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 Feb 2016 Flo
Mateen Manek
 Feb 2016 Flo
Mateen Manek
Sing me your song
And put me in a trance
Of love and devotion.
Your song blows on the embers
Of my soul and awakens them
From its dormant state.

Sing me your song
So I can fall in love.
Sing me your song
So I may discover my fire.
Sing me your song
And, someday, I will also sing along.
From 'The Traveller: Part I'
 Feb 2016 Flo
A firefly
 Feb 2016 Flo
You're like a firefly.

A little dream on the earth.
The scent of the stars.
little, glowing, flying
in complex constellations.

You walk like a dream
at night.
veiled, young and shy.
alluring, intoxicating.
fulfilling and emptying,
all at the same time.

somewhat ;)
 Feb 2016 Flo
Gypsy soul
 Feb 2016 Flo
Gypsy soul
I am a pearl in a world full of diamonds.
 Feb 2016 Flo
Sunny sunny day.
How beauty can take
your breath away.
People are smiling.
While the warmth
of sunlight is shining.
On faces so delight.
In forest so brightly.
Little ducks are swimming.
in sweet water.
A baby swan is cuddling
her mother.
Colored flowers
and plants that bloom.
The smell of spring perfume.
 Feb 2016 Flo
p a r t
 Feb 2016 Flo
even if we can’t be together in the end, I’m still glad you were apart of my life.
 Feb 2016 Flo
 Feb 2016 Flo
They say you are disorder of sleep
Because you don't let others stay asleep
You come to me silently at night
I can't prevent your coming, I can't fight
When sleeping time comes, I close my eye
Sleep don't come, only come my cries
Sleep gets frightened, she hides
You are the evil and you stay besides
Even when sleep comes, you give me nightmares
My health deteriorates but you don't care
I fancy to anything but just scream
I wish I were lost in my dreams
You keep me stay awake for endless hours
I wish I were snow white lying on bed of flowers
I wish I had that apple the dark queen gave her
I couldn't even stay fully awake, my eyes have a blur
I feel tired, every other day
Insomnia insomnia, pretty please go away
At least for tonight, please cease
Let me lay in the slumber of peace
Insomnia don't let my angel sleep sometimes and I hate it then.
Written from her view
 Feb 2016 Flo
Melissa S
Just Scratch
 Feb 2016 Flo
Melissa S
Even though it has been ages
since we've talked
I know I got to you
I seeped under your skin
And I still reside there
Quietly waiting...
For you to feel that itch again
If you would just scratch
You could still feel me
Wow such a surprise~ Thanks HP for the daily selection honor and Thank you fellow poets for all the nice comments. I truly appreciate them all!!
 Feb 2016 Flo
no bug spray
 Feb 2016 Flo
i've been watering dead plants for so long
i hardly remember what they look like
when they're alive,
and maybe this means i'm
losing my mind,
but the truth is,
we all want a miracle.

i think i've just been
counting too much
on mine.

i wanna believe
that my love & loyalty alone
can turn a withered pile of
prickly dirt into a strong
and stunning cactus,
once again.

i wanna believe
that if i count you every
time i count my blessings,
you'll bless me with your presence,
but it feels a bit like a child's
impossible dream.

i am a dreamer though,
even in a one bedroom apartment
with creaky doors and leaky faucets.

so, i'll continue to do these things
that don't make sense to you.
i'll wish you a happy birthday,
just cause i mean it.
& i'll visit your mom in the hospital,
so she knows she's never alone.
and i'll give money to your friends'
"gofundme" page,
because you know,
i want ryan to get well too.
and i'll pray for your safety,
even though i have no religion.

and i'll sit here,
on my bathroom floor
thinking about dead roses
while you lie with your
face in a pillow
that's forever stained
with the scent of my shampoo.

and i'll hope that you still love that smell
as much as you did when you still loved me.
and i'll hope that your heart isn't
prickly and pathetic.
i'll hope that it's
stunning and strong
like a cactus.

and if they call me crazy,
you can tell them they're right.

but i'd rather be the one who
waters a dead plant,
than be the one who misses
the magic only found
in fallen petals.
 Feb 2016 Flo
Bianca Reyes
I was happy being a mountain range
Admired by those wishing to explore
One day I caught sight of quite a beauty
This mountain range made me eager
To explore peaks and run down slopes
Feel every dip and groove of rough terrain
And find my way through every cave
I want these plates beneath me to quake
So that my range can be with your range
Let me be the snow that covers you whole
To feel myself melt in your warmth
Say you'll have me and give into desire
Allow my prints on your wonderful earth
For the future explorers to envy
Maybe then my yearning for you will cease
Or maybe I'll stay exploring forever
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 16, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
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