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There is a twisted , warp organization here,
In Hollywood, and Washington dc as well.
That is working on destroying the united states.
They are working *******  bringing in the New world order.
But to their dismay Christ shall overcome them.
As well as the fallen angels that back this organization.
That lives to destroy the USA which is Gods country.
They whom live for satan shall lose big time everywhere.
For Christ has already won the battle through the cross.
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
If man wasn't so busy killing another
He just might start;
Getting occupied loving his "sister's and brother's".

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Aug 2015
Among'st a non-judging expanse,
Creative clouds dance.

Through fields one might prance,
Find a tree and sit
Or take a different stance.

See it fully or just give a glance~

The clouds, they form in multiplicities,
Reflecting simplicity;
Expanding creative form explicitly.

What'll it be?
How'll it grow?

Beautiful sky of freedom's form,
Modify your figure and break the norm.
Show me what never dies and is forever born~!

And reveal to us in time what is on the inside,
Usually hidden when worn.

I saw this in the clouds today, when I was bored..
 Aug 2015
the "light at the end of the tunnel"
is a train that's headed my way
i'll be crushed under wheels of steel
never to see the light of day
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
I miss my past, I miss your name;
You cheer me always, you wipe every tears;
You are a friend, to me that's very clear;
But part of me gone wrong, happened when I ride to stranger's song;

I've left  you then, without saying goodbye;
I've hurt your feeling and made you cried;
Right now I'm coming back, sworn to stay;
I'd made my mistake then, I've  learned my lesson;

In my return I'm not that sure, what was destined;
Wishing I'm still welcome, that nothing change;
Listen! I'm begging you honey
Can we start over again?

Sept. 27, 2002
Mysterious Aries
 Aug 2015
I'll barely make
Any money this next year

Probably just a few grand
And I find it all quite queer

That college and post B.A.
Totaled about 120 grand

I will probably be living here
For another few years

There is no upward mobility now
A fat and bloaded
Debt ridden cow

I suppose some day
Maybe soon

Everyone will be singing a different tune
One EMP strike
From China

The systems will be down

Not much food
At the markets
And no one in town

This economic system
Is not viable anymore

George Soros' associates
Buying up gold galore

There is the super rich
And the poor

Board up those windows
Store water and food
The people are angry
And in a bad mood

The lies they have been told
The lies they have been sold

They work the day away
And get to barely keep anything

Debt and more debt
They cannot pay

18 trillion dollars
Piled high

Piled up to the sky

The Fed will print and print
That's not a solution

One can't put out a fire
By pouring gas on a fire

It's not the same
Don't you see

It's a dim future
Here in America
For you and me

So look out for yourself
Is what you should do

Because in this society
The middle class
Is getting *******

I ate an avocado
Or two
Maybe a bit too much

Yes I am full
Adding popcorn
To that lunch

I sometimes expect
For food to do
Something more

To help make this life
Less than a total bore

But all it does is fill
The stomach again

It's just food
It just fills the stomach
Not the emptiness within

How many hours
Do I spend alone

How many hours
Sitting in this home?

It's just a program
I say

It spins around the sun
And I'm here another day

Hopefully my time will come
To start a career
Money- I do need some
 Aug 2015
Hanna Kelley
Every child is born
With a puzzle to do
Some smaller than others
But same in point of view

As you live your life
You search for every piece
You find them in the people you meet
Or in places you find peace

Sometimes your pieces
Don't fit like they should
So you take them out
And find a place they could

Some people are so desperate
To find the right part
That they'll force them in places
That ruins the art

When a piece doesn't fit
Then you set it aside
It will be important later
It will have to be applied

But those people that are desperate
May take those away
They'll find a place that it fits
Along with the price to pay

Puzzles are made
With similar design
So they can get away
With taking what was mine

Too many people
Took what were important to me
So my puzzle is left unfinished
And I can't see what it would be

I can't finish my puzzle
And show my work of art
I can't get a new puzzle
And go back to the start

Selfish people have ruined
The only thing I had
I can't find my pieces
I have nothing more to add

So I throw away my puzzle
Since there is nothing more to do
I walk through the door
This is all because of you
Not everyone will understand this poem.
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Mine otherworldly ethereal
I seeith thineself so desolate;
For thee to smile again
I shalt be pecked by crow's, cut to bit's.


Kilig bringer to mine belly
Purpose to mine well-being;
Ill taketh all thine past blemishes
I'll dieth a million death's, for thine jubilation to forthbring.


Definition to life itself
Mine bride, soon to be;
Greatest thing is mine queen
Thou art already a wife to me.


When thou feeleth
That the rope is best;
I'll taketh that twine
Around mine own neck.


So when thou art bottommost
Down in the pit's of hell;
Just remember I'm coming to freeith thee
As I'll replaceth thee with me, I'll taketh thy cell.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Kilig means- butterfly's in ones stomach- Filipino tongue...
 Aug 2015
Savannah Charlish
You only need your heart broken once
To be able to create a lifetime of poetry
 Aug 2015
you are so far away
in my heart, you're held closest
i speak to you every day
in my moments of hopeless

i feel you in my bones
in spirit, there's a closeness
someday i am coming home
you are my final focus
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
If only i have the good of fortune
For sure you and I now dancing in the moon
Having the nicest wedding in the month of June
But things are unfortunate to me I believe your two eyes see

If only I hold the lamp of genie
That could grant every of my wish
For sure we are flying wingless and surfing the sea
But in reality I couldn't afford just riding a taxi

If only I possessed that lucky charm
For sure I can give you anything that you want
All the joy and pleasure the world could give
But this poorness in me don't want to leave

If only I could perform a magic
For sure I will engrave your name in those clouds
Right now I'm happy that even without those IF ONLY
You still love me for SIMPLY BEING ME....

written: Oct. 1, 2002 @ 6:30 pm
Mysterious Aries
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries

He laughed but he cried
A clown whose real eyes was dried
A mascot who always tells a joke
But how he wished that his neck be choke

She laughed but she cried
A lady whose heart was ripped
At daytime life of her persist
But at night she wanted to cut her wrist

He laughed but he cried
A boy whose been deeply bullied
A smirking kid at home
The saddest child when he's alone

He laughed but he cried
A writer that has a lot of pride
To his readers he play and giggles
But his life is full wiggles

They laughed but they cried
They are lonely but they smiled

Written: October 3, 2014 @ 9:30 PM
Mysterious Aries
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