things to sate your body's hungers

i once stood here with a broken love
and a road that was just this side of sadness
and she choose to follow us down from denver's mountains
and in coming here to sea and sands
saved me in many ways

i wake her
to make love to her again
and she wakes slow with a smile
silly man of course take me take me take me
be drunk with my treasures all through your days
all through the nights
drink me now and let the love flow
take me
like moonlight shaving off the hours
like the world pulling us round
like the light in your eyes
f**k me silly
the moonlight is soft
as it reaches down through the time stained window
and pools on her bare skin
as her sweat from our labours sparkles
i kiss her ear softly sweetly my love sleep sweetly
mark john junor Jan 2016
make her smile with some small thing
and i love so much the light in her eyes
make her giggle with some silly thing
and i love so the sound of her joy
her romance necklace breaks just so
she delicately wraps me up in her arms
she wants to wear me instead
tight oh so tight can feel her heartbeating against mine
feel her dissolving into me
like a warm dreamy milkshake swimmer
she lands a quick kiss
just a touch and go
touch and go she laughs wildly silly girl
so close to me i can feel her soul moving to the music
so close i can feel her heartbeat against mine
she wears me all kinds of naked and unafraid
i steal kisses all over
and she looses herself on my bare skin
touch and go
but never going far
cause shes close enough to hear
the love she feels in her heart growin
to hear the romance garden flowin
dedicated to the beautiful woman i love so deeply
mark john junor Jul 2014
she did a difficult dance on the street corner
but i had no time to stay and kiss the girl
my time had come and travelin was on my mind
there was a future callin on me
some bright eyed beautiful thing sparking in the sun
start off walkin but you know me
just get going and i'm runnin
ill see you someday i suppose
ill be doing a two step with some hot honey
and laughing in some parking lot three am
cause i got a future i gotta go catch
no time to stick round and kiss the girl
feel bad gotta leave her behind
but i got a destiny
and i'm movin already
some bright eyed happy thing callin me
some two step with some salacious honey
in the bed sheets
oh lord hear her callin me
goodbye my friend
got to go
got to go
mark john junor Sep 2014
a sunshine fighter by nature
his shallow grave face
with its half buried flickers of fury
gives way to the lesser demon's like smiles
while he suffers the hopeless romance
of a cute girl who wants to lick
his carved biceps like a neo-glitter kitty kat
naughty naughty
he cringes all over with the
desperate grins that break out all over him
naughty naughty indeed
mark john junor Nov 2013
'its the last stand'
she laughed as she said it in passing
as she walked down to the riverbank
from the sky the sun broke through a bank of clouds
and lit the scene with brilliant light
could see every detail in her beautiful face
could see the flaws in her thinking
but even knowin it was folly
followed her down
cause when you got your hand in another's heart
you follow even into the most foolhardy
cause for good or ill
we set the day spinning
and time passed slow while we waited for
things to pan out
while we waited to see how deep we had
just dug ourselfs
she just laughed
the rain had finally passed
and the sun slowly walked out from behind
and the grass sparkled with hundred fold tiny suns
like the night sky in broad daylight
barefoot she wanders these deep waters
holding up the edge of her new dress
giggling like a promise
of a future
of hopes
she was a woman of the season
and she lived it well
mark john junor Nov 2013
there are significant sings
that tomorrow is near
and she try's hard to be
as small as possible so she wont get noticed
when it gets here with all
its wide awake hangers on
the blind to all else masses trying to get to work

she pours you a tepid coffee
clears you a spot next to her
behind the dumpster
her cool eyes betrayed the moment
and set fire to the heels
of the urgent messenger
who riding a pale sick horse
rode promptly into the night
becoming as lost as her in
the complex visions

her open shirt feasts on your eyes
it breeds on the verge of your conscious mind
and sends its small creatures invading
your contradictions with the
unfailing reasons to fail
it breeds an urge to touch things not your own
and they taught you in school to
be polite and ask first
contradictions are the devilish whim of the world

once the talk of the town
she took her tattered beauty queen crown
and stole away
down the alley
her dozen stray cats are her minions
the loading dock her empire
and she is happy
and that's more than all the
fanatical fashion rich girls got

she sketches masterpieces
in a spiral wide ruled notebook
fine line art that tells stories
the stories never end
the people in them never age or change
they never get sad and move away
never stop being who they were that day
never stop being who you thought they were
never get angry and say mean things
they never like mom and dad

we go to shooters lane
and get her natural benefits package
and to the broken house
there is nothing missing this is how it ends
here in the dank darkness of shooters game
her knight in shinning armour is Lancelot
she can almost see him in
the pale light greasy and thin
hangs from the ceiling
and is disturbed by flickers
like a modern candle

you appear to the bright sunlight
steps away from the kingdom of night
miles away from where you just stepped from
mark john junor Nov 2014
kristen is a magazine girl
beautifully portrayed in the glossy pictures of fashion
wonderfully articulated on silver screen
down to earth girl with a wickedly beautiful presence
thouse green eyes are simply magical
in paris fashion lace she is delicious
but her beauty is best illustrated in t-shirt and jeans
down to earth girl full of life
she shines in spite of hollywood
standing beautiful in sunlight rather than limelight
dreamy poet and artist
weaving her hearts light into beautiful visions of ink
legendary magazine girl
kristen stewart is one of a kind
mark john junor Apr 2014
sat lookin through the screen-door
while she played some spanish tune on her guitar soft
and the light did fade on down to the cold west
leaving us by the glow of lamplight flickerin
she made that song dance for me
made it spin a tale out of thin air
one of walking in a summer sun holding hands
one of laughing like we was young
and it was a rich and strong tune fine as spun gold
and it was true to the heart as a lovin soul

and the stars did come up on high
with their ancient mystery's did amaze
but nothing compared to the true beautiful mystery
of her singing so softly next to me
the simple white cotton of her dress
the fine ribbons in her long hair
and all the fine things that decorated her warm presence
so i did love her in the spaces of my heart
that had no place left over any other
she filled me like a sweet sea
she contained me like a summer night sky
full of her scents
filled with her tender warm embraces
held me with bonds of lace and loves

deep into this night she spun this spanish song
made it dance like my heart when i look at her
made it fly like my soul when i am adoring her
and it was a rich and strong tune fine as spun gold
and it was true to the heart as a lovin soul
let her sing my friend till the dawn comes takes us away
let her sing till the world cant maintain us
cause i never want it to end
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