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Lady Grey Mar 2018
As the ocean breaks
And palm trees sway,
In the peaceful morning
Of a new day,

I sit and listen to the black birds’ songs
Of joy and life
That do not long
For the freedom they already have.

The birds back home sing a different tune,
They chatter and screech to fill the gloom
And damp dark chill of a winter’s noon,
(at least to me that is)

But as I sit here by the beach,
Feeling the calmness and the peace
Of this wondrous, quiet space,
I can’t help but to grin,

For to be where the people are kind,
And orchids smell sweet,
Where the air is hot,
(but a good kind of heat),

Was simply,
Over Spring break I went to Nicaragua, and, needless to say, it was incredible
  Mar 2018 Lady Grey
Jessica Jarvis
The flittering, fluttering, flibbering, flubbering of my palpitating heart overwhelms every sensation and motivation in relation to any realization outside of this conversation as I peer into your glistening, glittery, dazingly dazzling, daringly dashing eyes.

This sensational melt dwells within the weary wells of my wailing heart, as it pinpoints the probable possibilities of pain and perilization, all because of that pittering, pattering, positive possibility that you may move closer.

Every inch anticipates an increasingly pleasing tease, appeasing the leaps and heaps of appreciation in relation to this same revelation: the desperation for that sensation, the precipitation of complication revolving around this intensification.

A lot can happen within just the span of a few seconds.... However, I wouldn't be able to explain it without making up a few words of my own.
  Mar 2018 Lady Grey
Jessica Jarvis
Star light, star bright,
Twinkling with a neon sight,
How I love thy brilliant light,
And marvel in your twinkling might.

Shooting star, longing sigh,
Flying through a misty sky,
How I love thy wondrous why,
And stay along ‘till you draw nigh.

I wish I may, I wish I might,
I wish to understand your plight.
How I love thy marvelous height,
And hope you’ll stay throughout the night.

Flying fast, flying high,
Right before my very eye.
How I love thy heart’s imply,
But hate to have to say goodbye.

Stars can be seen everywhere, whether it be in the sky or in a loved one's eye.
Lady Grey Mar 2018
“He”Martiny “Wemom lowble”like filookre,w thyoure doors,
inat wthehat i cadidn’tn dwe?”o” ravoice”in”

Layers on layers of sound

Blending together

How can anyone concentrate

In this


I can’t even hear myself think

The music in my head is stuttering

Snippets of intelligible


Mixed with other


I can’t even

Hear myself

How do they

Do this



Hey mom look what I can do
Martin lower your voice
We blew the doors, didn’t we?
Like fire, in the rain
Lady Grey Feb 2018
Just push through it
Push through it it
It’ll be over soon

Can’t wait for the end
I’m gonna be done soon
Push through


Go back
I’m not ready
I don’t have time

Enough time

I can’t
So mucvh to do

Why does time

Do this

Slip awa y

Evaede me

I can t







Getting through the week with a **** ton of deadlines is rough
  Feb 2018 Lady Grey
George Anthony
you are chaotic, and beautifully broken
standing stoic and silent
but the earth thrums with your screams

there is no romance to be found in pain
fret not about idealism and misconception;
i know how you suffer

but there's so much love in you,
you could make the soulless feel again
too much passion for you to know what to do with

never shown enough compassion to understand
that your mind, ill as it may be, is gorgeous
you are not awful, but awe-inspiring

hard work wears you down
but your hands are still so soft;
they were meant to be held, and kissed

you were born to be adored
and feared and wanted, to confuse with your complexity
so that only the best of people will stand with you

side by side with you, with open eyes
and open arms and open hearts
there is war in your chest and these friends will bring you peace

the world has, since birth, shown you destruction
volleyed hatred and scorn in your direction
but here is its reconciliation:

these people that love you are soldiers
ready to help you win the wars that explode in the spaces between your ribs
they will help you breathe, and smile, and sleep
  Feb 2018 Lady Grey
It’s been over a week
Since you left
And when my friends ask
How I’ve been
I say
Like a splinter
Leaving my hand.

Though it’s gone
The soreness lingers on.
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