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460 · Aug 2016
Jazmine Moore Aug 2016
I think it is the
ambiguity lying
behind my eyes
mixed with the
honey lingering
after every kiss
that leaves you
trapped inside of
my universe.
440 · Jul 2016
Jazmine Moore Jul 2016
Everything you touch turns to gold; including me...
433 · Aug 2016
Double Entendre
Jazmine Moore Aug 2016
Our amorphous love
left me in a
cascade of tears
and yet,
(I still found myself)
with that beautiful
smile of
417 · Sep 2015
Jazmine Moore Sep 2015
I Just Wanted
To Kiss Your
Until They Turned
Into Butterflies
415 · Apr 2016
Part II
Jazmine Moore Apr 2016
I've always wondered
What it was like
To have someone
All of my flaws
Turn them into
413 · Apr 2016
Jazmine Moore Apr 2016
kissing the tiniest
breaths of life into
-you are helping me find my smile, again.
410 · Feb 2015
Jazmine Moore Feb 2015
Tirelessly waiting for you to come home;
My darling, here I am once again checking my watch to see what time it is  and the **** has yet to turn.
I promised you that I would wait for you no matter how long you decided to roam, but here I am another night waiting and that promise doesn't seem too feasible at the moment.
I can not make you love me,
I can not make you love me.
Just as I am telling myself this is the last night waiting,
the **** turns; in you walk like all of those months never happened.
Unconditional love.
395 · Mar 2016
Jazmine Moore Mar 2016
The clouds are a constant reminder of this fairytale I have in my mind of what I want us to be,
We are indeed no fairytale.
We live in our own world of uncertainty.
We are an anomaly;
the furthest from
A banal love.
Yet, sometimes,
I wish you would
fight for me like the others have;
But then,
I start to wonder
Maybe this is what keeps me loving
I fell in love with your scars,
Only wanting to
Heartaches and show you
There's someone you can be yourself
& as
Crazy as it seems,
I have no desire
To throw your past
in your
Yet, as
convoluted and capricious
Your love can be,
I am still in your passenger seat
Ready to go where you will
Allow me to.
389 · Feb 2015
Jazmine Moore Feb 2015
It's amazing how one person can touch your heart and you're never quite the same. Sometimes I feel as though I've painted this beautiful picture of you that I can only see; and that's fine because love needs faith. I have faith. I have enough faith for the both of us.
379 · Aug 2016
Jazmine Moore Aug 2016
I toss and turn due to dreams crowded with the memory of everything we experienced.
& I am ripping my heart apart in an attempt to flee from all that you are to me.
But, I'll admit it is thrilling that I can never seem to grasp the rhythm of what falling for you feels like.
& somehow, you are silently requesting me to discover new parts of who I thought I was, as you stand above me beautifully conquering.
-you are my poetry.
373 · Apr 2014
The secret
Jazmine Moore Apr 2014
Slowly knocking on Satan's door, she's begging someone to let her in.
For, if only she knew of the light shining from her right now, maybe she wouldn't even have contemplated it.
Self destruction has taken on a new level for her and tonight will be her last night of suffering.
I want to believe that this life will someday change for the better.
I want to believe that one day, life won't push people to the destruction of their own life.
But, that just isn't how the dice roll.
If we could somehow find a way to explain to the nonbelievers that there exists a place where we could still be in love.
We too often push love to the side because of the feelings it causes.
Love is so powerful that it may bring you to do things you wouldn't normally do.
The love can be so blinding that you can often fall into a whirlwind of hurt.
The scariest thing of all is the love can be addicting.
When you love someone, it is a drug.
Everything they do, you want more of it.
It becomes your nicotine.
The love is when you hear their voice when they aren't around..
when you have their scent memorized..
when you start to talk like them..
when you are in a crowd of people and you can only see them.
That's when you know you are in love.
I found my first true love about four years ago...
I did not know until now the impact he had over my life.
I had never felt myself so happy, so peaceful until the love with him was reciprocated.
And if you asked me today,
I would still tell you I loved him.
I love him enough to give him his space.
I love him enough to let him figure some things out.
I love him enough to let him grow.
I know deep in my heart that he will come back to me because I now know what it is like to sacrifice so much of myself for love.
It hurts.
It can physically hurt.
The breathless pain you feel when you can barely drag yourself out of bed.
When you reach over and he's not in his spot.
When you can't even look him in eyes because it hurts too bad.
I coud easily give up on love, but I won't allow myself to, because all of the heartache, pain and tears are worth it.
Because one day, I will look into his eyes and know I have found the one.
poetry love poem poet rain lunar eclipse lunareclipse sorrow trend trending likeforlike suicide prevention help heart heartbreak lovepoem recovery tumblr
370 · Apr 2016
Jazmine Moore Apr 2016
I want to experience parts of you that nobody else gets the pleasure of becoming familiar with.
360 · Aug 2016
Jazmine Moore Aug 2016
Sweet baby,
you love to gaze
into the universe
behind my eyelids
right before you
kiss magic against
my lips
and I must say
the dizziness that
accompanies the
of the oceans lying
dormant is easily
-head over heels
342 · Apr 2015
Jazmine Moore Apr 2015
I wrote your name in the sand hoping the ocean wouldn't wash it away.
Waves crashing upon my inscription, you slowly drift; the horizon taking you by the minute.
Poetically pouring every once of my love into you while wrestling through those bedsheets just wasn't enough..
Allowing myself to become one with you, my body was not the only thing bare; for my soul was just as undone and I loved every minute of it.
From the seconds spent kissing you, the minutes spent inside of you, hours spent beside you, and days I'd ride for you,
**** was my heart for you; nothing to hide.
Falling for you daily was my only demise; one I wouldn't trade for anything..
and as tragically as your goodbye kiss felt upon my lips, I would reluve that day over and over.
Desires of waking up to your face still haunt me ; to wake up to my true love's smile is a treasure one cannot imagine; treasure I thought was in my hand only to find out it was fool's gold.
Holding your heart as I thought you held mine, for nights I grow anxious of true love in its entirety.
The warmth, the passion, I can't rid myself of these qualities you possess.
Silently suppressing tears as we pass by each other like strangers, my sadness turns into rage.
For I gave you love, selflessly and courageously, just for you to toss it all away.
..and if you asked me, I would do it all over again at the drop of a hat, just to feel for a second that love exchanged.
My mind shivers when you are around from being torn down; I just hope one day you would build me back up
Whether I see the day or not, I will forever dream about it.
I do not have a title, feel free to pick one for me and leave it in the comment section
340 · Feb 2015
Jazmine Moore Feb 2015
I am in a really serene place in my life right now. I have decided that I need to write everyday because the only way to get better at something is keep practicing, reading and expanding. I want so much. I want it all. It's cliché to want the "bad" guy to change for you, but I want that. I believe in him; he just doesn't believe in himself, which is sad, but it's life. It is amazing how unconditional love works. I didn't stop loving him when didn't reciprocate it, I loved him harder. I am past wanting the relationship to work, I just want peace between us. I want hope. I want the love to never die.
333 · Nov 2015
Jazmine Moore Nov 2015
we walked along the pavement hand in hand and all I could think about was how close yet so far you are to me
because it seems as if everytime I get close enough to touch your soul, you inch away just a little,
but at 3 am,
when you aren't thinking too hard and you let me in,
I try to dig a little deeper.
Love, I think it is starting to subconsciously hurting me
to keep holding on to you when
You Are Only Half Way There.
and you don't even know that
you're tearing up my already damaged
& the crazy thing is,
I'm letting you-
& part of me is loving it.
I'm falling far and fast attempting
To Fill This Void I Have In My Heart;
I'm hopelessly romanticizing
about what we could be,
Yet, we simply aren't.
I want it to be you because
In you is where I find comfort these days;
I can lay next to you and feel
& I breathe in your hurt some days,
Because all I want to do is make it better; make you better
but, you're searching for love
in fifteen beautiful girls,
When I've always been here
to pick you up.
And I'll hold you a million times
Because you're what I'm used to,
Some days, you're the coffee
I need to wake
Up my
275 · Aug 2016
Jazmine Moore Aug 2016
Sweet baby,
you love to gaze
into the universe
behind my eyelids
right before you
kiss magic against
my lips
and I must say
the dizziness that
accompanies the
of the oceans lying
dormant is easily
-Head over Heels
219 · Aug 2016
Jazmine Moore Aug 2016
The sun rose
through that
gaze he
selfishly served
her as if
(he was in love)
and her body
is drowning
in uncontrollable
dizzying waves
of memories that
leaves the left side
of her chest
-she only wanted him to fight for her

— The End —