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 Aug 2018 Edgar
A Beggar
 Aug 2018 Edgar
The beggar explains eagerly
Asking for more than I have
All I offer are words
The beggar pleads
Asking for something
All I offer is wit
The beggar cries
Asking for love
All I offer are tears
I only cause her misery
Yet she’ll wait another day
to be stabbed by the same knife
Wrote this on a whim so sorry it’s a bit sloppy just had to get this out of my head
 Aug 2018 Edgar
Randolph Napoles
I look at you and get mesmerized of how accommodating your eyes are,
But as I continue to stare I find myself drowning in the deepness that they bear.
It contains a vast complicatedly simple emotions that words can’t explain,
Every blink that you do arouses my emotional curiosity, I am getting insane.

Never have I ever felt inadequate in expressing my intentions through words,
May it through poems, letters, or songs, i use it as to comfort or if needed as a sword.
Yet being with you makes me feel insignificant, you are the universe,
I am this brightly shining star yet still incomparable to you, you are beautiful and fierce.

Atlas may hold the earth in his shoulders but he can’t be compared to me,
I carry you, my universe, you are safely kept in my heart, everbody soon will see.
This heavy responsibility everyday makes or breaks my being,
The thought of losing you makes me feel like I am only existing than living.

Everyday passes by, and I can’t think any other ways that I could do to please you my dear,
I have read all the books and watch all the videos about love all it gives me are tears.
Tears coming deep inside my very being, tears of sadness? NO it is of great joy.
Since all the books and videos only reminds me of how lucky i am, this feeling i truly enjoy.

With every smile and laugh that you make, it colors my monotonous days,
The sound of your laughter is the brush that paints my world, your smile is the suns rays.
Now my world is colorful and comfortably warm,
What did I ever do to deserve you? You have always been my charm.

All my prayers have been heard, all my wishes came true ever since we have been together,
If someone asked me, what are you willing to give up, well everything except her.
I don’t need to have a genius level intellect to know that you are the best for me,
My love for you is close to infinity, a bit less than forever, however a lifetime it will be.
 Aug 2018 Edgar
Amanda Kay Burke
You look lovely when you wear purple
Even prettier when you wear blue
But the most beautiful color I have seen you wear so far
Is the shade of red you turn when I'm kissing you
 Aug 2018 Edgar
Tainted Love
 Aug 2018 Edgar
He held the gun up to her forehead, and told her to sing for him for the last time,
With trembling hands, and her voice shaking with fear she sang.

'You are my addiction,
You are my love.
You are the poison,
That fills my lungs,'

He collapsed on the ground beneath him, as he held on to one last fleeting thought.

You are my addiction,
You are my love.
You are the poison,
That fills my lungs.

Then he grabbed her hand, that held the promise of their lives together. Then he sang.

'You were the poison
That filled my lungs.'

Then, without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.
 Jul 2018 Edgar
Tom Balch
And when she smiles
the world lights up
with warming sunlight glow,

and when she cries
the earth is kissed
with tear drops falling slow,

and when she screams
the thunder roars
with such a frightening force
and lightning lights her angry words
as through her veins
the wrath takes course.

Whatever the mood
her beauty glows
from tenderness to rage,
impossible it is to keep
mother nature caged,

but when she smiles
the world lights up...

with a warming sunlight glow.
 Jul 2018 Edgar
Chris Thomas
Stop me if you have heard this one before.
"Boy meets girl."

Stop. Erase.

"Boy meets girl in a trivial pursuit."

Stop. Erase.

No, there is no meeting at all.
Boy never meets girl, as meeting implies brevity.
A meeting is held in a conference room.
A meeting is not felt to the very core.
A meeting is no flower on the brink of bloom.

The reality is, the world ceases to spin on its axis.
The sun flares at the sight of her.
The moon implodes at the sound of her.
Mars and Venus collide at the touch of her.
All while constellations dance like moths,
Hovering far too close to a flame.

There is no pulse, only rhythm.
There is no break, only bend.
There is no rescue, only flailing.
There is no beginning, only end.

Now boy is standing at the center of a great divide.
And girl disappears, abruptly as the tide.

Stop me if you have...

Stop.  Erase.
 Jul 2018 Edgar
she gave me her nudes
she was bare
and naked
and so out
and open
and i willingly
accepted it
because it wasnt the nudes
that showed her body
the physical aspects
that made her beautiful
it was the words
she didnt choose
and the spontaneity
that left her
either from her lips
or her fingers
or ink

she was as bare
as her nudes
and i accepted
her for her.
10:02 PM 5/1/2018
 Jun 2018 Edgar
The story of my life.
HE tells me I'm so smart, beautiful. Will make "some man very happy someday."
"Why not you?", I would think to myself.
We would have the most intense, heart-revealing conversations about life & friendship & loyalty & happiness... but it was just to prepare HIM for someone else (who didn't quite fit "our" description, but mostly...)
Years would pass, even a decade...a phone call, text, email from HIM to let me know the relationship has failed & 'how have I been doing?'
"I'm fine", I'd reply. "Nothing's really changed for me. Still single. Still hate my job. Still living at home." (Mentally grasping at straws for something more interesting or exciting to share, but coming up with nothing)
The conversation theoretically should have been short (because I'm boring) but "we" would talk for hours, about everything. Reminiscing about the past, what could've been.. revealing HIS secret thoughts or feelings that HE once had, "but was too afraid to tell me."
I'd be inwardly proud, validated by the confession & then later, when the conversation was long over: angry, depressed, disappointed, self-loathing. "Why did HE always do this to me? What was wrong with me, that he didn't choose me instead? What good does this information do me now? It's too late."
I'd lie to myself that I'm glad HE didn't pick me, because I wouldn't want to be the one going through the heartache of failure. I'd tell myself I'm happier being single. Cry myself to sleep & then mentally block out that the conversation ever happened with HIM to avoid the pain.

HE should've loved me first, but HE didn't.
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