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 Dec 2018 Edgar
Amanda Kay Burke
I think I may search
Every passing face for yours
Until my last breath
You're the person I automatically scan faces for in a crowd..
 Dec 2018 Edgar
Megan Grace
Your name is the loveliest word
I've ever said. In my life
I've never known someone like you.
Your aura is a quilt
that I could spend all day in
if you'd let me.
I think the chances of me meeting
another you are absurd
and I find the whole idea
to be terrifying.
I could make so much room
for you in my heart.
 Dec 2018 Edgar
Amanda Kay Burke
If I could turn back time
I would hit Backspace all day,
Id put on Caps Lock
and SHOUT what I say.

I'd use the whole Alphabet
To tell you hello,
Press seven Numbers
Til you picked up the phone.

I'd Tab through the comments
I didn't want to hear,
And use the Arrow Keys
To drag your body near.

I would Delete the harsh words
I didn't mean to speak,
And Insert the "I love yous"
I before couldn't leak.

I would use Ctrl to
Keep reigns over my heart,
And I would Escape lies
That tore us apart.

I'd Print out your photo
And kiss it goodnight,
Use the Calculator
To check that we were right.

I'd Paint you a picture
of us, you and me,
Then I'd hit Enter
Just so you would see.

Those are the things
I would do in my strife,
If only Backspace
worked in real life.
This is the first poem (that I have a copy of) i wrote that I actually thought was good. I was in seventh grade, twelve years old, and I wrote it for a newspaper competition. I knew it was really great but I didn't think I would beat all other applicants in the state in my age group. So you can imagine my surprise I'm sure when I DID win! That is the first time I was proud of my writing. So this one has a lot of special sentimental value. Thanks for reading.
 Sep 2018 Edgar
Someday you’ll love you.
From the sparkle in your eye,
To the pitch of your laugh,
Even the color of your hair.

You will love every part,
From every wrinkle,
To every crinkle,
Every part of you.

But they will try to tear you down,
To make you frown,
To make you think you’re not worth it.

But darling you listen to me.

From the way you walk,
To the way you talk,
You will be mocked,
But don’t you listen.

From your weight,
To your height,
You are all wonderful to me.

Maybe one day you’ll see,
The beauty I see.
The way you were made,
So beautifully.

But until then,
Do not forget,
On how true beauty,
Comes from within.
I hope one day that you love you the way you deserve. You are worth it ❤
 Sep 2018 Edgar
 Sep 2018 Edgar
"Promise" has 7 letters.

So does:
"Moved on"

But, I have a 7 letter promise to you:
"I'll wait"
Seven is my lucky number. I hope this promise will be lucky enough to be true.
 Sep 2018 Edgar
He asked her
"Do you think maybe you depend on me too much?"
And she replied, quicker than she could have even had a thought
But she did so
Knowing he may very well leave or pull away had she said yes
And that,
Would be too much for her to bear
 Aug 2018 Edgar
She Writes
I wrote I love you in the sand
The waves washed it away
Before you got the chance to see

I whispered I love you
Sleep stole you away
Before you got the chance to hear

Maybe this is meant to be
A missed connection
Between you and me
 Aug 2018 Edgar
She Writes
You asked me why I like you
But I didn’t want to tell
Some of my reasons are cheesy...
But here is why I fell

I love the way your lips curve
When I make you smile
It makes me want to pull you close
And kiss you for awhile

I love the way your eyes twinkle
When you talk about things you love
I truely believe
You are a gift from above

I love that you are compassionate
You have such a big heart
That was the first thing I noticed
Right from the start

I love the way it feels
When you hold me tight
I finally feel safe
Like I could sleep through the night

I love that you don’t judge me
For my less than perfect self
That is more attractive
Than any amount of wealth

There are so many more reasons
But I’ll start with just this few
Maybe someday
I’ll give this poem to you

 Aug 2018 Edgar
No Name
How do I?
 Aug 2018 Edgar
No Name
How do I?

Stay the same
   When you already change me so much.

How do I?

stop my madness
   When everything is in chaos

How do I?

Unlove you
   When all I can think right now is you.

How do I?

Start over
   When I don't want this to end

How do I?

Stop crying
    When I already lost more of myself.

How do I?

Run away
  When my feet wants to stay.

How do I?

Make everything all right
   When I can't reach you right now.

How do I?

Stop writing
   When poem and writings are the only ones who hears me.
My question to the world
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