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Luna Elora Mar 2015
People are so ungrateful for what their voices can do.

People would rather sit idly by and let things happen without question.

But not me.

I have the power.

I refuse to be a test subject.
A sheep.

I am a wolf. Alpha.

I have the power to change.
This is just something on my mind. It's not really a poem. It's about the protests in New Mexico about the PARCC Tests, and I refuse to just be data. People say that our protest was stupid. And it frustrates me and makes me angry because they just spit on it in front of me. This was important to me and they all (Excluding the protesters and people who didn't have a side) Just degraded my beliefs.
Luna Elora Jul 2014
I never knew what true happiness was until my lips met yours.
I never knew how high I could fly
Until you whispered my name.
Luna. Luna.
I never knew what sorrow could really be.
Until I lost you.
You left me in a haze. Left me gasping. Wanting anything I could hold onto.
I never knew what love could be.
Until I met you. Distance so far.
Yet our hearts so close.
Is this a dream?
Or are you my last nightmare?
Luna Elora Feb 2015
He tore me limb from limb
Only to build me up again.
In a whole new shape.
He built be up again
Just to tear me down.
And left me on the floor.
And walked out the door.
Luna Elora Feb 2015
Nobody notices the girl who gets nothing on Valentines day.
She feels like a ghost, floating through the halls. She feels the most lonely on days she should feel the most loved.
Spacing out, feeling her heart sink, Her mind slowing.
Focusing only on what it's like to feel alone.
Isn't that sad?
I almost cried writing this. mostly because I feel like this every year.
Luna Elora Jul 2014
In the dark forest, I watch her bleed.
And witness the end. Her undoing.
I am the cause. Is this reality?
Is this a fantasy?
Her screams, a taboo melody.
Nothing has been so sweet.
So beautiful.
By the icy river
I watch her float away.
Blood trailing behind her.
The water. Now a dark elixir.
I wish to drink.
The watered down crimson juice flows down my throat.
Never had I been so pleased.
Is this type of insanity contagous?
Is this what I am to be?
In the dark forest, I smile. Turn, and go home.
Luna Elora Apr 2015
We share a special thing you and I.
We share a mother.
We used to share a home.
We shared our toys
Our secrets.
But you never shared love.
You're my sister.
You're some of the only blood I have.
And when you say
Those words
In my direction
I keep it a descression.
Because I can't believe you'd say those things to your only sister.
You can't lie and say you don't miss her.
You miss what we had to share.
Especially our mother.
Luna Elora Oct 2014
I am deserted. Trapped. Alone.
Forever to be shunned into the darkness as if I were the monster, yet I am only human.
Are they even human? Are they living?
They breathe, walk, and blood flows through their veins. But they don't live.
They survive.
Abandoned once more.
I no longer care.
I don't want to be among those creatures.
I'd rather live in silence.
In solitude.
In the deep. pitch black womb of the spiders den, is where I call home.
Stuck. Unable to move.
I like it here.
Don't I?
Luna Elora Dec 2014
She sits at the window  gazing at what could be.
She plays and twists with her hair, nervous as to what the future sees
Waiting for her husband to be.
You know.
That girl was also me.
Not for anyone in particular. I'm also not married.
Luna Elora Jan 2015
The body so fragile, When in death only becomes more so.
When the bodies have nowhere to go.
Where they lie deep, deep below.
In the rotten sod.
All we can do is nod,
Pay our respects,
And continue life.
The knife of your mother
The cries of your brother.
Life never seems to stay
Especially when our bodies are already eroding
Sweetly, eroding away.
Luna Elora Feb 2015
You are stunning
Overly understanding
Utterly the best.

Chance has brought us together
And fate will keep us there
Nobody shall take you away from my heart

Love me as I do you
Or take me as yours
Venerate our time together
Every rose has its thorn

And every breath must be let go
Guts and glory go hand in hand
As well as you and I
I promise to love you,
Never letting go.
Read sideways
Luna Elora Jul 2014
As the seasons go by
And the days melt away
As the hours tick down to minutes
And minutes to seconds.
I only feel young around you.
So come let's play.
We can tell each other secrets
And sing songs about May.
Just as children do.
Eating lunch on the playground
And at night while you're not around
I'll dream, and tell you I flew.
But really
I was dreaming of you.
Luna Elora Jul 2014
Oh what a pleasure it would be, If I could rip out your tounge, So you may not speak.
What a joy it should be, If I could pluck out your eyes, so you may not look at me.
For I am a hideous creature. I deserve not your gaze, nor your words.
I deserve nothing. I need nothing.
But there's so much in this desgusting little planet that I want.
I want to hear your bones snap, and crack. I want to feel your veins squish in my fingertips as I pluck and rip them from your slashed wrists.
I want to taste your bitter blood.
And Finally, I want give you one last kiss.
Just as you're fading away.
I do this out of love, don't you see?
So nothing else, could ever take you away from me.
I know you don't love me.
And I know you think I'm a bit obsessive.
But trust me, my king.
I do this out of love.
This really isn't much of a poem, rather, just something running through my mind for a couple of days.
Luna Elora Jan 2015
Nothing about you is real enough to me.
All I can see in your eyes is fantasy.
You live in a dream world.
Full of lies.
You don't listen to the cries.
All you wanna do is slip between her thighs.
And then deny your child.
Isn't it wild?
You get to be an *******
And get away with it.
It makes me wanna slit my throat.
And decay, away in a bottomless moat.
This is about someone in my life who recently told me he wouldn't be there for me if I ever were to have his kid. Yeah.

— The End —