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Kaiden Dec 2024
I loved you
But you threw me away
As always
Kaiden Dec 2024
The time when i used to always text you,
The time i told you about everything
And anything.

Every single evening.
The hour we got together,
When i confessed months of surpressed feelings.

Now it's all gone.
But the hour remains special.
Instead of joy, it is filled with pain.
All because one text.
10pm was the time when i used to always text a guy i absolutely loved, we were together for 9 months but i guess im unlovable.
Kaiden Feb 6
A poet that can't write,
An artist that can't draw.
I know that with my life
I won't get too far.

I wake up every morning,
Blinded by the light.
Working all day long,
Crying every night.

Scared of my stepfather,
Scared of the whole world.
I would escape from here,
If i only could.

A young little soul
But with so much pain.
And if i die soon,
Please remember my name.
(**** i was selfish lol)
This is the very first poem i wrote. It's terrible but i felt like sharing it here.
Kaiden 4d
I may not know you
But i know you so well.
Know you've been in heaven,
But also through hell.
And everything between,
Inside and beyond.
With so many things you have seen.
And no one to bond.

Writing at 6am, on a train is... Interesting, to say at least.
Kaiden Dec 2024
I wasted time, love and energy
On a boy.
Now the boy is gone
But the feelings persist.
Kaiden Dec 2024
A broken artist doesn't **** you in their mind,
Doesn't rip the pictures apart, wishing it was you, no.
A broken artist will let you live forever,
As the worst of the worst punishments.

They might make you an entire new person,
Let you into their world,
In their notebook
Or canvas.

You'll be cared about
As equally as despised.
For them to tell you one day,
"This character was based off of you".
I often base my characterss off real people, mostly the bad ones. For example, a character based off my stepfather plays a giant role in the story, it's pretty well written but it's also one of my most hated characters.
Kaiden Jan 29
Kaiden Jan 25
Some are smart,
Yet some are not.
Fighting over their tiny problems,
Killing people,
Just to make a point.
Nuclear weapons used as
Tiny threats,
Childrens use when you steal their toy.
Censoring people's lives,
Because you have the power.
I still can't believe they chose a **** ****** as their president
Kaiden Dec 2024
I got everything i wanted
But not in the way i hoped
I have a feeling that everything i wished for when i was younger happened later but in a way that either hurt me afterwards or just completely different than what i wanted. I also really wanted bad stuff to happen to me (i dont know why) and it all happened. I might just be paranoied but still.
Kaiden Jan 5
Shut your eyes,
Cover your ears,
And focus on your breathing.
You can't hear them now.
The words many of you might have repeated to yourself
Kaiden Feb 19
A poet's last poem.
Death's lullaby.
Words forever forgotten,
To be discovered,
And never understood.
I felt like this one would make a good 100th poem. Not perfect but whatever :3
Kaiden Jan 2
The perspective of it changes as you age,
At first, art is just a picture,
Of a tree or a house.
Then it changes,
It morphs into words or images,
Hiding a slight meaning.
Before you even realize it,
People begin to be concerned about your art,
While some find comfort in it.
Art cannot be explained,
As the meaning lies in every artist's heart,
Whether they know it or not.
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable"- Cesar A. Cruz
Kaiden Jan 19
Ban everything,
And the will to live.

Ban everything, except yourself.
The history book on the shelf always repeats itself.
Kaiden Jan 8
A shirt hanging on the door handle,
Preventing your eyes from
Looking at me.
I was 11.
I was a kid but i still had to put a shirt on the door handle so no one would stare at me. Some people are disgusting.
Kaiden Jan 10
Today i found out that
My brother is turning into me.
Every single detail.
I'm scared for him.
My brother is exactly the age i started sh and i found out he already tried it "out of curiosity". Same as me. I have no idea how to help him because he refuses to believe he's not okay. I don't want him to go through the same stuff i sent through.
Kaiden Jan 30
One they stopped
Going to the playground
But you stayed.

One day they stopped listening
To their parents
Yet you obeyed.

The others grew up
When you did not.

For them it was nothing,
For you it was a lot.
Apparently some people might feel/act like they're a bit younger because their brain had to focus on surviving instead of developing properly.
Kaiden Feb 21
There is a child discovering your path
Running away from the world's anger and wrath
There might be a future awaiting ahead,
But what if one day they end up dead?
Kaiden Jan 19
Child of clay,
Born in the shadow of death and decay.
Shaped and formed into what they're expected to be,
To be manipulated easily.

By the very hands that made them,
The hands that were supposed to care.
But what if they hate them, what then?
The creation crushed with just one stare.

And yet again, they're shaped and molded,
To always look as they please.
If they're not perfect, they will get scolded,
The cycle always repeats.

And when the creator is satisfied,
The flames **** the life out of the creation
They don't ever care about the child,
Just want to fulfill their temptations.

So the child stays alone,
Like none of this ever mattered.
And if it falls from the shelf, down below,
Its soul will immediately get shattered.
My friend made up a line and asked the writers from the server to finish (thanks pookie ily <33)
Kaiden Nov 2024
All adults were once children
There are no exceptions
And that's what's truly heartbreaking
Villians are made, not born
At least not always

Every angsty drug dealer
Every teacher
Every depressed poet
Every grave

When you see a homeless person
Do you ever wonder what their life has been before?
They were just a child
With hope
Hope which died along with their innocence
In every person there exists a child
Kaiden Nov 2024
If good is white
And bad is black
Then i am colorblind
Kaiden Jan 10
I love you,
So continue to live your life
Without me.
Sometimes it's better to leave them
Kaiden Jan 5
Shut your eyes,
Fall into the pain's tight embrace,
And go to sleep.
Forget the lies,
At a tiring pace,
The very few memories to keep.

The monster's gone,
But is it true?
You think you won,
But the monster is you.

So shut your eyes,
Fall into pain's tight embrace,
And go to sleep.
Forget the lies,
At a tiring pace,
The very few memories to keep.
Kinda proud of this one. But now, shut your eyes, fall into pain's tight embrace...
Kaiden Dec 2024
Have you ever wanted to escape to a place where no one can see you?
Maybe you tried imagining the place by yourself.
The innocent little dreams turned into maladaptive daydreaming.
And suddenly, you're sentenced to being mentally ill

The imaginary world begines to grow,
Consuming you more and more.
Soon, you can't see the difference between the real world and the one
You made up.

You slip into derealization
It drowns you while giving you short breaks for air
To let you stay alive
While still hurting
i dont know much about delusion/derealization but this is how it works for me (at least now) so yeah
Kaiden Nov 2024
A small child walking through the almost empty streets
You know this child very well
Or at least you think so
The child always wears long sleeves
Losing their happiness along with their youth

A child with dead eyes
A child with the stare of an adult
Yet a weak personality
That could be crushed with a single word

They used to be the happiest child in the classroom
Yet now they sit alone
A freak to the society
Because they're different

Maybe being different is bad sometimes
It appears that not every child is happy
Kaiden Feb 11
The same
Yet so different
Same person
But they changed.
Who thought that one sentence
Can change so much
When you lose a friend (or more), they're technically still the same person but so different
Kaiden Nov 2024
And in front of a mirror,
here i stand
holding a blade
in my shaky hand.
Tears from my eyes forming small streams
i might be broken, or at least, it seems

It seems that something is wrong with me
But..-i ask myself- what would that be?
The blade drops to the ground
Leaving behind a quiet sound
That soon gets shushed by another one


My dear mother looks my wrist
I try to say "i'm sorry" but the words wont come out of my mouth


Silence louder than any other note.
Yet so quiet.

A sound breaks the tension.
The same footsteps, yet different.
Footsteps of dissapointment.

I'm a mistake.
Took a break from writing, finally coming back (i literally forgot thta i have an account on HP..)
Kaiden Nov 2024
A notebook in my hand
A Monster in the other
What would think of me,
My precious absent mother?

Would she be proud?
Or rather dissapointed?
The answer is neither.
She wouldn't care.
Sometimes you love someone you're not supposed to.
Kaiden Feb 19
Some things
Are simply
"Explain", "I can't". Sometimes the kid is right, mother.
Kaiden Dec 2024
You can paint your face with makeup
Hide the insecurities
But you always stay the same underneath
There are really toxic girls in my class, all of them obsessed with makeup, using it to obviously make themselves feel pretty. I think this poem has two meanings, one is the toxic girls, the other is that no matter how well you mask, you always stay the same.
Kaiden Nov 2024
As the darkness surrounds my room
I type unspeakable words
To the only one that cares,
Yet he can't be here

The pain of being attached to something
You can't see
Or hear
The craving of his touch
That's way too far to reach you

You see the words on the screen
Yet you feel so alone
He cares, and you know that
But does he really?

I drop my phone
As i lay down, staring at the pretty white ceiling
Counting each second closer to our goal
I might be young but one thing i know for sure

Love is complicated
Long distance relationships are beautiful, yet hard
Kaiden Jan 1
My favorite hoodie,
One that aged along with me.
The hoodie that remembers it all,
The pain, sweat fear,
Still having the white paint stains.

It remembers the joy,
The children's laughter,
The forest we both used to love
And the universe i created in my head.

It knows more about me than any person in the world,
Remembers all of my happy and sad moments,
The tears of joy and sadness.
Today i am wearing it and writing this poem.
Thank you.
I wont be surprised if no one likes it but anyway, i have that one favorite hoodie i absolutely love and i wouldnt trade it for the world.
Kaiden Feb 19
So close,
Yet so far.
It cannot be defined,
Nor fully felt.
You're always trapped.
No matter what you do, you're never fully free.
Kaiden Dec 2024
Hearing your voice
And seeing your face
Traumatizes me more than i'd care to admit
Even though i was supposed to be strong.
Another acrostic (i think that what theyre called) cuz i love them
Kaiden Dec 2024
Make my heart shatter
To assemble it again
And destroy it later
Breaking it into more pieces
Kaiden Jan 10
You tried so hard to leave.
Why did you come back?
Asking myself this exact question since forever
Kaiden Dec 2024
If they knew what happened yesterday
What would they say?
What would she say to her man
If everything went according to the plan?

If she knew the pain i feel
Would she still think it's not real?
Would she regret the things he had done?
If after all of this, i will be gone.

Lost in addictions
And my own sorrow
My whole life a fiction,
With no tomorrow.

I write this words for me to remember
That i was once a child as well.
About what happened this December
And that i went through hell.
This one is one of my drafts, i decided to finish it. It's basically a message to my future self but i wanted to post it anyway.
Kaiden Dec 2024
I'm sorry, mother
For being a failure.

I'm sorry, mother,
For leaving you.

I'm sorry, mother,
For not being the perfect child you wished i was.

I'm sorry, mother,
For giving up at such a young age.

I'm sorry, mother,
For not being you.
I'm sorry.
Kaiden Nov 2024
The mentall ilness was never an excuse

The abuse was never discipline

The yelling was never making us stronger

The boys never hit us because they liked us

The victims were never attention-seekers

We were never who we seemed to be
Nothing is ever as it seems
Kaiden Nov 2024
You judge people from their appearance or skills
I judge them from their writing style
The way someone's writing is like a window to their soul
Kaiden Jan 1
Leaving the house,
The memories,
Pain and happiness.
The child that used to live there.

Sometimes you leave too soon,
Sometimes you just have to.
For the good of the other people
Still locked inside.

You can't help but worry about them,
But you can't change anytning,
Now that you left.
But it is what you wanted, is it not?

You thought leaving the house would help you
But it only made it worse.
You have the life you wanted,
But at what cost?
As someone who moved out at 13, it's VERY confusing. Yes, i left the house where i was abused but at what cost? Now my brother is going through the same thing and i can't be there to help him.
Kaiden Nov 2024
When he was little he promised his mommy:
"I won't be like daddy, i swear!"
But promises are often broken
Especially when the person who made it, is broken too

He tried to keep his promise
But he failed.
He failed at everything.
A failure.
Ironic, isn't it?

The little boy turned into a young man
14 years old is a big boy after all
And the little boy slowly began dissapearing.
His mommy didn't like his changes
But he couldn't help himself

Why be a lawyer when you can
Rot in bed reading psychology?
Write poems, losing yourself in your own world?
Become an actor?

But he broke the promise.
Became so fake, being an actor wasn't a problem at all.
He lost the little boy he was before.
But he was still there.

Today, he says "i'm sorry".
But it's too late.
The little boy is dead.
Not very good but i wanted to share the painful experience of becoming someone you hate
Kaiden Nov 2024
Once upon a time there was a group of birds
They had traditions and very strict rules
They all lived in a tree and never left it
Because if one flew away, they would be seen as a freak

There was one little bird
At first he seemed to be like the others
But in reality, he had a dream
He wanted to escape the tree

He told his mommy about it but she scolded him,
Saying he should stay here as this is as it's supposed to be.
The little bird got sad but had to obey the rules
Over time he got older

The other birds liked him a lot
But one day he declared that he's leaving and no one can stop him.
In that moment, the birds forgot about his good qualities, talents
And started hating him

The little bird started to get bullied
He just wanted to dissapear
He regretted his words

Months passed and it was time,
The day he was supposed to fly away
But the little bird wasn't there to experience his new found freedom
The other birds pushed him over the edge way too soon.
"In nature, a flock will attack any bird that is more colorful than the others because being different is seen as a threat."
Kaiden Jan 4
Imagine a little child
Wandering through the streets all alone,
With nothing but a tiny backpack
And a toy in their hand.

No one stops to ask if they're okay,
No one wants to look at them,
Most people don't even aknowledge them.

And they only care
When the child gets hit by a car,
Dissapears from existence.
To never be seen again.
Inspired by a story i wrote as a kid
Kaiden Jan 29
I could never write those.
A type of art so sweet for the soul,
Yet so hard to master and understand.
A poem written by the heart,
The hand only being a
Tool for it to communicate.
Trying to explain
Something no one truly knows.
Seriously, every time i write love stuff i cringe after the first line and give up lol
Kaiden Nov 2024
It was once clean
Filled with clear rain water
Mirroring your reflection
People not noticing its beauty
Stomped on it

Corrupted it with their shoes
The clear puddle was now brown
And *****
Small children wanted to play with it
But their mothers refused, as it was too filthy

But weren't they the reason the puddle was *****?
The children haven't done anything wrong
Yet they blame someone else
For what they have not done

And the puddle was left alone
With no one to admire it
And slowly but surely
It evaporated
Only to be replaced over and over again
Kaiden Nov 2024
Going to
Find a way
To capture
Us both and i
Will have to
Run away to
A special
That is
Just a
First time writing something like this, I NEED TO FIX UP MY VOCABULARY..
(also, the last word would be "me" but it didnt fit)
Kaiden Jan 10
I miss who i was
Don't know who i will be
And I'm scared of what I've become.
I don't really know who i am anymore.
Kaiden 1d
I wrote your name on my wrist,
All the things that we have lost,
I hated seeing you like this,
Depression gone, but at what cost?

I wrote your name on my wrist,
Only to slice right through,
You were on top of the list
Yet you never had a clue.

I wrote your name on my wrist,
Knowing it wouldn't last,
But i rewrite it sometimes,
Not letting go of the past.
My best friend (and crush) wont be able to text until summer because he got really suicidal and can't handle that much stuff at once :(
Kaiden Dec 2024
The way i am
Them and i am
Seeing that i
Don't belong to
This world for
The current age
Alright so even i dont have any idea of what this is about (the first line has 1 letter, the second 2 and so on) so yeah
Kaiden Nov 2024
Yall i found my old notebook with some poems i wrote when i was like 12-13, should i post them here? Perhaps make a collection? Let me know what you think in the comments
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