And here's to life,
Life I didn't know or take,
A cup half full,
Half empty with tears.
The pain and sorrows
Of yesterdays and tomorrows.
All the wasted years....
I am not the abyss,
I am the space that filled it with hope.
I am not the pain,
But the road less taken.
I am not the brokenness
But the redemption of today.
Hope, the infinite soul that
Resides definance of the emptiness.
I am not alone.
I am not ded.
I am Dedpoet......Alive!!!!!
Going through the most difficult time of my life right now.
Yet the hope and faith in myself to be more has driven me to awaken something that died years ago. I am Dedpoet, i miss you all and will return when all is settled, stronger than ever.