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linhp Jan 2018
i have tattoos on my body
that constantly remind me
of the little things that make me happy
of the memories that i cherish every day
especially you
your presence
in inked vividly in me.
linhp Jan 2018
across the dinning table
where your voice lingered
and your smile so wide
in my head
i tried
to swallow
the emptiness of this place
i choked
on the memories
left over on your plate
across the dinning table.
linhp Jan 2018
you cannot deny the existence of love
once it is sparked inside your chest
you can only put out its flame
often with your tears.
linhp Jan 2018
neither of us is breaking the silence
as if we're trying to listen
to the conversation between our hearts
only to realize
that'd be the most we ever talk.
Your eyes are always enough
linhp Jan 2018
as the rain poured down
people rushed around
and there we stood
under the same roof
hoping it'd last a little longer
just so we could be a little closer
and let the rain cover
the rhythm of our beating hearts.
linhp Jan 2018
we spend our whole lives
searching for happiness
yet fail to notice
the kind of joy that only springs from struggles
and the pleasure of knowing that
we get to enjoy this ride together.
linhp Jan 2018
you are like summer
rainbow and sunshine
but also
rainfall and thunder
on a stormy night

you bring the calmness of spring
when you smile
but also
shadow and loneliness
when your curtain falls

you felt like an adventure
when we are together
but also an endless maze
when we part ways

life still goes one, with or without you
and it's winter all year long.
linhp Jan 2018
these words may never get to you
but for what it's worth
i write to set my feelings free
to make room for things that can save me.
linhp Jan 2018
like an encounter between
the sun and the moon

our eyes always seem to almost meet
but never really did

darling, how i wish
just to catch a glance at you

to behold the beauty lied underneath
and learn about all your secrets

like an encounter between
the sun and the moon

i would give up my light
to be with you even only for a while.
linhp Jan 2018
i still find myself
getting caught in the thought of him
the past still dwells
no matter how hard i try to break its spell.
linhp Jan 2018
i picture your face
in my head
and let it crush my heart
in order for this poem
to be yours.
linhp Jan 2018
i'd rather fall for the wrong person
and get hurt once
than to fall for the right person
at the worst time possible
and regret it for the rest of my life.
linhp Feb 2018
i see nothing yet my heart is filled with chaos
my body is tired but sleeping only makes it worse
for the dreams that i dream
are the reality that i desire to live
where i see everything yet my heart feels nothing at all.
linhp Jan 2018
i travel
to seek freedom
at the same time
to seek a sense of belonging.
A part of me will always be wild.
linhp Jan 2018
love knows no flaw
nor imperfection
love sees you
perfectly beautiful
dressed in gracefulness
even at the worst of times
love teaches you
that to love is to let go
and say "thank you"
for the memories
love always asks
to give more than you receive
because love knows
what you deserve best
so love
and trust love.
linhp Jan 2018
how do you describe a heart
that desires the thing that kills it
yet begs to be healed?
linhp Feb 2018
after all this time
i still find loneliness
smiling back at me
and says
“welcome home!”
For the wandering soul, it’s time to be home.
linhp Jan 2018
what if you meet the right person at the wrong time,
will you take a leap of faith to taste the love that won't last
or will you walk away to protect your heart?
linhp Mar 2018
it wasn’t the distance that bothered me
you could be right here but your thoughts never made their ways to me
i used to be happy having you around
but i lost you to the silence that i couldn’t bear
much as i wanted to know why
all i desire now is being able to say goodbye.
Sometimes letting go is easier than trying to understand why.
linhp Feb 2018
my suffering is numerable
simply count
the words that i write
just for you.
linhp Nov 2017
the happiest and saddest word
linhp Jan 2018
love can be a dream
or a nightmare
either way
i want it to be you.
They say love is blind.
linhp Jan 2019
paint my palette
in rainbow hue
draw my life
with laughter
or with tears

you are art
in my museum of
heart breaks

we are
a never-ending
love story.
linhp Nov 2017
even when the sun don't shine
your brightness still
breathes life into me
the sun is just another star
but everything that you are
is all that i am.
linhp Feb 2018
i'm terrified by the look of your eyes
'cause i can never resist the desire
to set this love on fire
whenever i have you in my sights
but all that i am to you
is just another passerby.

— The End —