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 Aug 2014
Dark Jewel
As days blur,
I see the pattern...
Grazing, sealing, purifying.
All that is hideous.
To make it seem beautiful.

I hide,
Behind a mask,
A shell..
A force field.

What seems beautiful,
Isn't true for the beast.

The Beast,
That is hideous.
When she's angry.

So as the pattern lays flat,
These days turn into weeks,
Weeks turn to months.
Months turn to years..

Not a lifeline goes by,
When a monster is involved.

And when it's involved,
It seems the sands of time,
Are frozen still.
Even in the wasteland,
Of Hell..
Just a thought that crossed my mind
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
My pain irks me,
Sends me flying into my bed.
Under the cover of darkness.

As I cry myself awake,
Unable to sleep.
I ask myself..

Why am I such a ***** up?
Why do I make mistakes,
Knowing my parents will be angry?

My tears intensify,
My claws take my skin,
Leaving ****** marks...

I scream in my head,
Rocking to the beat of my music,
That sings in my ear bud.

Rascal Flatts.

I cannot find peace..
All I feel is that pain.
That has ****** me over for,
Five years.

I'm only a teenager,
I only can take so much.
Until Its over.

I've already tried once...
What makes you think I'll try again?

What makes you so ******?
Taking it out on me,
Because I don't listen?

Why can't you and my step mom,
Just realize..
That I'm only Seventeen..

And so it says,
My title will always stay.
Lone wolf forever..

I cant be perfect,
It's just not my style.

My life is so different,
I cry even harder.

Promises broken.
Two faced liars..

Why aren't you here?
I need you..
And I need you now..

As my pain intensifies,
All I see is the cascading shadows.
Watching my every move...

My music doesn't help anymore..
Really ****** day and my parents don't realize that I'm trying to be an adult.. Not a teenager.. I make split second decisions for my well being. Not their own.
 Jul 2014
eunsung aka Silas
I remember when I was lost in depression and self-loathing,
how alone I felt.

Even when I was surrounded by people, who I loved and loved me, I felt disconnected and numb.

This poem is a small message to all of you who felt and feel this way that you are not alone.

No suggestions or advice.  Often the friends and strangers that helped me the most when I was really lost in myself were the ones who drew near and were just with me.

A silent loving presence means a lot when you feel numb to life.  A simple tender touch might not break through the walls of depression in the moment, but I remember those warm touches in hind sight.  

Loving presence were subtle lamp posts that guided me out of the darkness of depression, resentments, self-pity, and hate.

All I have are these words as totems of a loving presence given to me by others that reminded me that I am not alone.  A gentle touch, a silent smile, or just hearing the breath of a loved one sitting quietly next to you.
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
Distant Days,*
Close nights.

All time that I had wished,
I hadn't slept alone..

Without you here,
Sleep means nothing...
The title I did that on purpose...
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
Majestic creature,bathed in fire
The heavens are you playground
The orange glow of breath
Upon the clouds once white
Now they burn bright
You are destruction and beauty
Those who do not see
A monster of flame
But you are of a gentle heart
You cleanse those
Who are enveloped in your breath
Only dust is left at your proud feet,
You are the beauty of the sky,
The cleanser of those beneath your feet.
We will for ever be in your shadow
Are lord dragon,
Burn the world, so it may grow anew,
From the ashes of yesterday
The new world will grow stronger under you.
 Jul 2014
Dark Jewel
The dream,
A ruse.
The world,

Why is it always the sun,
That dries their thick skulls?

Those stubborn people,
Who know not when to.
*Shut the hell up?
 May 2014
Dark Jewel
The trance of a deer,
Will only change if you move.

Bounding delighted,
The chase will move.
Into the meadows,
Of forgotten.
 May 2014
Dark Jewel

I can not be there with you now,
But you'll always feel me near, my dear.
Look deep into your heart and soul.
Let the love around you forever grow.
Turning sixteen is such a big milestone,
Always know you're never alone.

Grandma Kirby

Thank you..
My sweet one..
I will always remember you,
Grandma.. I miss you so much, it makes me tear up just to type this poem.. Thank you for being there for me to the end.. I am sorry I could not say goodbye on your final day.. Requiescat en Pace my dear, sweet, grandma..
 May 2014
Dark Jewel
Defined by the way you look at things.

What your views are,
Are very different,
Or Similar to mine.

Perceive well.
For your opinions are acknowledged freely.
But that does not mean,
That WE Agree.

What we see,
What we experience.
Is quite different from your nationality.

We do not fear this world,
Just fear what lies ahead for all.
What I see is very different from people. Use your eyes to see into the souls of others...
 May 2014
Dark Jewel
Eyes dance across ,
The wondering images alive.
Visible to those,
With a perceptive eye.

Focusing on whats in sight,
Figuring out the reaction.

We are visible to those,
With the eyes to see.

We stand in plain sight,
But are ignored by the tyrants.
The ghouls, The thieves.

Perception is everything,
When it comes to seeing whats in front of you.

With eyes to see,
You are visible.

As a canvas of vivid colours.

As a storm dancing in.

As a house burning with fire.

As a mustang and his kin.

We are Visible,
We are the perception.
That you see.
We are visible to those around us, And we blend with the crowd. Visible perception is everything. When it comes to those around.
 May 2014
Red Bergan
Cataclysm is thy scorn.
Voided hearth.
Among the mourned.

Beginning to End.
Sands of Time commence.
Scorned Catalyst,
Voided among the bends.
A catalyst doesnt end until the mourning begins and Ends.
 May 2014
Red Bergan
Oh heart,
You have been in pain.
For all this time.
You ache everyday,
As the war goes on.

Fear thee not,
Thy scorn will be venged.
When your mate of fire.
Comes to your bend.

Fear not my love,
My heart of Desire.
Your love will come,
He will be engulfed.
In healing Fire.
Revised to my Version. DISCLAIMER. This goes to Julie Kirby. (THE other me)
 May 2014
Dark Jewel
Heart of desire..
You fear not.
For thy war,
Has commenced.

Heart of all,
Deserver of love.
Deceived is thee.

Heart of desire,
Triumphant and Willed.
You have become,
Quite skilled.*

Heart of Desire,
Doth not fear.
Your mate,
Will always be there.
My heart is troubled by the wings that have spread... Let me fly to him now.. My mate forever.
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