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Sep 2019 · 588
Growing Up
Joie Yin Sep 2019
Growing up takes
Miles of challenges
Making mistakes
Tests of patience.

Admit shortcomings
Isn't easy to process
Embrace imperfections
Is maturity in progress.

Anticipate tomorrow
With hopes for the better
A sign willing to show
Efforts to start over.

Responsibility is a word
Adults work hard to pay
It is but a tough world
We fight to live another day.

Battles of inner peace
And the harsh reality
I want nothing but ease
To be remembered kindly.
Feb 2019 · 591
Story of Life
Joie Yin Feb 2019
Sometimes in life
We jump into rivers
To figure out
Whether we are
Good swimmers.

Blame not the current
If we struggle
It shows how
We deal with scars
And trouble.

It is not giving up
If we turn away
It is life saving
Fret the stream may
Carry us away.

It is alright if
We do not swim well
As long we live
To continue the story
Only we could tell.
Dec 2018 · 400
Marathon of Life
Joie Yin Dec 2018
Living is but a lifetime
Long run forever marathon
I am at level twenty nine
Which are you currently on?

There are times in between
We feel like giving up easily
It gets tiring to lose and win
We’d think of quitting half way.

Take a break and breathe
Drink water and get some rest
Run again when you’re ready
Don’t stop running just yet.

We’ll keep running on the track
Fall down and stand up again
Cry tears of joy and wreck
I’ll see you at the finish line.
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 1.9k
Gone in Silence
Joie Yin Nov 2018
She is a young girl
Who cry tears to sleep
In darkness her body curls
Falling apart as she weeps.

It is not the first time
The lullaby she heard
It has been quite a while
Since she last laughed.

Screaming of a woman
Beaten by her husband
In the night of suburban
Her body bleeding wound.

The girl musters up courage
Runs while he hits the wife
Break into neighbor’s place
Plea for dear mother’s life.

Police arrive in minutes
He is caught for violence
Finding mother’s heartbeats
Have gone in silence.
Stop domestic violence.
Nov 2018 · 379
Daddy's Boy
Joie Yin Nov 2018
A boy eagerly looks up
Waving happily at the sky
Holding his favorite cup
Made by daddy who went by.

Clouds shaped a father
Of whom he’d never met
Mother said it was cancer
Dad left as he lost the bet.

He was so young then
Did not understand death
Father named him Stephen
Mother said it meant wreath.

For he shall be soft spoken
Yet firm and a brave human
His family the first concern
Grow healthy and a gentleman.
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 409
To the Moon
Joie Yin Nov 2018
Like a ball my heart
Falls into the deep ocean
Of newly sparked love.

Fingers interlocked
I say a little prayer
For the both of us.

Walking in circles
Trembling as I feel myself
Being next to you.

To the moon I flew
When you told me you were swoon
By my humble smile.

Bravely life we face
Together we embrace us
For better or worse.

We share but one faith
Growing old with each other
In the name of love.
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 300
Passion for Poetry
Joie Yin Nov 2018
If life is a cup of coffee
Poetry is the sugar
Literature came to me
Like a destined lover.

There are types of writings
None as special as poetry
Words told of my feelings
Rhymes along naturally.

Papers of joy and whine
The pen draws line smoothly
As ink and sincerity intertwine
Teardrops flow emotionally.

The burning fire of passion
For poetry that lives in me
People and places of inspiration
Push to show a better me.

As I find solace in poetry
In this candle like life forever
Fire that burns continuously
My only hope to live longer.
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 282
Joie Yin Nov 2018
I want to continue writing
Even if there are no readers
It is my way of conveying
Feelings when life hurts.

I want to continue singing
Even when no one listens
It is my kind of storytelling
Portrayed through emotions.

I want to continue running
When if there are no spectators
It is my energy screaming
Of a fiery desire and cheers.

‘I’ are you and I and everyone
We share similar faith in life
Be the brightest rays that shine
Beautifully doing what we love.

Someday when youth is gone
We shall perish into a memory
For our humble passion is one
We wish to be remembered kindly.
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 1.7k
A Poor Girl's Heart
Joie Yin Nov 2018
Two friends met each other
One rich the other was poor
The poor looked up at the rich
She was impressed by her speech.

They grew closer as time flew
In poor girl's heart she'd never knew
She fell sick and yearned for a company
Waiting continued as she stayed lonely.

She poured her heart out
Made all efforts come about
Without expecting a gift in return
Merely needed a friend's attention.

Rich's life was colorful as rainbow
Too bright to notice poor's sorrow
Beautiful lady who had everything
Compared to the poor ugly duckling.

Time and distance torn them apart
Life's cycle is never an art
While rich moved on and left
Poor slowly adjust to her lonely nest.
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 269
Joie Yin Nov 2018
When I was younger
I reckoned a kind world
I was much happier
Naively described as
A word.

As I grew I saw cruelty
Began to feel frightened
Then hunger and poverty
My heart cried for those
Who suffered.

We ought to help each other
Without expecting a return
Someday it is other's favor
We may seek when it is
Our turn.

Today it starts with me
Then us from tomorrow
Together we shall believe
In a better world of happiness
Not sorrow.

Kindness needs no fees
It is meant to be shared
To a day where love lives
Tears of sadness is
No longer shed.
Happy World Kindness Day ❤
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 489
Joie Yin Nov 2018
Goals are like dreams
Uncertain but vivid
Flow through the streams
Smooth like liquid.

Dreams are like stars
Small but confident
Grow through the scars
Firm and resilient.

Stars are like stories
Told at night.
Of failures and victories
In life's fight.

Stories are like a myth
Exists but unsure
As long as we have faith
Dreams will come true.
Joie Yin
Nov 2018 · 996
Joie Yin Nov 2018
You walked into my life
When I least expected.
Knowing each other taught
Values of friendship
Love and hatred.

This friendship was not
Formed overnight nor easily.
We had gone through storms
Heartbreaking days yet still
Care about us deeply.

If only friendship comes
In four different seasons.
You are spring, for you
Bring joy and happiness
In all occasions.

You made me want to be
A better friend than today.
I'll strive harder to find
Ways to forget hurt and
Pain of yesterday.

You have given so much
To I who have nothing to give.
It is I who scars still vivid
From the past that I am
Too afraid to believe.

I shed tears many nights
Knowing this is sincerely true.
Little did you know
I was preparing myself
To leave you.
Joie Yin
Joie Yin Nov 2018
We met each other in college
It was in two thousand and seven
Along the years we have age
Friendship years have been eleven.

Being friends were never easy
But you were there for me
When I doubted my own reality
This friendship is meant to be.

Yesterday we were much younger
We laughed, fought and recovered
We've rebuilt this friendship stronger
To this stage of life we have reached.

Today I have captured moments
That will never repeat itself again
We shared a hug of happiness
I hope these blessings will maintain.

Tomorrow is your wedding day
Celebrating two lovebirds together
I'll sing a little prayer for you to say
For a marriage of happily ever after.
Joie Yin
Oct 2018 · 597
Joie Yin Oct 2018
I push myself out of bed
Messy hair and squinted eyes
Without glasses is a blur me
Sleepily getting myself ready.

Trying to get clues in my head
Wishing forever be my off days
But first a cup of coffee
To gather the early energy.

Hopes make mornings blessed
Driving through the highways
Thoughts of work come to be
With music as my company.

Looking forward the day ahead
As bright as the sun shine rays
Enjoy little things that meant to be
Starting of my every day open diary.
Joie Yin
Oct 2018 · 467
Joie Yin Oct 2018
Until when will we hold onto
Something that will never return?

Shall we wait for someone who
Doesn't reply to our unrequited love?

Should we continue to ignore
People who genuinely care for us?
Joie Yin
Oct 2018 · 2.2k
Joie Yin Oct 2018
When I was nine
I went to school
Enjoyed hurdle race
Laughed often
Yet to have goals
Love my family.

When I was nineteen
I stuggled in studies
Friendship dilemmas
Laughed lesser
Set to work on aims
Began to love life.

When I am twenty-nine
I have embraced life
And my own shortcomings
Smile more
Let life flow as it is
Love humanity.
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 4.1k
Coffee, Love and...
Joie Yin Sep 2018
Life is like a melody
Strumming to a love song
He who always smiles gently
Begins to hum along.

Sitting at one corner
She looks at him shyly
He sings his heart to her
Someone he loves dearly.

Coffee is their favorite
To share with each other
One in each episode
Of their love story together.

He strums while waiting there
Brown teddy bear by his side
Flowers placed everywhere
For proposal to his future bride.

He nervously make his vow
Asks for her hand in marriage
She kisses him on his eyebrow
Crowd cheers as they embrace.

Happy International Coffee Day! :)
Sep 2018 · 3.5k
Train Ride
Joie Yin Sep 2018
I missed the train
I should have rode
To see you
On the other side.

Bought a new ticket
Waited another hour
Thinking of you
In my feelings I confide.

An extra hour
Increasing anticipation
For our new
Home at the countryside.

I. Miss. You.
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 740
Peaceful In Heaven
Joie Yin Sep 2018
Before I realize it, I miss you
Whom I grew up happily with
Since I was as young as seven.

I am left with memories of you
In God we shared same faith
May you find peace in heaven.
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 955
Another Year
Joie Yin Sep 2018
Here I am
Missing every piece
Of moments
Had brought me peace.

There you are
Continue to grow
To another year
Anticipations follow.

I miss you.
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 1.5k
Almost Thirty
Joie Yin Sep 2018
Yesterday I was a child
Pure soul full of innocence
Clueless of kind and wild
Only thought of happiness.

As I learned of the laughter
Voice came out as I spoke
Life was not easy as I grew older
Cried when the heart broke.

People from all walks of life
Taught me life lessons today
Wounds from an invisible knife
Left with pain did not go away.

I learned to spread wings and fly
Turned scars into strongest shield
Ready to face come what may
Life is but the biggest battlefield.

Tomorrow when I turn thirty
I hope to grow better than today
Holding on to my faith in humanity
Be kind to everyone in every way.
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 571
Joie Yin Sep 2018
Time waits for no one.
It passes by like wind and
Flows through like water.
Once time has gone,
Neither will it wait for anyone
Nor repeat itself forever.
Hence waste none,
Future we fret not having
Sacrifice ourselves over.
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 634
Joie Yin Sep 2018
I used to seek for happiness by hoping to be surrounded by people who can make me smile that I did not realize it made me had expectations.

I reflected on life and thought that instead of seeking happiness only for myself, I could instead create happy moments and draw an upward curve on someone's face or maybe more. My motto in life is "A smile a day, takes negativity away". Our effort may not be able to change everyone's life, but it may change someone's world.

You can see happiness when it is small such as in shapes of gifts, but true happiness that can be shared cannot be seen because it is too big - it can only be felt by heart. ♥
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 1.1k
Fallen Petals
Joie Yin Sep 2018
I woke up with an aching heart
Pillow case damped from tears
Tried to sink in words from you
That day you left and gone away
I wandered lost without direction.

It felt like yesterday was an art
The way you smile to your ears
Like painted clouds on the sky so blue
Sillily I pretended like I was okay
Yet I silently longed for your attention.

Suddenly we heard of words that cut
Deep into our feelings that yearns
For a moment being in love so true
I desperately prayed you would stay
That the illness was just an imagination.

Little efforts we both had put
On this flower that bloomed for years
Ended with a silent goodbye from you
Petals fell like my teardrops I ran away
I wasn't ready to forget us and move on.

I shed tears flipping through our booklet
Contained the sweetest dreams of ours
As I began accepting and find closure
I promised to be strong come what may
Until some day we shall meet in heaven.
Joie Yin
Sep 2018 · 5.4k
Inner Beauty
Joie Yin Sep 2018
Never say or think
you're not pretty.
If you're feeling lost
in darkness,
be your own light
and find your way.

Deep in your soul
there is beauty.
Embrace your scars
and imperfections,
Turn them into strength
come what may.

Take pride in your
attitude and dignity.
Love yourself sincerely
without conditions,
You're already beautiful
every single day.
Joie Yin
Aug 2018 · 587
If Without
Joie Yin Aug 2018
If without rhyme
Is just words grouped together.

If without interest
Is bitter with or without sugar.

If without fun
Is a meaningless adventure.

If without any one
Is not a complete picture.

If without effort
Is not going to stay forever.

Make. Life. Worth. Living.
Joie Yin
Aug 2018 · 1.9k
Joie Yin Aug 2018
Today started with rain
As if it knew of my bad day.
If only I could start again
It's pointless thinking of yesterday.

Running out towards the car
I felt the droplets hitting me.
I'm lucky they weren't a tear
I have to shed and let troubles be.

Brushing off the droplets
As I turned on the radio.
If only I could brush away regrets
In order to let everything go.

Feeling heartbroken in silence
I couldn't tell anyone about it.
Like glass shattered into pieces
My fingers bleed as I collect it.

I told myself I shouldn't frown
Of yesterday's mistakes and error.
I turn the sand glass upside down
It's not too late for me to start over.

©Joie Yin
Joie Yin
Aug 2018 · 2.4k
Joie Yin Aug 2018
Thank you
For waiting,
When I left
You hanging.

I came back
To reassure,
Your patience
Won't be
Left unsure.

Questions have
Their answers.
Hand in hand
Happiness is always
In our prayers.
Joie Yin
Aug 2018 · 11.9k
Joie Yin Aug 2018

An old man sat with patience
On the bench he waited for her
He smiled sweetly on her appearance
Hand in hand they walked together.

In the garden full of greens
The lovebirds chatted with laughter
As if they were in movie scenes
The way they looked at each other.

He stroke her hair gently
Her hair clip he'd bought years ago
Still intact she placed it neatly
That is the little pink flamingo.

Pleasant breeze they enjoyed
As they continued walking
Her fragile nature shivered
In her thin floral dress clothing.

He took off his outer layer shirt
Naturally putting it on her shoulders
She joked about wearing a skirt
He thought she was full of wonders.

He recalled her bravery
She reminisced his sacrifices
They've come far in life's journey
Counting their little happiness.

As I watched from a distance
I felt a pinch of sweet jealousy
Witnessing true love's existence
Yet wishing them to stay as lovely.
Joie Yin
Aug 2018 · 1.0k
Joie Yin Aug 2018
Happiness is giving.
The more you give,
The happier you are.

Sharing is caring.
The more you care,
You'd never be alone.

Receiving is bliss.
The more we receive,
We should be grateful.

Humility is limited.
The more humble people,
Restores faith in humanity.

Life is imperfect.
The more we embrace it,
It begets contentment.

Time is Guru.
The more we live,
We learn of life lessons.

Take the good,
Leave the bad.

Live. Laugh. Love.
Joie Yin
Aug 2018 · 9.6k
Joie Yin Aug 2018
Be not afraid
Of what makes
You quiver.

Stand brave
Fight back makes
You a warrior.
Joie Yin
Aug 2018 · 5.1k
Free Bird
Joie Yin Aug 2018
Starting from today
I’m a free bird again
Paving a new way
Free from hurt and pain.

Spread my wings
Set to rise and fly
Clear of these feelings
All tears have run dry.

Aches are like taboos
Silent, unspeakable and painful
Scars are like tattoos
Exist, real yet beautiful.

Tomorrow is a new day
Start a new chapter
Until the hair turns gray
Let’s live life better.
Joie Yin

— The End —