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 Jun 2018 cleann98
Some nights,
Am the fallen star,
with too many wishes
hanging upon it.

Some days,
am the wilted flower,
which has seen too many winters
and too few springs.

Mostly I am the invisible presence
that never quite learnt to show itself.
I have watched too many people
and know too well the bitter scent of pretence in the air.

They will pretend to,
see you,
know you,
love you.

Only for them to,
hurt you,
leave you,
**** you

Life is a party some said
but no one warned me
against uninvited  Guest.
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Praggya Joshi
The best mistake I made
Was believing
as a child
In the idyllic world
Of pixie dust strewn fairy tales
Laughing at the prospect
Of a strange world
Where happiness
Wasn't always there to stay
Where the triumph of good over evil
Didn't necessarily happened
Where those who professed
To love you dearly
Didn't always turned distant
Where sleeping beauties
Didn't always woke up
Where the shining sun
Didn't always warmed your frostbitten skin
Where a beating heart
Wasn't always a sign of life
Where being older
Didn't always meant
Being stronger
Where bruised knees and scarred wrists
Weren't always a consequence
of slipping on the stairs
Or tripping on the sidewalk
I happily believed
In a world
Which I realized
When I grew up
Could only exist
In the realms
Of my heartfelt dreams
But could never be real
Because a thing may seem cliche won't mean it isn't right.
Warm sunbeams, drumbeat thunder, and the clash of dark and light.
Or just because it's overused, don't say it can't be true.
Old words and phrases well describe my burning love for you.
 Jun 2018 cleann98
oliver o
man in the bathroom
why are you staring at me
i’m meant to be here
 Jun 2018 cleann98
Seazy Inkwell
Blown away sorrows,
Seep through pillows,
Was I mad was I sad
When I came with no “hi”s
And left with no “goodbye”s

The place is close by,
But I walk back I drive past
I duck away to avoid pests of regrets

Never able to cut open
The memories endeared
In its own empty crust.

So I look toward future with lust
Afraid of the going back
Afraid of the circling into myself
Fastened into idealized past.

Nobody ever come back this way,
Nothing ever stay the same,
None ever let their sentiments sway,
Not my fights not my thoughts not my defeats
not even me.
i don't know. i always pass by this place where i used to know. i keep thinking of the people there. but for sure they will no longer know me. i was the quiet one.  
but how they embroidered the scenes of my memories....
 Jun 2018 cleann98
If only
I had
said all the
things I
instead of
what you

it wasn't worth it.

you weren't worth it.
I feel so sorry for all of my characters. I can't help but give them problems ;-;
This one is for my boi Alejandro
 Jun 2018 cleann98
no saint                                                      
never­ was                                                    
never will be                                                      
so      ­                                              

will make                      
your mind see                      
a scarred mortal                      

fell for
a     baleful
halo disguised

                                         of       it      my
                                          heart has paid the

trust to be
paid with several

  are dealt                                              
unlike hands                                              
and to play life's                                              
game        ­                                        

Why                    ­                                                                 ­       
should I                                                                                         
b­e judged for                                                              ­                          
every fault and                                                              ­                          

make me                  
I'm human like                

                     have worsen
                   making  hating

                      ­                                              Time
              ­                                                       from my
                                                                        childhood was
                                                             ­         stolen    from   my
                                                              ­          life

want to find
my own way in

hate you                                                     
perfection                                   ­                  
It's used way too                                                  

from everyone                                                                                           

My      ­    
love for          
words and myth          
burns bright in my        

                              have lied
                              I have judged
                               I  make  mistakes

                                                             ­                    Why
                                                           ­                      condemn
                                                         ­                       me  because
                              ­                                                  I   am   honest
                                                         ­                          look

         got my
              share of chips
             and cracks on my

make me                              
some target                              
on      media's                            

I'm                                                            ­                  
alive                                                           ­                   
Living art                                                              ­            
now broken and                                                              ­          
scared                                                          ­                

God sees    
and for all    
I have done    

                                deal with
                                me in time
                                  The way He sees

my lanterns              
will adorn the              

my truth                                                        
I am fraught                                                         
with flaws and I'm                                                          

   ­       Now            
take a piece
of my heart and

                                            to the
                                             endless sky
                                               and take my soul
These Lanterns poem are really close to home...
Consider them like a continuation of my poem 'Naturally'.
I can't act like I'm perfect all the time. Needless to say that society's obsession with perfection has worsened. It feels like an image one will forever to forced to strive for but never reach. To be honest, being perfect all the time only makes people more excited for your fall from grace.
What I mean by people 'making hating cool' is that people enjoy jumping on the hate bandwagon when someone (e.g. a celebrity) does something they don't like, says something they don't like, or makes a mistake. In most cases, it's unnecessary. It's sad it happens...

The divine light that these lanterns have comes from a really emotional and insecure place in my heart. A treasure that I want you to see. I'm young, I've made my share of mistakes. Who hasn't? I've got a past. But I shouldnt be pressure to feel guilt for ******* up in life sometimes.
These words are from a 22 (23 tomorrow) year old who even though she acts like shes got it all covered, she's terrified of life as a whole. Fraught with her own personal issues and demons. But I'm still here for a reason.
There have been days where I wanted to end it all but I didn't.
Because deep down, I know. I couldn't deny myself a chance in life.
A chance to finally have some stability and to be happy. A chance to truly find myself and embrace who I am.
Something that I'm honestly still learning to do.
I hope people here who are going through this understand where I'm coming from.

I'm me, Lyn Purcell and there's nowhere and nothing I'd rather be.
Thanks so much for 88 followers. For me it's insane!
No words can express how I feel but you have my gratitude!

More Lanterns are coming as well as Sijos.
So, have a lovely day/night and be back soon!
Lyn ***
 Jun 2018 cleann98
 Jun 2018 cleann98
to him,
she was his escape,
his ever present lighthouse.

as shadows creeped up his vision,
he would go to her
seeking temporary paradise
in an unforgiving world
that would pass judgement
on those that failed
to meet their quota

it calmed him.

to be able
to completely surrender himself
to someone so pleasurably cruel

each whip lash,
each biting scar,
each punishing slap,
each delicious sting from candle wax,
his neck wrapped in a collar
his skin marred by abuse
yet he couldn't help but ask
for more
he would beg
and she would give it to him.

he let himself drift away
until nothing more
than welcomed thoughts of her
invaded his once clustered mind
he would do anything for her.
only for her.

that was his duty
as her loyal pet

to her,
no words needed
                   to be said
he was nothing more
  than an animal
       trained to
             satisfy her
                         in bed.

that's how its always been
with her partners being
lustful creatures
forever seeking an outlet
for their suppressed desires

but she couldn't help
but think that this one
this insignificant little pet
would be the one
to stay by her side

then again,
that's what she thought
about everyone else before him
but she'd gladly wait
and see if
this one was any different

the least she could do
would be to enjoy herself
and savor the moment
of being able to call
this pathetically beautiful beast
as her own.
hmm...not sure how I feel about this one. might rewrite next time, or might not. Who knows~ I might make this into a short story tbh
Challenge from Yan F~
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