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Ana Sophia Jul 2018
You've been on your own
all your life
til the point you almost got used to it.
Used to the silence
to the cold crying nights
and the embrace of loneliness.
a little voice inside you screams for
to tell you you're meaningful,
'cause it never felt like it
Ana Sophia Jul 2018
wish I could delete you
from my memory
and erase me from yours.
whish I could detach our past
and exclude this reality
in which we're apart
and not right for each other.

maybe if we met
another time and place
I wouldn't have ******* it up.
you would be free
and we could work it out.

I still persist thinking
that someday there will be an us.
Ana Sophia Jul 2018
it's been eight months
eight ******* months
you two are dating
and my heart still races every time
i see you.
and I still get this overflowing feelings
I can't deal with.
why can't I get over it?
why does it still feel so weird
and confusing?
why is it never ever completely
over for me
even though you've moved on?
time ain't healing
  Jun 2018 Ana Sophia
georgia sophie
somebody please
grasp my failing heart
make it beat again
in a way that goes on and on forever
make me believe
that this is not the end
give me love
enough love to keep me alive
Ana Sophia Jun 2018
They make us believe
we have to study hard
to go well on tests
and have a promising future
as doctor, engineer or lawyer.

Memorize the equations, boy,
do a lot of exercises,
even if it makes no sense to you,
even if contradicts all your instincts,
your talent,
your heart.

The thing is the fault
isn't in the parents
and teachers,
who insist on telling us that.
The fault is on the society
which taught them to believe
that betraying your soul
was the only option.
Ana Sophia Jun 2018
feeling oceans growing
in between me and everyone I love
and thought that would always be there
guess they won't
and neither will I
I'd rather be all alone
than to keep begging for your love
your time
and your help.
guess I'm the only one left anyway
Ana Sophia Jun 2018
those self depreciative thoughts
running through your brain
again and again
'cause in a world that no one
comprehends your deepness
and intensity,
you're bound to feel left out
sad and wrong.

you do are enough.
you do are funny.
you do are caring
and generous.
and if they don't value
all these great qualities you have
then, it's their lost, okay?
not your ******* fault.
keep doing you.
that's the bravest thing to do.
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