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 Mar 2020
Jo Barber
Everything turns to dust -
even you,
even me,
even the bond that binds us now.

I've had many waking dreams
and a few waking nightmares,
but I don't remember most of them now.
They were lost while I was sleeping,
just like us.

Whether I lost you in my dreams
or in my nightmares,
I lost you
all the same.
 Feb 2020
I feel so lonely
No one to trust
Turn to.
Supposed to be friends are more worried about themselves and can't notice what I'm doing.
I'm hiding
Hurting emotionally
to the point where I've gone
numb inside.
The only times I remember I have feelings is
when the flood of emotions comes rushing out
leaves me
and panting for air.
 Feb 2020
as charming as they might be,
the spirits of those with no remorse,
i was only endebted to the eternity,
in the ember of your eyes infinite beauty.


so charmant sie auch sein mögen,
die geister derer ohne reue,
ich war nur der Ewigkeit verpflichtet,
in der Glut deiner Augen unendlich Schönheit.

© fey (20/09/19)
 Feb 2020
Max Neumann
who are we? dead stars
victims of commercial wars
you'll find us in packed bars
lonely on a quest and drunk

it's the best place for us
cause we been fleeing the rat race
don't wanna be part of it
and yet we're all part of it

double standards lead our lifes
we're like you: lovers, husbands and wives
 Feb 2020
i fear no one today
i am my own escape
in this world of pain
i fear no one today

i'll scream and i will run
the fun has just begun
i'll fall, and my knees scrape
for i fear no one today

i'll live life like a dream
one no one's ever seen
i'll cry til my lungs ache
i'll fear no one today

i'll love with all my heart
for love is but an art
i'll give this heart away
'cause i fear no one today

i've cut off all your strings
what does tomorrow bring?
i am my own escape
i fear no one today.
a song by me
 Feb 2020
Max Neumann
come on
hand me a poem will ya

or at least a stanza i
be willing to do everything

what? then gimme a
verse i'm sweating like

not even a verse? cmon!

a word baby!
please just one ****** word

or i mean frankly ahem argh
gimme letters

at least one single meaningful
Invitation to a fiendship.

YouTube: Feinkost Paranoia So oder So
 Feb 2020
Max Neumann
your voice paints a gentle need
so please call me a million times...

i'll write your name in thousand rhymes
 Feb 2020
Max Neumann
let's make a deal:
and return him
Today is a good day.

The world we see today
The world we human have made
Polluted, corrupt, unequal,
Filled with
Classism, communal & casteist...
With 70% of flora-fauna extinct
Since advent of agriculture
Industrialization & new age

A world where
People are insensitive
Where they even cheat
Their brother, sister & family
And acquire wealth illegally

This world we live in today
Did not fall from the sky
Did not happen in a day
It happened because
People were indifferent to LOVE
People were indifferent to
Those who LOVED them
Bystanders just stood and watched
Jesus crucified, Mansoor lynched

All LOVERz of history
Layla Majnun
Romeo Juliet
Shirin Farhad
Sohni Mahiwal
Heer Ranjhana
Stand as a reminder
That they and their LOVE
Stood to save
Humanity and the world

Died in longing pain
Because the world
Treated them as sick & mad
Considered them as criminals
And ousted them from
Their lives and society

All throughout history
Died because
There were those who
Even though knew about "LOVE"
Sat back and watched LOVERz
Die a slow painful death

This life, work, wealth,
Money, power, fame
Are tools of the
Modern age we live in
A Machiavellian design
To mark and **** out LOVERz,
Deprive them a right to LOVE
And to finally annihilate them

This is new world's
Biggest betrayal of
To those who came with
The message of LOVE

Every day world demonizes
The one who LOVEz
By calling them names
And keeping them out of
Their lives and society

Three things:
a. The majoritarianism herd mentality
b. The subservient pseudo intelligence
c. And a lack of conscience

Any one alone can not
Destroy LOVE as we know it
A combination of all three
Could prove deadly on
Those who LOVE - like us...

LOVERz are not betrayers of life
But they are the whistle blowers
And the watchdogs of conscience

LOVERz show the mirror of
True self to the world
So that one can save humanity

Where are those who believe in LOVE?
They are here, they live in us..!
In YOUz & me, In me & YOUz

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