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 Sep 2015 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
You enter
      Riding on a soundtrack of rising blood pressure and self defeat
       Every conversation kills itself at the sight of you;
     A *joke
not quite worth telling, that no one would laugh at anyway
          Every eye stops to stare at you
        *An aging car crash of a human

Wrecked and painted in dried blood
     Seducing onlookers with a rinky-**** smile
     Missing the convenient yellow caution tape that tells you life stops here
       You complain to fill the spaces left by your depleting self worth
  That wasn't much there in the first place
In the mirror you see dirt
    And you can't wash it away
, no matter how hard you try
Cause you're ****** in all the wrong ways
Up until you die

     Unintelligently designed
Your stupidity is almost genius
       You blame others for mishaps that you have gained
                            Your sickness a silent auction
                       Anyone could have caught it
       Infectious Anonymous
Attended every week
      And yet you're still so pathetic
you don't accept you're a disease worse than any flare up that could take hold
        You don't know how to recognize the facts that you've been told

       You complain to fill the spaces left by your depleting self worth
  That wasn't much there in the first place
In the mirror you see dirt
    And you can't wash it away
, no matter how hard you try
*Cause you're ****** in all the wrong ways
Up until you die
 Sep 2015 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
Love goes for his guns,
But Apathy's too **** quick.
 Sep 2015 DM
Just Melz
 Sep 2015 DM
Just Melz
I don't typically get inspired by flowers or trees,
But sometimes,
I'm moved by the way the wind breathes through the leaves.

I'm not usually hypnotized by beaches or the ocean,
But every now and then,
I feel a connection to the waves, how they crash, over and over again.

I can't say I'm always motivated by music or a catchy beat,
But occasionally,
A song plays and I can't help but get up and move my feet.

I haven't felt inspiration in many things before
But today I realized,
You captivate me, draw me in, every day, more and more.

Your voice, your smile, your eyes, even all your bad moods,
All the time,
You inspire me to write, to laugh and to simply DO.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...
You're my muse.

And I love you.
 Sep 2015 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
 Sep 2015 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
Every crack in your shattered soul traced my heart for so long I'm afraid to draw
Your shards make me bleed the most beautiful hues
If only I could use them to paint you
 Sep 2015 DM
Just Melz
I Would
 Sep 2015 DM
Just Melz
I would happily suffer
   because of how much I love you
I will put myself through misery
    just so you feel no pain
I would walk on flames
     and put them out
         so you can walk through
I will drive myself insane
     so you can have no part of the blame
I just wanna believe
        that you love me
               that much too
The blurred lines in my mind
have my thoughts playing on rewind,
like an old school mixtape
it took me forever to find
and all the songs play on shuffle,
each one a memory from a different day,
remembering the hussle
and all the things I couldn't say,
but I got every little part
of every tune
memorized to heart
and when I play them on repeat
from the start
I get lost in the tracks, fumbling,
checking out this road map
with no streets,
just valleys and hills
and when the beat gets faster,
I can feel the thrill
 Sep 2015 DM
Musfiq us shaleheen
when the silence comes down
in the darkness
the space between you and me
is just a sigh

some of the awaking words
floating in the mind
where tunes comes from
the next door

words to have come out
poetry as the whispering of  
dry dropping leaves

come up in the
hopeless romantic flute
comes on the
tune of the lost love

a portrait of broken dreams,
black and white
where exists a defeated faded face
and your silhouette
@Musfiq us shaleheen
**********if like share your comments/ repost/share****************
 Sep 2015 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
A faint wheeze
Running through my lungs
When there's nothing else to hear

I'll drown in silence
Without the sound of you
And find solace in death so near
Without you the poetry's gone.
 Sep 2015 DM
The first comment
I received
a "*******"
with a smiley face
I laughed off
wouldn't you?
Kind of crazy
kind of creepy
put it away as some one
we all know.

The second comment
with the usual language refrain
I was a "hack"
my words were "dreck".
The disparaging words about
my dead mother
gave me pause to reflect.

The third comment and more
began to recall
information of past
faux pas
secret affairs
one or two personal pecadillos
never mentioned beyond
dialogues in my mind.
Embarrassing I know.

I, of course,
went to the home page
to see
if it was someone
known to me.

No identifying data
but a picture I remembered vaguely
from a past I didn't know.

The trolling continued
relentless I would say
pulled the plug
put up a block
wouldn't you know

The comments continued
to come into my dreams
brutal criticism
every move I made
the day finally arrived
when I realized

Alter personalities were shedding off of me
psychological psoriasis
They were
hitting the ground running
I was
finding poems
I didn't remember writing
clothes I never bought
People kept hugging me
I had never met before
knew me far to well
called me many names
none of which were mine.

The silence of my nights were broken
when I found myself
in my car on Highway 101
returning from where I did not know
with a smile on my face
illegal drugs in my pocket.

How did I get here?
How did we get there?
Where are we now?

Another account opened
on Hello Poetry
with an anagram of my name.

I find my days
getting shorter and shorter
it became clear
I had become the dream
The others
had become me.
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