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Jul 2019 · 438
i feel as though my body is no longer mine
a stranger in my own home

a b a n d o n e d * and *b r o k e n

isn't it funny how the one place i'm supposed to feel safest
is the one that does the most  d a m a g e
hey guys hope you like this one, its been one of the hardest poems i have had to write simply because its one of the most honest poems i've written in a while. please let me know what your thoughts are, your feedback is always appreciated
Feb 2019 · 620
im not whole enough to love
and be loved
in return
something short, been a while I know tbh I feel like im always doing this oh well.... ill try to be better
Nov 2018 · 207
I wish I had realized sooner that the love I was searching for in you
was already hidden
within myself
something short but really powerful for you guys.
please be sure to give me your feedback.
Oct 2018 · 2.7k
I want to be touched by you
but not in the conventional way
oh no
I long to be touched
I want you to undress my mind with your thoughts
don't forget to comment, let me know what you guys think.
Oct 2018 · 553
although i seem fine
the life i live is a lie
for im dead inside
thought id try something different
feedback on this poem would be great
i hope you like it
Oct 2018 · 962
a sad word in many ways
we almost had our chance
our chance to finally be happy
not just together but also with ourselves
we almost made it
maybe if one of us held on we would still be together
maybe the  "almost" being in love is what saved us
maybe this almost love story was enough
maybe this almost was our everything
this is one of my favorite writes.  
i hope you love it as much as i do.
please be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Sep 2018 · 650
its sad
the way i allowed myself to be treated as an afterthought
but then again
maybe being known as  his sometimes
was better than not being known at all
uhhhm been a while since i have posted so im just trying to be more active, please let me know what you guys think.
Jun 2017 · 263
Poetic painter
They adored my painted canvases, the colourful views and pretty smiles... If only they saw the art that wasn't on display.

It wasn't as pretty but surely it was more poetic, oh the simplicity of using only two colours. For I paint in silver on this canvas but out it pours in a dark and lonely red.
Jul 2015 · 410
its funny that they dont
Its funny
that we can be in pain
our souls dying slowly decaying
yet no one sees

its hilarious
that nobody notices the little cracks that break through
you could be drowning in your own tears
yet no one sees
never be afraid to ask a person what is wrong because sometimes all they want and need is for someone to see they're not happy
Apr 2015 · 423
how and why
how do you let somebody down
how can just tell them no
tell them you've moved on
that you love another

how can you just drop them
how can you just leave
why do we do this
why don't we stay
the best way to let somebody down is by telling them the truth rather hurt me with the truth than make me smile with lies
Nov 2014 · 708
you make me smile
even on my worst day
you make me happy
with just a simple hey

when i hear the sound of your voice
it fills me with excitement a feeling like no other
listen for i have no other choice
you are the one my significant lover
Sep 2014 · 874
things i never said
Things I never said yet I meant to
like I'm sorry I love and I need you
but now we hardly talk for there is nothing more to say
I wish I never left why didn't I stay
never keep the true feelings inside
Sep 2014 · 862
dreams are like wishes
wishes we want so badly to come true
wishes of love and faith

dreams are like the opposite of reality
the opposite of the truth
they set you up for disappointment

dreams are the way our minds try to mock us
to make us depressed inside
to make us realize life is a big game we can never beat

that's what dreams are
yes they are magical
but they are just dreams
dreams are wishes your heart makes - Cinderella
Sep 2014 · 567
my life
don't tell me what to do
my life is mine
it doesn't belong to you

i don't care about what mistakes i'll make
just get off my back
this is something i can't take

stop telling me how to laugh
i don't give a crap
just leave me alone
is it too much to ask for that

i get that its hard but try to let go
if you don't then how will i ever know
its my life
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
spring is here
say goodbye to the cold and dark nights
bye to the thunder and lightning that gave us frights

bye to the wind that howls all day
because spring is here
lets run outside and play

when flowers bloom
because winter ended so soon
when the sun shines
and brings happiness and good times
Aug 2014 · 561
you are the reason of shame
the reason that people don't watch the game
the reason people fight
the reason people think they have no right

the reason there's war
and pain and people suffer
cause some of you think you are better than others

you are the ones who need to make a change
and not tomorrow or next week
but today
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
that's how we all felt
Aug 2014 · 722
home is where you belong
in my thin and lifeless arms

where people learn to love
that's where you should be
sitting drinking hot tea with me
Aug 2014 · 663
always the good
why is it the best things get taken away
but the bad things always tend to stay

why we take for granted what we really love
and just drop the ones that love us
its a bit confusing don't you thing
to just loose something or someone in a blink

i mean i would never care if the things i hated went missing
but for some reason they never leave
its always the good  i can never achieve
to stay longer with me
Aug 2014 · 590
what could it be
it was  a dark and grey night
it had me in its sight
a weird looking thing what could it be
why was it coming for me

black and big is all i could see
it was a very scary time
i think it wanted my life

but i took a closer look
it was my fears
all mixed in one
there were others bigger than some

i had to fight
so i could get to the light

i fell lost but soon later found
lying in a puddle of my own tears
on the ground
never fear
Aug 2014 · 931
Aug 2014 · 579
we trust those who care
the ones we know will be there
when time gets rough
when we just had enough

but what about the ones that lie
they say they will be there when they are the reason we cry
can we trust them?

can you tell who they are
who can know how you got this far

trust your heart
i bet it will lead the way
it will never lead you to the stray
Aug 2014 · 903
today's world
what happened to the children of today?
all they can do is sit on their smart phones and play

they don't go outside
they don"t communicate
they sit all brainwashed behind closed gates

all alone in a social bubble
thinking of stupid ways to get into trouble

there is no thanks
there is no sorry
we couldn't care less  
and that makes me worry

because i see empty streets
people to busy to go outside and see
how beautiful our planet is

i wish there was more games that involved going outside
instead of sitting around on electronics inside

i hope by the end of this poem you will see
just put down the phones and listen to me

don't be like the rest of today's world

go outside and kick a ball
it wont be hard
it wont take any effort at all
do it
Aug 2014 · 2.5k
tough love
she saw him from afar
his actions were really bizarre
he was obsessed with his looks and beauty
he never knew the one who loved him truly

but alas too shy to admit her feelings
he never found out
because all she does is whisper his name

but all her sad attempts turns out to be lame
she turns into an echo
him to a reflection
she never feeling his love and or affection
Aug 2014 · 625
i saw a sad pic
of a boy almost dead
he was shot in the middle of his head
where would this be no where other but Palestine

where mothers and fathers are being killed
the end of mankind
children are are suffering
because Israel is killing
all for some stupid piece of land

so dear Israel you should know
this is not the way to go
don"t be monsters even more than you are so

this is not a battle you will win
what you are doing is a sin
killing innocent people for nothing whats so ever
cause if you ask me its not very clever

so drop the bombs guns and machines
because one day Palestine will be free
make peace not war
Aug 2014 · 788
The sadness and horror that our society has created,
we think we have problems but we don't know
the roads that others have to go.

The problems they face
the heart sore the pain
whilst most of us sit around , moan and complain

Think of what you have and not what you don't
never let selfishness destroy you

listen to me don't  be sad or depressed just love what you have
be joyous don't pity cause trust me it wont be pretty
be a person with pride not with regret

enjoy your life
and enjoy the things that some don't get
say thanks to those who give

— The End —