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 Feb 2018
Two years
Two ******* years
They always told me to stay away from liars and people who hide the truth
But I never thought I’d have to stay away from you

You were so much more than what you think
You shut out the good moments and remember the bad
Clinging to the times when everything went wrong
It’s backwards but it was all you thought you had

You blame amnesia and the doctors who ******* up
You blame the parents who didn’t watch you grow up
The ones who didn’t love your flaws
And the people who did you wrong

But now two ******* years
They gave you two ******* years
And yeah it’s not my business to know
But when you said “best friends” I thought you’d grown
Learned to trust at least some people
Learned to confront your problems and find comfort in others
I was wrong

You confide in yourself and give up on life
“**** the world”, you say with no care for anything
You drink away the pain then feel the burning ache in your throat
Running miles until your heart stops and the world goes black
Always saying “if I cut them off they won’t feel the pain when I’m gone”

You’ve been there
You’ve felt that pain of losing someone you love
So maybe you’re trying to protect us-protect me
But maybe you’re being selfish and can’t see
Just how much you mean and who you could be

Two ******* years
They go by in a flash
You’re thinking of the people you’ve left
And you’re wishing you had someone to share in your death
You’re all alone and the worlds gone cold
Because you turned everyone down and pushed us away
Made everything die and fade to grey

I mean, thank god for your sister, right?
Because she knows what’s going and couldn’t give any less *****
I guess she’s like you after all
Faking a smile and pretending everything’s okay
Even though when she gets home she can’t hide the pain

Maybe you’re hoping someone will write you a memoir
You had so many admirers anyhow
People who loved you and you couldn’t see
People who would give up the world to be successful by your side
But two ******* years means that won’t happen
Not that you would have liked that anyway

But who cares, right?
You never wanted love, compassion
So why should anyone care?
Why should anyone give a **** that you're breathing your last breath?

It’s *******
The idea that no one should
That you should leave this world feeling alone
That two ******* years from now you’re supposed to be gone
Complete and absolute *******

You’re hoping no one cares
Hoping you can disappear
And not see anyone’s tears
But two ******* years will pass
And you’ll hear the cries from the ones who couldn’t last
The whole way
its amazing how majority of my poetry is based on our friendship and the story of your life rather than my experiences.
 Feb 2018
stefania rivoltini
I get it
I believed
I thought
I suffered
for you
for us
for me
for my inability
to love you
again and again
I get it
that is not so
I am not inadequate
you do not love me
you want to possess me
your pride speaks
your cowardice
holds me to you
your selfishness
hidden by  layers
of mellifluous sensitivity
hits me
you want to hurt me
you do not even notice
what you say
you do not see
the bleeding gashes
you  keep leaving
on my skin
you do not feel
swollen and distorted scars
on my mind
on my heart
you've inflicted to me
with your silences
with your absences
with your looks
with your words
empty and useless
and false
drawn with black ink
as the planned route
on a cold map
you see my pain
you see my insecurities
you see my guilt
and you walk to your way
you do not care
it’s been all about you
fake victim of the world
by a mask of dignity
papier-mâché made
glued with slime
script writing
for an ignorant audience
vacant and bigots faces
you speak
you do
you look
they’re all lies
black like  pitch
you pretend
you mislead
you are sneaky
with me
against me
I believed
I thought
I suffered
for you
for us
for me
for my inability
to love you
again and again
but I
I loved you
I fought
I gave
I kept quiet
I waited
gestures and words
that never arrived
I was
I was there
you could just have
to see me next to you
you've grown
our most beautiful rose
it is buried among the thorns
dry and withered
its scent
is consumed
in waiting wind
a persistent
moldy smell
into our  nostrils
I was alone
the only color
in a gray landscape
holding a watering can
without water
the fire has gone
no embers under the ashes
I get it
I am not bad
I am not inadequate
I am not inept
I'm not nonentity
I am
I must
I exist
now I Know ... who I am
 Feb 2018
Rebel Heart
I've become nothing more than a shadow
Living in my own darkness
For I am not who I used to be
I am not as great as I once was.

I peaked some years ago
Suddenly my bright future
Became a desolate path
Leading to more loneliness
And a constant burden
Reminding me of what I could've had.

No this isn't a hurdle
I've reached a dead end.
A roadblock in my life
Which I'll never be able to overcome.
Everything was looking up
But it all came crashing down
The brightest of colors
Now I'm a dull grey
With no life to live
With no words left to say

With nowhere else to go
No one else to be
Because I have become
And nothingness *became me
You are not nothing unless you choose to be...
 Feb 2018
stefania rivoltini
smell of you
on the road
it touches me
a shiver passes me
I look for you
green eyes in foreign faces
smell of you in the night
I stretch out my  hand
looking for your hot skin
under the cold sheets
smell of you
invades me
pursued my senses
I caress it
I hug it
because I can’t hug you
i miss you so
 Feb 2018
stefania rivoltini
the hooded man
came in without knocking
kept it away
frozen terror
flows in my veins
I'm cold
I'm so cold
 Feb 2018
stefania rivoltini
I’m crashed
against the wall of solitude
the flight of waiting
inexorably went down
I'm not even worth a no to you
only silence
[ ]
I’m alone in my lonelyness
 Feb 2018
Rebel Heart
She always saw the best in those
Who were the worst for her heart
She let those in who didn't deserve
To see the broken pieces of her art
(An old gem from the infamous lyric wall because I'm too drained to post anything else.. Enjoy~ BM)

(Front Page 2/13/2018)
 Feb 2018
Brandi R Lowry
Saying goodbye
To someone you love
Is like reading the final page
Of an amazing book.

As the last chapter ends
You begin to notice
Just how beautiful
And perfect
The plot always was.  

You appreciate the joy
And even the pain
As you read and thumb
Through every page.

Finally understanding
The moral of the story,
You realize you've reached
The end of this journey.

Although the last sentence  
Is the most difficult to read
Another great book awaits
Once you turn the final page.

Eventually you may stumble
Upon yet another great find.
Or maybe you'll return
To the book you left behind.

You may just discover
Once all is said and done
That this particular book  
Was your favorite story
All along.
For Ty & Des ❤️
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