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 Oct 2015
I am a monster

Though I am a being who dwells in the light
My body is but a hollow shell
And that is my plight

You can cut me up
But darkness just spills over
And I get right back up

I am a monster

I feel nothing
So I feed on anything

I feed on love
To color my insides with *red

To have that emotion about *passion

Playing with fire on your bed

I feed on sadness
With side dishes of pity and loneliness
To color my insides with shades of blue
Alone stuck in forever
Like glue

I feed on youth
With a touch of innocence
Like the feeling of pink
When a simple wink
Can turn into a strong link

I feed on betrayal
The core of revenge and heartache
Like the serene color of deep green
Tainted with muddy brown just like the lake
Rained down upon
By seemingly harmless drops
Then turns to a knife

I feed on happiness
Like a bright yellow sun
Mixed with with a fruity essence
Of orange
To have that smile as bright as the sun
And as sweet as an orange

I feed on regret and disgust
Violet and indigo
Like a feeling after
You have let lust
Take over

And i drink from the tears
Shed by feeling this emotions
Like a crystal clear diamond
A precious gem from such hardness
Then sparkles, shines bright. Even the brightest

But at the end of the day
I feed on anything, everything
And everything just turns into nothing
Swallowed by the darkness in me
A monster inside me

And that monster is **me
Color of a monster complete
 Oct 2015
Forgetting you seems harder, As the days pass by
For your voice in my head seems clearer, I cant erase it
No matter how hard I try

Like your favorite song played on replay
Its there stuck on my mind, and there it stays
To forget about you someday is the thing I pray

Your voice
Time tells me to forget about it
But rather it just becomes clearer

I miss that voice
Even the nagging that made me tired
Still at least to make our relationship work out, we tried

But came the day
When you didn't even say
When you didn't even tell
What  I didn't do well

You just left. No proper farewell. Not even the reason why you wanted to leave.

Time tells me to forget about you
To forget That voice in my head
that is clear as always
Time tells me to forget about It
But rather it just becomes *clearer
inspired by the song a guy like me by im chang jung.  The feeling of missing someone and the memories getting stronger as days pass by.
 Oct 2015
Dhaye Margaux

You can caress me or slap me on my face without touching me, my dear
You can **** me with too much depression, I swear
You can twist my arms, break my bones and tear me apart
Your words are sharper than a sword, they hit me right through the heart.

Motivated by a conversation with a friend who is depressed at this time.
 Oct 2015
A faint color of pink
Showing on my cheek
Because Of a simple wink

From faint now its clearly showing
The color of pink on my cheek
Undeniably i am blushing
Just because, at me, i see him smiling

The pink turns into red
just because of a single line he said
My face now flushed
Like it had been punched

The red turns to blue
Like a bruise turns into that color
When I realized it wasn't true
That wink
That smile
That line

Was just situation
A trick made by my imagination
 Oct 2015
I keep on waiting
For him to have that feeling
The same to what I'm having

But waiting seems like forever
Turning the burning passion just into a fever
Slowly being remedied by the cold truth
That I might be waiting for nothing
Just waiting for someone who might not be waiting for me *****.
 Oct 2015
you were barely mine
but it's like
i've already
lost you
 Oct 2015
The dead must have pity us
Laugh right in front of our crying faces
Because they know a secret we don't
That's it's better to be dead than alive
 Oct 2015
his darkness became
tainted by my red

i burst like the sunrise
on the canvas of his skin,
raw and hot, red, red, red

i set flame to the somber
blues we'd once painted
our skin deep with.

kissing the echoes of
our past, but always
pulling away too soon.

i was too red, too vibrant.

he didn't like the taste
i left on his tongue
it was bitter like him,
it stung of the past he'd
tried to bury on my lips

my skin would ash
but he'd miss the flames.
my pulse would gallop
and intrude like
summer into his veins.
© copyright
 Oct 2015
Missing her

She gone

And I'm torn

Never cares for me

And It seems she don't miss me


But I'm  not ready to be free

By her eyes

And her love
Love u and miss u dear..
If only your arms
Held me true again
Our lips and
bodies entwined~
If we could remember
language once shared.
Find our rhythm divine

Yet we have climbed
these ravaged cliffs
Heartbreak Chasm
A fragile bridge
of diminished connect
Crossed only in my dreams

Older now
in this state of suspense
To watch our love fall away~
A tender time for both of us
This loss of each
Precious day

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
ThankYou all so much for reading
The Daily. I appreciate your
stopping by to say Hello!!!

This is about the loss of a long term,
once intimate, emotionally
committed and "forever"  relationship.
 Oct 2015
Dhaye Margaux
When I die, please give me a Daisy
You know it's my fave, please don't be lazy

When I die, please sing me a song
Sing it while my body is being buried to where it should belong

When I die, please look at me again
You can write a poem about me with your favorite pen

When I die, please read an old poem for me
Or you can make an artwork that only my soul can see

You can do everything, my love, everything you will
When I die, do it for me with your love as the strongest seal. 
When it happens...
This was written the time I was so sad...
only your love
burying me in the
tides of autumn,
conjuring lips
and steel,
singing the deep
emotional blue of our hearts.
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