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Luna Elora Jul 2014
Your mind so fragile
Your memories only mere fragments.
Do you believe I was really always here?
Do you remember the love you had for what we were?
Do you ever think of what we could have been?
O' my darling. O' my king.
I'd like to believe I'll always be your little dove.
Though seperated by distance,
We have never been so close.
Hand in hand, walking in sync.
O' my prince. O' my love.
Had we not been so far apart
Would we still be together?
Tears had flown from my eyes.
Blood has dripped from my wrist.
My thighs.
My heart.
I miss your gentle embrace.
Do you remember this?
Luna Elora Jul 2014
Death tis my misstress.
Death tis my life.
Death is what I long for.
Death is what I cannot have.
Life inside my heart is fading.
As dull as the embers on my cigarette.
I smoke so maybe I shall perish sooner.
I drink so I may feel nothing.
Drunken honesty, had never been so valid.
Words slur. Thoughts blur.
But thy heart is loud. And speaks for the mind.
Poison silences the mind.
The heart.
And your lips.
No matter how loud you scream
Nobody cares to hear.
What any piece of you has to say.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Aspire to what you believe in
Not what others say you can do.
Luna Elora Mar 2015
Reality isn't what it seems to be.
Imagination holds true power over that.

Nothing you say is in fact, real.

Not to me anyway.

You can't make me change!

My blood is boiling at the very thought of normality.

Just because I see things differently

Just because I'm different.

Does that give you true power over me?
Luna Elora Dec 2014
When I get lost in thought
I argue with myself.
When I argue with myself
I begin to lose my mind.
I believe I'm mad.
Is it true what they say, Alice?
All the best people are.
Or am I doomed to suffer the anguish of the ****** red queen?
I wish to sit down to tea now.
Alice in wonderland was the insparation
Luna Elora Feb 2015
Could           Could
you                 you
Build                         Break

Love me
At the same time?

Luna Elora Jul 2014
I can't help to be honest.
But you mean the world to me.
And I can't help to lie.
But I love you too
Do I?
Don't I?
I'm not even sure.
I don't even believe myself lately.
Thou had my heart on a frozen pike.
Yours to keep. But you ripped it away. Piece by piece.
Served on a silver platter.
Luna Elora Nov 2014
Bells ring.
Angels sing.
Your blue eyes shine
I wish you were mine.
Smoke fills the air.
From my lit cigarette.
Your skin so fair
I wish I didn't care.
Will this infatuation last?
The way you give everyone that glare
Except for me
My heart's in a cast
I am healing.
I am.
For you.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Not even the bluntest cry for help can save you.
Luna Elora Jul 2014
Her beauty knows no bounds.
Her light mocha skin
So seemingly smooth.
Her eyes, dark as chocolate.
She's so beautiful.
We make small talk
Between classes.
I wonder if she knows?
How I long for her succulent lips.
Her gaze alone can make me shiver.
She's beautiful.
Shall she be my Venus, While I, her Aphrodite?  
Who knows?
I don't.
Luna Elora Feb 2015
Every morning she turns to see the empty space beside her.
So cold
Every night she lays her pretty little head
On her pretty little pillow
And whispers a prayer.
Please bring him back to me
Her lungs collapsing.
For he is her air.
Her sunshine.
Her **Life
For my long distance boyfriend who lives in Germany.
Luna Elora Jul 2014
In the break of dawn I yearn to be held. In the summer breeze I wish to be cared for. In the glowing moonlight..I want to be loved. My mind seemingly fading away, has never been so lucid. I am in awe of the thought of you. I am in shambles, knowing I cannot have you. Sweet summer nights have never been so cold. You are fading from my grasp. As I sink deeper and deeper into this dark abyss, you never leave my thoughts.
I don't know if I love you. I know, that I can't ever lose you.
Luna Elora Feb 2017
For a moment
I would like to say
No matter what
I will always love you.
And that even if
It's just for a moment.
lie to me
And tell me you love me too.
Luna Elora Nov 2014
When you call my name
You're ensuing my fate
This isn't a game
I don't want to play.
Each and every day
When you call my name
All you can say
is *Suicide
Luna Elora Jul 2014
With shaking fingers I reach for my pen.
Never knowing what to say.
But really, what should you proclaim in your last moments?
Soft wimpers of love and affection?
Or harsh remarks of how ****** you feel every one is?
Lies? Honesty?
Not knowing what to say
You simpily write
Stand from your chair.
You tighten the noose
Just so it won't fall loose.
You close your eyes
In one solid motion
Everything you ever wanted. Right below your feet.
All that is left to ask is...

Luna Elora Dec 2014
Here we go again

Into oblivion

Where nobody can see

The damage you've done.

Nothing to see

In oblivion

Where I remember thee.

Stars begin to fall

Deeper into blackness.

A carousel of madness

Forever spinning.
Luna Elora Jan 2015
With every beat and pump of my ****** heart, I grow to love you more and more.
The tears I cry evaporate.
Despair isn't the song playing in my head.
But rather a symphony of fascination
I simply adore you my dear.
  Do you venerate me?
Admire, exalt, and treasure me?
In only the way I can do for you?
This is for a special friend in my life.
Luna Elora Oct 2014
Although we speak rarely now.
Although we see each other maybe once a year
I still feel like I'm trapped. When I look into your eyes.
Those hellish, dark drown eyes.
His eyes, Dark against his tan skin, Wrap up so well with his smile.
That devilish smile.
And his dark locks wavy and thick,used to frame your slender face all too well.
That messy, gorgeous hair.
You look like Edward Scissor-hands.
Although, you aren't as fictional.
Well. Maybe you are.
I've lost you. in the haze of her smile, and the bits of ******* you inhale.
Luna Elora Sep 2014
Deception has bounded me in it's shackles.
Lies have flown from thy tongue, and into my mind.
Warping my sense of reality.
Nothing is okay. I'm trying to shape myself back.
Medications fill the cabinet. every one of them a little capsule to hell.
To sleep.
To my dreams.
Hast thou fled from my grasp?
Shall I be left alone?
From you?
My friend.
My best friend.
I suffocate on thine lies, Deception no longer holds me in it's unforgiving grasp.
You were truthful with me. Now I know.
I wasn't the only one in your life.
Now I can finally focus.
Now I can breath.
Now I can sleep
In peace.
This is to someone who is and a big part of my life. although since that night we have not spoke, He knows. if he sees.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Lonely souls cross paths
It's sad to laugh
At any ones pain
*After all what do you gain?
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Memories fade over time
Everyday you forget something you once knew.
It's not a crime
to remember what you drew
As a child
Your dreams hardly ever mild
So extravagant
I wish I could remember
What I drew as a child too.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
I don't love you anymore*
Wow. Never thought I'd hear that one.
Does it really matter?
I kept thinking
I'm so done
But when you stabbed yourself.
My heart began
to sway
All hope
to sink.
Luna Elora May 2015
I don't know your true intention.
While I'm playing Red Dead Redemption.
You seem to make me smile in a way nobody else can.
I just mean....what the **** man?
Your attitude changed so abruptly.
I don't know what I did.
But you think the only way to feel better about your situation, is to drown yourself in alcohol.
***** preferred.
Just to make your thoughts slurr.
In a blur.
And put your head in a spin.
This isn't how you win.
Our love is like the Joker and Harlequin.
We're both clowns.
But your emotions aren't a joke.
I can't let you choke.
As I suffocate on my own tears.
You supply all of my fears.
For you, Jerry.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Please don't misinterpret what I have to say
But you're a killer.
What I mean is- You've killed me.
Though I may walk, talk,and breathe
I do not smile. I do not laugh. I cry.
Baby, let's not lie. I'm not alive.
You've murdered my soul
Slaughtered my emotions
And left only grief.
Which hangs above my head like a storm cloud
Waiting to rain on my parade every day.
And you're the cause.
I hate you

You've made me smile. You've made me laugh. Then you took it all away.
I hate your guts

He no longer dances with pride. She wallows and sobs all night and day.

Her heart no longer beats.

He no longer cares.
Luna Elora Nov 2014
I wish you would leave me alone.
I don't want your company
Do I want to hear your voice.
You sicken me.
It's not like I have a choice
To have you stalk me as if I were your prey.
No matter how much I push you away.
You always seem to stay.
Please. Leave me be.
Can't you see? You're unwanted.
Filthy mutt.
Leave me be.
Luna Elora Oct 2014
Nothing about us was real, was it? Were we just too blind to see we'd never work? When my heart belonged to another...
And when yours did as well.
You made my emotions swell and my heart rip.
I may not have loved you as I claimed, Yet I still care for you.
So when you look into her eyes, and I'm all alone, I know you'll think of me. As I hang from this tree.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
I remember when we were together.
we thought we'd be at each others side forever.
When I was attracted to another.
That guy who seemed like your brother.
Alas, I lost you both, and now I pay the price
Wouldn't it be nice
If I had you back?
This disease I have leaves a crack
Into my heart.
The symptoms include
Extreme loneliness.
Heart sinking
And last but not least
Decaying, rotting...Absolutely nothing to say the least.
You both had a feast where my heart is.
So give me one last kiss
as I fade away
into darkness.
This is for my best friend Lee. He and I dated for a while and we still have that attraction but he doesn't want to date anymore.
Luna Elora Jul 2014
I don't know why we care for each other. I don't know why you want me to be yours.
Never had I been treated so badly
And I know you're awful for me.
But why do I want to tell you
How madly in love I am
With you.
Joining together. Your hugs not warming, nor inviting, seems to only bring me closer.
Every kiss from your parted lips, only a reminder why we shouldn't try again
Roadkill would be more appealing.
Rather then going through the continuous nonsense of love or togetherness
You know how to make me smile.
I loathe you. I love you.
I need you.
I hate you.
You claim you love me with all of your heart.
I should have seen that was a lie from the start.
Luna Elora Nov 2014
This burns my throat
But boy do I feel relaxed
It's not often I play with Mary Jane.
But I feel a little less insane
The room is a haze
Filled with smoke
I'm left in a daze
When I ****
I feel amazing
Luna Elora Aug 2016
Once I came back
I read some of my work
And I can't begin to recall
Who you are.
You see, my memory has been fading for awhile my dear.
I only seem to remember the important things.
*I guess you weren't one of them
It's been close to a year since I've written. And I can't recall a **** person I wrote about except for the person in "Crush"
Luna Elora Jan 2015
Thoughts race.
I can't keep up with the pace.
It's as if my brain is traveling at the speed of light.
All seemingly bright  
What a rush!
It's as if my mind is being illustrated with a super sonic paintbrush.
So colorful.
All so wonderful.
But wait. I'm losing it. It's going way too fast.
The colors, the image, it's lost
Everything has a cost.
Will my thoughts ever cease?
**** my 300 M.P.H. Intellect!
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Let this be the last of my legacy
Let my poetry be read from near to far
I wish to die
The blood is pouring from my wrist.
As you read this
A bit of me is fading away.
Every time you think about me, don't pity me
I'm killing myself
I don't know what to think.
I'm not thinking clearly.
The blood is staining my jacket.
I'm in school now.
Nobody notices a thing.
Do you notice me now?
This is my final poem for a while. I feel dead. maybe I am dead. I might as well be.
Luna Elora Jan 2015
There's a reason nobody really looks fear in the face.
There's a reason nobody wants to look into the mirror
They're ashamed to be who they are
There's no reason for someone be so young and so broken
I am young and broken.
Underneath every ones skin is a layer of regret
A regret so deep it pours into ones blood.
Rattles your bones.
and reflects back from your sunken eyes, crying for help.
Screaming actually.
None of this is actually a poem.
It makes no sense really.
Yet it speaks so loudly you can't possibly ignore it.
I have a ghost. The skeleton in my closet, he's become my best friend.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Bury me in the ocean floor beside you
Where the sirens scream their beautiful melody
As long as I am with you.
The waves could toss and tear me apart
But as long as I am with you.
  The water could fill my lungs and I would not care
As long as I am with you.
We could swim among the skeletons of the deep
And listen to the sirens weep.
Luna Elora Feb 2015
You know how to make me smile.
I know it's been a while...
But you have to know.
I see you in my dreams, in the pure white snow.
See how these words seem to flow.
Off your tongue
Through your lips
And into the air.
I promise I wont be hung
Or leave my skin with little rips.
When the world isn't fair.
Luna Elora Nov 2014
A symphony of misery is played each time I hear our song
A ballad of love, unseen,  precious love.
Oh, my little dove
Oh my king
It makes me want to sing
quietly to myself
Just so you won't
or Cant
Hear me.
Luna Elora Feb 2017
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect wife.
I'm sorry that all I do is sleep.
I'm sorry I'm so depressed
I'm sorry  I can't do anything right.
I'm sorry I wanted to feel like I mattered.
I'm sorry I made you angry.
I didn't want to make you angry.
Dear god How I didn't want to make you angry.
I'm sorry I'm losing myself
I'm sorry I couldn't just smile always.
I'm sorry I cut a little bit.  
They aren't deep.  I promise.
Please don't be angry.
that's what I'm scared of
But what I'm scared of most.
Is that you mean it when you said
You didn't care what I did anymore.
And these tiny cuts
Will be the push.
For you to want a divorce.
I'm such a failure.
I'm so ******* stupid.
I ****** up the only love I'd find again.
I didn't cut deeply because you'd be so mad if I did.
You're still gonna be mad at me.
I already know it.
Please... Please don't be mad.
I was bad.  I'll do better
Just please.
*don't be mad
Luna Elora Jan 2015
Poetry is the gateway to your soul.
Luna Elora Feb 2015
Infinity        Love
            I                      to                 you        
       Promise                 to          
Luna Elora Jul 2014
In the baren wasteland I call home
There's clouds that hang overhead.
Dark, mysterious clouds.
Swirling, in an endless, ballet of misery.
They sit there. Teasing me.
I want it to rain so badly.
I yearn to be held, kissed by the moisture of the dreary gems.
And sing a lullaby most sweet.
Gentely murmuring the darling melody.
But no matter how much I beg and plea, I probably won't feel, let alone see..something as enchanting as the rain of today.
I can only remember the damp rain of yesterday.
And dream of the Mist to come
Luna Elora Dec 2014
It's sometimes hard to come up with a poem on the spot.
Luna Elora Nov 2014
The things you have said.
The things I have heard.
Nothing from you of course.
"She's a ****. She even walks like one."
Yeah. You would know.
Luna Elora Nov 2014
When one falls in love, Why does nobody mention the dangers there are?
Everyone knows, but why disregard the heartbreak?
Relationships go 2 ways. You either leave them
Or marry them.
And it's usually the first.
So why don't they invent life jackets for misery?
Helmets for Sorrow?
Safety belts for love?
Luna Elora Oct 2016
From Falls first embrace
From what I had known
To be Winter's second kiss
And all twas shown
To be Spring's warming love
Into Summer.
Luna Elora Feb 2015
Every word you said to me haunts me in a way where I can scream
But I just don't want to.
Every joke you made seemed to only evaporate through my body.
Are you a ghost?
Why must you torment me so?
Are you a demon?
Please leave me be, I've felt enough pain
My mind used to be so lucid
But you've warped my reality.
Now all I want to do is die.
Because you told me so.
I can't take this anymore
Drag my demons away.
And let me see the light of day.
Luna Elora Feb 2015
Behind my smile is a frown the could freeze the hearts of saints. My heart, icy, and cold only feels warmth from you.
You set my soul ablaze and lighten up my days. You are my spirit. Burning for eternity.
Luna Elora Jul 2014
I wonder if you would miss the little things that I do
When I'm around you.
The way I yawn in the mornings
The way I thank you in German.
Always the same.
I know I'd miss all things you do.
The way you look at me and laugh when I do those stupid little things.
Let us live as dullards do.
We can live in ignorance.
Not knowing what do.
You look at me.
I look at you.
We smile and whisper goodnight.
And we sleep
Until the morning light.
Shall I live in ignorance?
If it's to make you happy, I shall.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
I like the way rain smells
I like the sound of my mothers ankle bells
I like the GameGrumps
I like the feel of bumps.
I like the smell of baking
I like to introduce myself, with shaking a hand,
and giving a smile
I like rambling on a mile a minute.
I like the way these words look
I like a good book.
I like Alejandro
But not as much as Lisandro
And him I like, most of all.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Oh it's a wonderful day
to hear the birds sing
and it's not even May!
In perfect sync.
Harmonizing in a most perfect way.
on the perfect day.
It's the prefect way to say
I love you.
Not to anyone in particular. thought maybe a happier poem would lighten the mood of my page.
Luna Elora Jan 2015
Insert awe inspiring poem here
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