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Luna Apr 2014
I am like a tree
Swaying with the wind

But over time,
branches crack and fall
One by one

Eventually, I am left with nothing but the sound
of my body breaking
Crashing to the ground
Luna Apr 2014
Bright eyes
Bright smile
All I ever wished I could be

I can't imagine you looking into her eyes
Instead of mine
But I don't understand how someone couldn't

My mind going a thousand miles a minute
My mouth going just under that
Talking, talking, talking, but never thinking

Maybe that's where I went wrong
My endless rants of sadness
Putting my depression over your head

But she,
She looked like the sun
Shining brighter than I ever could

Maybe I'm just crazy
Luna Apr 2014
Someday, I hope you can understand
how I felt when I saw you there
Relief, happiness, I was at peace

My longing for you was more than I could handle
I'm not even sure if it ever left
Even when I thought it was, you lingered

The dreams that I once had of you,
lost in a sea of memories
The only memories I had left of you
Luna Apr 2014
Everything is a blur
Yet I take another sip

Friends around,

Nothing bothers me,
for once
Luna May 2014
I never have liked fighting
especially when it was with you

Your screaming,
the words that sting
like an open wound

"I'm sorry," you say
"I love you,
I never want to lose you."

I never wanted to lose you either
especially not to the alcohol
Luna Apr 2014
I can't believe
I ever tried with you
When I had someone better
all this time

I hate you
Luna Apr 2014
Feeling your skin on mine,
I sense that we are one in the same
There is not a me without you
When I'm away from you
I feel like a part of me is missing
for what parts of you it's lacking
Luna Jul 2014
I used to be okay
With you
The way you treated me

Then I found bliss
And realized
It was nothing more
Than possession
Luna Apr 2014
I don't feel as deeply anymore
But my bouts of sadness triumph any other emotion

I am okay,
As much as someone like me can be

I don't know what's down the road
But I am hoping it will prove life isn't so bad
Luna Jan 2015
She is always more deceiving,
than she is comforting

You take one look at her
and not one thing is halted,
quieted, stopped
from going through your mind
the night is always when you're surrounded by your own mind
Luna Apr 2014
I thought of texting you
"Good morning, I can't sleep"
But then I remembered
You are on a journey,
Which I am not part of
And that's okay.
This is NOT my poem just letting you know!! I don't know the author but I really am in love with this poem, so all credit goes to the author which I do not have a name for
Luna Apr 2014
I look up to the sky, wondering
Why, of all beautiful things,
I was created?
Luna Apr 2014
I look at you
and I see what I saw
3 years ago when we first met

The innocence of young love,
sprouting and reaching it's grasp
pulling you and I both in

But I also see,
that we have aged
And we are not the same as we used to be

I still kiss your forehead when I leave the house
But what's behind that
is nothing compared to what it used to be

If only we could work on ourselves,
maybe then we can spend
the rest of our lives together, happy
Luna Jan 2015
Your clumsy tongue was enough
to get me drunk on you.
rather than stumble on myself
I stumbled over your words,
and false hope

In the end, I was slumped
against the wall,
wondering what I ever did to deserve
everything less than the best
you are a fool

— The End —