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Aug 2014 · 6.0k
The Lake
I remember sitting by the lake, my legs pulled against me in the darkness.
The sky flashing above me and the wind whispering through the air.
So many feelings in one night...
The water glistened with each strike of lightening and shook with each deep rumble of thunder.
The grayness of it all was enough to make any and all wonders unparalleled in my mind.
I wish I was on a boat in the storm feeling each and every motion of the water.
I wish I could have felt it breathe in and out and cradle me in its arms.
I wish I could have tasted the moisture in the air and smelled the rain.
I know that no matter where I go, whenever I hear the rain that lake is quaking anxiously awaiting my return.
Aug 2014 · 493
There's a rift between the dead and me,
Sinking and falling faster into the dark,
The closeness of it seems sickening,
I can feel the teeth of the vehement shark,
Closing in around my throat,
I feel lured and enticed to feel the pain,
Is it wrong to want to feel something,
Is it wrong to be this insane?
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Paralyzed from the heart down,
Abandoned, lost and found,
The relinquishing of the crown,
Breathing, feeling my heart pound.

Haste takes my calm mind,
Enduring, hatred and pain,
The ropes caressing feel the bind,
The world submissive, barren and plain.

Sold for a cruel desire,
Abused, jaded and forgotten,
The burning of a torrid fire,
My soul defeated, life begotten.

Taken away from my morality,
Stolen, fought and lost,
The time considered a technicality,
The hours dragging, a heavy cost.
Aug 2014 · 747
You are your own worst enemy,
You illustrate your destiny,
You decide your fate,
You create.
I make my own mistakes,
I ensue my heartbreaks,
I choose the rate,
I create.
We take anything we need,
We decide who takes the lead,
We make the world dissapate,
Yet we have the tools to create.
Aug 2014 · 476
Crawling back to everything you threw away and every day spent in pain ,
And shielded hearts touch lost thoughts,
Of lives worth living and hungry sayings in throats.
Shudder for complaining suits,
But you'll never know their hidden truths,
Even if they came back and yelled them in your face.
You'd never get why they've cried out in vain.
Aug 2014 · 532
You're Done
I used to wish for your demise,
Now I just hope you're miserable,
Candy and cigarettes,
What have you ever done for me?
Except leave me choking in the alley.
I'll pick up the pieces myself, thanks.
Dizzy nights and nauseating steps,
You never believed in my dreams.
I never believed in you.
I wish the sunset would stop waking me...
Every single day I wake up with something to regret.
Life's a cold-hearted ***** sometimes.
Do you feel your breathing becoming labored?
That's me.
I'll take every breath you have until they are all gone.
Even the very last one.
Aug 2014 · 546
The Meadow
The meadow so perfect and serene,
You'd think it were plucked from a dream,
The blooms so elegant they gleam,
What a delightfully perfect scene.

The sun shines warmly on your skin,
The stems reaching can hardly bend,
A day so beautiful should never end,
How could I possibly know where to begin?

The laughter echos in the towering trees,
The joy dripping from a drifting breeze,
Happily reaching out to seize,
The feeling that makes me fall to my knees.

I can no longer avoid the need to be free,
I run through the grass that's enveloping me,
There's no other place that I'd rather be,
It's a shame that it's beauty only I can see.
Aug 2014 · 424
My Loss
I hope this ending is just the beginning,
That the loss is just a minor passing,
Forgetting is an easy way out,
But the memories are what love is about.
I will think of you when the sun goes down,
When you feel its dark and no one is around,
Alone in your head and you worry I forget,
But please remember your love will always be met.
Your eyes will always be on my mind,
The smell of your skin, I wish I could find,
A numbness begins in my heart deep inside,
I want to sink down deeper, to hide.
I could lie and say I will let you go,
But if you believe that, there's something you should know,
You're exquisite to me in every possible way,
And I will not stop missing you for one single day.
Aug 2014 · 600
A name denotes a connection,
A silent understanding of a person,
It's a label on one's self.
When a name has an emotion attached,
It invokes a deeper feeling.
Their name uttered under your breath,
A whisper on the air,
Floating until it reaches the ears of the intended.
A name is an indescribable piece of ourselves.
A common bond that reminds us,
We are all men,
It is this realization that creates an equality.
An agreement that we are nothing more,
And nothing less,
Than human.
Aug 2014 · 360
You came into my vision like fire over glass,
I never would have let you in like I did unless you had.
You ran across my skin teasing every hair,
I never would have let you in if I knew it would feel this bad.
You stole my thoughts from me and replaced them with you,
I never would have let you in if I knew you would be so vacant.
I break like a dead tree as I bend to reach you in vain,
I never would have let you in if I knew you would just take it.
I feel the flesh burn and break from my bones as you walk over me,
I never would have let you in if I knew it would be this.
You're turning to gold right in front of me,
I never would have let you if I could have anticipated the kiss.
You flew in on gilded wings and broke my hope with one smile.
I never would have let you in but I did and I still would.
Aug 2014 · 335
Sparks shooting off like fireworks in the night,
Beginnings have never promised such delight,
My heart races with each word you speak,
Hairs stand on end with your hand on my cheek,
Electricity pulsates here between you and I,
A feeling so lovely it makes me want to die,
I become afraid and begin to worry its near,
You came from oblivion just to quell my fear,
The ending of one story just the beginning,
I have to grab on to you to keep the room from spinning,
You know I'm afraid and I know you are too,
But I think you can save me and I can save you.
Feb 2012 · 1.1k
Midnight creeps into view and the fog weighs heavily on my eyes,
Walking in the last sacred place that has not been tainted,
Divine in its authenticity and designs of reserved grandeur,
The barren surroundings and decrepit structures painted,
The snow begins to fall onto the branches of the willow tree,
The night calls out to me and the wilderness stirs with sentience,
The wolves begin their descent from the mountains approaching,
Encircling me waiting for my integral compliance,
I fear them; with their feral eyes and primal rituals,
I fall to my knees grasping at the soil in sincere repentance,
My eyes reflect those of an innocent pure soul,
They beckon me to the edge of the dense tree line in diligence,
I follow hesitantly through the darkness of the forest,
The wolves gather in a clearing around a beautiful brown fawn,
Heads bowed in apology at having to steal a life in its prime,
The night grows further from the forest and so breaks a new dawn.

— The End —