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When you look at yourself in the mirror and you notice something.
Your not the same person how you used to be.
Yeah you look more mature but your smile don't show.
Your eyes don't shine as your mom says.
You don't laugh like you used to.
You think your loved ones are crazy but one day it hits you.
Your not the same.
You don't smile the same.
Your eyes don't shine like they used to be.
Maybe this is growing up?
Or maybe your just walking through the rough path to lead to the next open door.
This world has a lot of twist and turns to meeting people and burning bridges.
From finding yourself to finding what your worth. It's an endless battle with yourself your mind or anxiety and your worst fears coming alive.
Maybe it's all a test.
A lesson by the sky above.
As I clean my face off from the drool from last night.
I notice myself.
And notice how much I've changed.
Maybe it's time to grow up and swallow that dreadful pill.
Dreams come true.
But effort motivates.
And passion makes the heart worth beating.
And the eyes the clear hazel eyes will finally one day shine again.
Till then.
Let's the rain come down and let the piano Play.
Hate how this memory of the past haunts the future of my present. Hate how every look and smile drives my heart insane and decay in despair. If you only you knew what I been feeling. If you only knew I'm still in love with you. Hate how young love never seems to end. We all made mistakes and I made the sacred mistake of all but you know what? Maybe that was my call to wake up. Lost the best girlfriend I ever had. I never cared about *** just making it last but after looking back I saw what I've truly done. Lied to you and cheated. Looked like all I wanted was to take away your flower as you did mine. Cheated on you because I thought you were on me but let's be real, I ****** up as your boyfriend but worst of all i ****** up as your friend. Now every night you always pop in my mind At least once a day just wishing I can get you back and show you what your truly worth. Make things count make things right but I don't deserve it. How can I after what I've done? Still kills me to this day, the biggest regret of my life and now i gotta live with the fact I lost the girls of my dreams  but worst of all I lost you as a friend.just wished it ended as a happily ever after in the last chapter but this is the conclusion that would always be known as the story of my life.
The best things in life are never easy.
From love to happiness to even teaching your goals.
It's a struggle it's a battle
It test the will it finds out how hungry you are.
From school to love to even simple goals
Life is a challenge
Life is a bittersweet candy.
Bitter in the beginning but always a sweet feeling at the end just my
Honest confession from the heart
This rain and weather, its peaceful, a  tingle sensation going up your spine while you look out the patio on this beautiful night. Something real and pure while the rain hits the cemented floor i can hear its echo call. Please rain don't go away,stay for a while on this beautiful night. I may not see the moon tonight but i can hear the thunder and lightning strikes. Nights like this you want to share someone one and share a beautiful moment to remember that it ain't every day we can share a beautiful raining night.
To be honest.
I'm scared.
I'm scared of giving every ounce I got.
I'm scared that my happiness would blow up on my face and turn into despair.
I'm scared that this new love will only be for the moment and not for an eternity.
I'm scared that I would be lied to when I've done and gave nothing but the truth.
But on the other hand.
You make my heart whole just by hearing your voice.
You make me smile just by looking into your gentle smile.
You make my heart skip a beat when you be your adorable self.
And in truth.
You make me want to believe in this magic that we call love.
I never been a believer till you casted a spell on me.
And now?
All I can truly say is I let you in restricted grounds
The center of my weakness.
The very emotion that goes through my veins.
I want you.
Your the cure to my disease.
I just hope and pray that you let me in long enough to be part of you like you have to me
You know your growing when your just hungry for more you want more you want to achieve more you want to gain more when your shirt is covered in sweat and you still want to keep going. Your muscles can't even hold you and test your faith to see if you will finally break but your will holds it like a firm hand shake. making you want to push to your limit and break it where your not satisfied and hungry even though you got things going for you you want more and all I would love to say is Feed. Me. More. The struggle of a young adult that finally found the value to life.
I want truth
I want love
I want passion
I want loyalty
I want a relationship.
I want to wake up every morning knowing the woman I'm with loves me with her heart and soul.
I want to live a life where no secrets or strings attached.
I want to feel secure knowing the woman of my dreams is mine till the end of time.
I want to be her knight in shining armor  
As I give her everything her heart desires.
Maybe I'm doing to much?
Maybe I'm crossing the line?
Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic that can't help but be everything  to do anything for that special girl..
Man.. why does love gotta make your heart go on a rollercoaster
This ain't a goodbye just another chapter to our Disney fairy tale.
I'm a clutz .
I'm a hopeless romantic that has seen to many Disney movies with the belief that every princess needs that prince.
But in truth ever since I met you that idea that image has changed for me.
You never been the type to look for that prince to save you from the top of the tower you saved yourself.
You never been the type to believe in fairy tales
You never been the type to really like the cute little puppy love moments but after a while I saw it's grown on you.
My jokes.
My ideas.
My dreams.
My goals.
My puppy love little nicknacks .
I would be lying to you if I told you I'm calm no I'm not calm.
Never met someone like you.
Never never really felt these feelings like I have for you.
I'm trying my best to push aside the jokes and the cheesy corny jokes because just like every joke being used over and over looses its touch.
Just like a flower it's a delicate balance.
From not watering the flower it dies but. Also when you water it over its limit. It's a balance and little by little I'm learning those fundamentals.
I don't know what the future holds.
I don't know what runs through your mind at times.
But I would love to take my time.
Who knows maybe will both find something valuable inside of us.
But one thing for sure I can say.
I love you.
Simple as that.
You say you love me but is it true?
Knowing the fact that I text you but you don't respond
But knowing that your on any social media having conversations but ours is always the last one of all.
Pushing me away in the day but confessing your love to me at night while my mind goes on the hunt looking for answers.
You say you love me but is it true?
You confess your love, tears in your eyes.
Telling me you love me your scared to lose me again.
You knew what I've done.
You knew the damage in my heart. Ghats why I need emotion
I need passion
I need effort.
I need to know that the woman I love truly loves me right to the core.
And I hope I find it soon.
Before my heart shatters and becomes a mess that will never be cleaned.
The moment I saw you I knew you were special. The way my body shook and my heart stopped. Just by a simple picture made me fantasize moments I can share with you. From spending winter nights under the stars snuggling in the sheets. to a long walk around the beach while are toes covered by the warm sand. A month goes by and I still can't believe you gave this royal fool a chance of a lifetime and now, I can't help but smile and feel like a young boy and his first love. I've always loved a woman that can get my mind going make me wonder make my imagination run wild. But with you I can't even get close to figuring you out.. your a mystery.  I try to read your heart and soul and I can feel it's warmth but its guarded right to the core. I can see that your scared and you know what else? I'm scared too. Never in my life have I let my guard down so easily. Your voice and touch turns into a key and unlocks my locked doors one by one and you start to notice what's in my heart. Love pure love pure and sweet like honey from a hive. I try to unlock your doors but yours is hard to get into. Every single one has its own unique lock. Maybe that's why it's hard for me to read what's in your heart. But you know what? I wouldn't mind spending ten years twenty or more trying to unlock those doors. And when every single one is open I'll go deep into the core and do what I've always wanted to do. Sew your heart with mine. Because since that first day. I wanted to give you the warmth I can give the love I can show and the security I can provide. You came into my life out of the blue and every day I will never stop till you feel what this royal fool has felt for you.
I've always hated this day since I was a kid. Couples giving each other gifts and affection and this is my honest confession. the color red in roses to Brown or white teddy bears. I'm not hating on the date because of being Single but for the fact that it burns people right to the core. Everyone deserves love and happiness but why just today? Why can't it be everyday? Why do we have to waste hundreds of dollars in one day and not make it simple ? I always wanted to be that kind of guy that would treat his woman like a queen but if only she can treat me like her's a balance and your and your partner are weighted in affection one gives 60% the other 40% does it seem fair? It never does but that don't mean it ain't posible to be equal
It ***** being me you know? Being sprung doing everything humanly possible to put a smile on your face looking at my phone every 5 seconds thinking you finally responded but never have? Waiting and waiting five minutes then ten twenty an hour.. you try not to think for the worst but when it keeps happening you just get nervous.. your heart starts to act up.. and your doubt takes control of this train going deep into a wild rollercoaster.. you try to past the time but you still check if she finally responded but still nothing back.. you see that she finally sees the message but never replies.. waiting.. give minitues.. ten.. twenty.. and hour.. nothing.. and you sink deep into a depression. Looking waiting for a a miracle to happen but never comes. And now you lay down on your soaked pillow just barely holding on having that little spark of hope but .. as the night goes by.. so does your belief.
Why is it hard to smile ? Why is it hard to think? Why is it so hard to look at someone else and think it's you why do I gotta have memories replay on my mind when I'm trying to sleep why do you pop In my head when I say I love you? Why are you not letting me move on since you already have? Why is it so hard to just let everything go? Why is it so hard to move on? Why is it so hard to listen to the radio without a memory of us replaying in my mind like a song? Maybe it's a sign for hope for the future or maybe the devil is just playing with my heart. Going into the land of lies and grief maybe this is my place in the world? Or maybe I just gotta go through hell till I learn my lesson

— The End —