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Feb 2017 · 196
Haiku no. 26
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Tall trees, bare
limbs straight; at their feet
how green the mead!
Feb 2017 · 168
Haiku no. 25
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
yet another grass-grown road--
the gate is open!
Feb 2017 · 152
Haiku no. 24
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
By the roadside
five lone purple flowers
among the clover.
Feb 2017 · 171
Haiku no. 23
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Old church--
in freshen blooms, standing
a double pine.
Feb 2017 · 252
Haiku no. 22
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
By an old road
gate shut--
a blackbird darts past.
Feb 2017 · 221
Haiku no. 21
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
For beauties' sake
I trace this wooded road--
trailing pennants.
Trailing pennants: plastic bags caught in the trees beside the road; yet also maybe the Spanish moss that hangs from so many of the trees here.
Feb 2017 · 185
Haiku no. 20
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Bark of the old
pine, rough at my touch--
scented breeze.
A moment of transcendence I experienced once, alone in a state park of surpassing beauty-I could never convey in words what I experienced that day. Yet, I hope that this verse may at least in part, convey the wonder and joy of that moment.
Feb 2017 · 204
Haiku no. 19
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Grass, soft, in tired
eyes, shadows strewn; diamonds glint
in evening's light.
In the evening, I saw amid the grass shining points of light. I do not know what these may be; but how they shined in the dying light!
Feb 2017 · 202
Haiku no. 18
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
In that park, wooded
so, the great pines weave, standing--
drunken giants.
The sight of all the pines extending below me down the hill, criss-crossed every which way, leaning far on their rooted anchors.
Feb 2017 · 255
Haiku no. 17
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Butterfly, green as
leaves in springtime, fluttering--
sound, heart's chords.
Sight of a green butterfly twirling on the currents of the air. I watched it so for as long as it remained in my sight. Then I went and wrote this verse.
Feb 2017 · 314
Haiku no. 16
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Along the lake
refuse floats at waters edge;
yet still birds sing.
There is much so, for which we may weep; yet there remains still light.
Feb 2017 · 284
Haiku no. 15
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
dew clings to grasses edge--
wind breaks the stillness.
Written so, throughout the course of an hour, more or less; but I think now it is good.
Feb 2017 · 366
Haiku no. 14
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Hush! there
the silence stirs, flutters--
is so again.
And in the early
mornings air we hear-- again
the sparrow's song.
Two haiku, presented flush together; so portraying the sounds of the morning, when I can get my friends to hush.
Feb 2017 · 256
Haiku no. 13
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
See, below the hill
trees sway in even's breath
red poppies underfoot.
A beautiful scene, seen long ago, when flowers still grew wild on my fathers land.
Feb 2017 · 260
Haiku no. 12
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Sun streaming
the green smell fills the air--
cold burns my nose.
A laughing moment today; set here in beauty.
Feb 2017 · 217
Haiku no. 11
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Through leaflet halls, soft
the woodland path lies unclad--
Life waits, looking on.
A sketch, outlining my belief that nature should be left in large, unspoiled; Nature, souls sweet solace-through you, I find peace.
Feb 2017 · 311
Haiku no. 10
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
bloom in straight lines, so
stone square.
An old memory, flowers blooming around the edges of my grandfathers tennis court.
Feb 2017 · 209
Haiku no. 9
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
In the night, wind, rattle
I wake in the changing dark--
Pat! The sound of rain.
As is said, a fond memory, collective, of all the times I have woken in the  night to the sound of wind and rain, and fallen back to sleep, content.
Feb 2017 · 279
Haiku no. 8
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Pause, stride break
lean tree bends so slow;
birds leap to flight.
a moment of beauty seen while walking swiftly to my next appointment. I  know that it does not adhere to the rule of 5 7 5, but, as you may learn, this matters not, so much as the simple rule; to be able to say all in a single breath.
Feb 2017 · 200
Haiku no. 7
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
On, my love..let the
waves come, and take you, on...the
tears well; fall, silent.
Inspired so from yet another film of emotion, and final heartbreak. I understand that I must not allow grief to rule me; must not allow myself to become lost in the tragedies of life, if I would ever again come to joy in the simple moments of life's pleasure...would ever perhaps come to love, to peace...still, I must grieve, at least now. Forgive my ramblings...I am heart-sore, and tired, spent. I hope you will not judge these words too harshly; they are made in emotion, but perhaps not refined, as I should normally make them, before I let them go.
Feb 2017 · 625
Let it Wash Away
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
the falling
let it fall
wash away
my sorrow,
that I
may have
and not
in the
times of
my grief:
rain of my
A poem written in the weariness of my spirit,
and for a time come recently, when after watching a film of unbearable sadness, pathos, I wept, silently. And through my tears my sorrow eased, and I was able at last to find peace, and acceptance.
Feb 2017 · 360
Haiku no. 6
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Within the still pool
below I hang, striving still
Though it may seem now that all my efforts have been in vain; that still am I prone to anger, to frustration, to depression, still I will continue on, on this path I have chosen; and one day, at paths end, I will find peace, and love.
Feb 2017 · 228
Haiku no. 5
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Clear, shining music--
Fall branch hanging down, black, and
red leaves; droplets fall.
Expression of the beauty of nature, water falling into an Autumn pool; yet perhaps comfort,  offered in the knowledge of life's eventual return, or of beauty serving to console us, in the time of life's withdrawal.
Feb 2017 · 237
Haiku no. 4
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
See the drifting leaf,
bud, in sights embrace, fair so
Loss, perspectives gain.
Though sight is good and beautiful, it is perhaps true that if one comes to let it go, even if only for a moment, he will see the world through new, and different eyes.
Feb 2017 · 460
Haiku no. 3
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Spirit, yearning so
waves, the cherry blossom hangs
so high; so my love.
Perfect Love, the highest ideal, hangs above me, forever unattainable; yet I strive, and in doing so I am filled with awareness, and through this, peace. And so I am content in my striving, though it may bring me to tears, at times. For I am doing my best. And that is enough.
Feb 2017 · 226
Haiku no. 2
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
The cup forgotten,
left, upon the rain-wet sill
will I drink tomorrow's dew?
Working Title; but judge it as you will.
Feb 2017 · 261
Haiku no. 1
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Green fields, shining, calm
deceptive beauty; I watch
trees fall to either side.
My first true Haiku. Treat it kindly; it is newborn yet, and still must learn to fly.
Feb 2017 · 270
A Winter Meeting
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
I see a bird, red
and black his wings, fluttering
bright eye in glossy head

will he speak?
Feb 2017 · 493
Choice, in Pain
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Mind, heart,
One without
The other,
Longing, and
The other lost,
Steeped in



As pain;
The teacher of
My heart.
Feb 2017 · 232
Life, Throughout the Storm
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Swells in the sea and
My little boat
fares on,
For the
World to
Feb 2017 · 1.8k
Struggle at the Crossroads
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
In walking down the
Sunlit paths, through
The young trees and
The old, through the
Dark vine and the
Flowered stem--my
Eyes see the road of
My passing; yet my
Mind stumbles in
The forwards sea:
The present passes
Over me.
Feb 2017 · 416
Hope, in Love
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
fruit on
the vine
of innocence,
withered, in
the wake
of Spring.
My Life-
in the
to bring
Love is all, all is Love.
Feb 2017 · 807
The World in the World
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
What is it, oh you
Of the yearning mind,
Of the wide soul, and
The wounded heart
Laid bare, what is it
That pierces, that
Cracks the buried
Stone, that draws life
Up out of the earth,
And yet sustains it, crown
Tall in the anchored earth?
Listen now, O you man,
You woman, child,
Bearers of the flame
Of the world,
When the life of man
And the life of tree,
Both are seen embodied
Of the ecstasy of the
Now-In-Life, when
Death is counted friend
And received in honor,
And not sought, or hastened,
When the enemy of my
Heart is my enemy and yet
My friend, and love is
Seen in all, and recognized;
Then will we have peace,
The world within the world;
And from peace love,
And joy.
Feb 2017 · 224
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Through the light lanes,
Through the dark lanes,
Through the paths beneath
the sky, I wander,
And the sun a *****
Brilliance in shadow,
In the blue-green-brown speckled
Beauty of her Eye;
Revolving, revolving in ad infinitum,
Dancing in a
Faery dream..
Will she blink?
An exercise in Imagination
Feb 2017 · 235
Christian Bixler Feb 2017
Love; thorn
in the brier
in its kisses'
the breath
of life in
the brittle
soft succor,
the shoots of
Spring: Peace
in the needles
In order for one to love fully, one must be willing to sacrifice fully; in order to gain everything, one must first lose everything. When one can look upon the world, its joys and sorrows alike, and see in all Love, and recognize it in love, then will the ordeal be complete, the sacrifice concluded; and peace and love and joy will all be yours, and wisdom
shall reign in your heart.
Christian Bixler Jan 2017
Once, as I searched the leaning
shelves, browsing, as in casual
manner oft I used to do, but of
late let fall, left caught in the
dreamish dust of the wayside,
In the net of things forgotten,
after the like of the windward
spirit, I came across a faded
cover, full venerable, (worn
with youths withdrawal), but set
far back amidst its fellows,
hidden in the quenching shadows,
Of those great tomes of learned
Word, graph and ledger, prosaic

Intrigued so, I let the winsome
Curiosity have its way, and pried
apart the green and dusted sheath,
and looked inside, so as to make
certain whether or no, I should
know, or leave unknown. Leafing
through those tattered pages,
thin and yellowed, words faint,
beneath the grime of years and
care, it came to my mind in wonder
how many, as myself, must have
come, in ignorance perhaps, or
error to these pages once
pristine, and in reading become
caught, swept away in frenzied
passion, tearing, tearing, tearing
away, mad in the arms of
Felt and feeling feel and
knowledge, in the hope it will
Turn, transmuted in glorious
Ecstasy, into at last the long
Sought respite, peace at last,
Within the still transparent
Pool of Truth, Enlightenment.

In vain? Perhaps.
Jan 2017 · 241
Sight's Journey
Christian Bixler Jan 2017
light, the falling
in endless

t­he ocean
of the
of the void
each step
the seeds of

I see,
the world
the Universe,
is not,
and all
is nothing;
But within,
past the
Mind of
the Lost
I see
and so,
the Universe.
To me, the greatest hope that mankind could ever gain
would be the yearning to see the Universe through the
eyes of God, the Divine; to see it in love, in love, and compassion,
and pity; for all of these things and more, they are God, the embodiment. Have peace, all of you, wherever you are, whoever you are. For within us all is God, ourselves.
Jan 2017 · 758
Self Love
Christian Bixler Jan 2017
Winged flight;
souls yearning.
into the far
places, into the
deep places,
of the sacred
heart; myself
but one
of many.
Beautiful thoughts...beautiful world.
Christian Bixler Dec 2016
I dreamt once of falling,
falling, through
the tales of my life;
and everything
was dim, and my
truths were twisted,
distorted into beings
of fantasy, of light,
and of darkness.
I saw then that this
was because my eyes,
though turned inward,
had yet to cleanse
themselves of the dust
of illusion, which is the
nature of existence,
and which, though neither
good nor bad, is an obstacle
to the perception of the
truth. Thus, when I looked
upon my truths of vision,
I recognized that these were
doubly mine, for they were
formed not only of experience,
but of illusion, and the dreamings
of my mind. And I acknowledged,
in dream, that this was neither good,
nor bad. Determined, however, in
the view of my understanding,
flawed as it was through its
passage into my-self, through
my-self, I looked about me for
the eye of my beholding, that
I might wash it clean with
the realization of its folly,
and I saw that I was within the
eye of my perception, and that
it was in me, and that in ultimate
reality, my Self was the essence,
and the quintessential embodiment
of the eye of my perception,
which was clouded through the
veil of existence, but which
possessed the power to see into
the depths of the universe, and
into the sacred mysteries of
the cosmic heart. Therefore, I
reached outside myself, into the
vastness of the universe,
and inside myself, into the
intricacies of my heart, and
found there my eyes, and
wiped them clean. Held in my
hands, within the clasp of
my fingers, blind I saw, as my
eyes saw, the pulsing of the
veins through my fingers,
webbed and branching
bridges, filled with the blood
of my heart, which was life,
which was the essence of
the universe; for within every
speck of nothingness, I saw, were
the seeds for a thousand, thousand
universes, of boundless life. And I
saw, in that moment in dream, that
there is no end to nothingness,
and so is no end to life, even in the
midst of all absence. Seeing this, I
released my eyes, and
my sight returned to me; and I
saw through it my distorted truths.
And before the sight of the eye
of my perception, cleansed of the fog
of life, which had clung to it
unceasing, from the moment of my
birth, free of all illusion, I for the first
time beheld myself; and I wept, in joy,
and in sadness, for I saw then that
what I had perceived as the distortions
of illusion, were in reality, but the
essence of my truth, tilted so,
that the light of my perception would
scatter upon them, shattering into a
thousand fragments of reflected hues,
and that these were not the images of
falsehood, but rather my Truth, colored
in the truth of my perception, into a
form that I could understand, within
the illusion, that is the nature of
existence. I saw this, and wept, and in
weeping, my heart was cleansed,
and my soul was freed of the burden of
existence, and of perception. Adrift then
in the nothingness of my Being, I recognized
that I was not, and yet, that I was, unique
in the vast glory of the oneness of my soul
with the soul of the universe, which is the light
of all souls, future, past, and present, as it is
One soul, of all, above all, within all,
which is Love, and Truth.

I saw this, in the nothingness of
my being, which was in truth,
everything, as it was nothing,
in time and out of time,
in the glory of change in stasis,
and stasis, within change.
I saw this, in that moment,
in dream, outside of all
moments, in the circle
of time; and I woke,
to the illusion of the world,
forgetful as always,
as to the nature of
Written late at night, in love, and in weariness.
Dec 2016 · 341
Peace, in Sorrow
Christian Bixler Dec 2016
I sleep, in jeweled fragments,
alone, but for the
whispers of my soul.

They speak to me of
love, of loss, of
sorrow, and of the
peril of joy,

They speak to me
of beginnings,
and of endings,
of discovery,
and of peace.

They speak to me
of the promise of
the morning,
of absence,
and of silence.

They speak of love...
of love, and
of joys
in my heart.

They speak to me
of many things,
of many things,
and one: and
that, to let go
my heart,
to let go my love,
and all its promise..
to let go,
and begin the search
once more.
Dec 2016 · 377
Christian Bixler Dec 2016
My soul is like that
of an ant, of an
elephant, and
the summer storm,
my soul is like that of an
aeroplane, of the
starry skies and the
rushing tide;
my love is like that of the universe,
boundless, illimitable,
eternal in the womb of light,
I swim in the seas of nothingness,
and marvel at the beauty
of all.
My passion is like the air
before the storm, like the
lightning, like the thunder,
like the breath of life
that lingers, after the storm
has gone its way.
I swim in a sea of madness,
of love of hope, of
mad despair,
Mad! Mad!
For I know now
what I knew before, what
I've known forever,
'neath the wrap
of illusion, 'neath
the shroud of
pain and fear;
that love is all, and eternal,
and we are all
in the starry dance.

Oh, I know that
love is all, and with us,
and we are One,
in the starry dance.
Dec 2016 · 558
Discovery, in Bliss
Christian Bixler Dec 2016
eyes staring
into vacant space,
sight forgotten,
within the illimitable
vistas of my mind;
utter beauty.

Possibility, the hope of
adventure, of experience,
of sweet, blissful solitude,
mystical enlightenment...
connection with myself,
with the divine, with eyes well
in racking ecstasy.

Calling, that dream of the
soul's unfettered flight,
solitude calls to me;
long seconds, minutes,
hours, years, spent in
reflective thought,
and meditation...

I will leave the lands of
my childhood, of my
rearing, of my absorption
of near pointless
knowledge. I will leave
the lands of comfort,
of familiarity,
and inner stasis.
I will leave
and post myself, watchful
upon some peak of
majesty and beauty,
and fulfill that
calling in which my
soul lies
forever lost,
and of which it has
been said,
requires little of body,
or of mind; but
of soul, much.
I will go.
Do not follow me.
I have searched for...something, something to call my own, my purpose, my life, for near as long as I have lived. I have found it.
Thank God.
Nov 2016 · 411
Bliss, in Endless Search
Christian Bixler Nov 2016
endless strife,
and within,

Yet, there is still
there is still
there is still
I will not despair.
I will love,
I will laugh,
I will cry,
I will sorrow,
on; for I
will not
the sweet, pure
joy of
not without
a fight.

I will live,
and I will
be happy;
I will not
I promise...
I promise
I will not

For there is
joy, and peace,
and love,
in life; and
there is eternity,
which is
of all good,
all joy, all
love, all
and purity,
within this
life, as well
as the next.
All I must do,
is find it.
A piece of striving, of self-determination, of comfort...forgive my wording..I do not think this is a work in which to edit. Thank you, for listening, those who may. I love you, all of you, as I strive to love the world, in all its glory, and sadness. Thank you, once again.
Christian Bixler Nov 2016
We walk through life,
and not;
and not.
We see the
and let it
taken as
a fixture
of eternity,
for the
most part.
This, is not
the truth.
The world
is not a thing
of diamond,
not a thing of
light, or
of spirit, wholly,
although it is
all of these
in part;
It is also an
earthen world,
a fragile world,
a beautiful
and one which
we are quickly
stripping of
its beauty,
and its life.
Our world is
dying, and
we are the
But, there is yet hope.
There is still
time, to
turn back,
to leave behind
us, all this
pain, and
and soul-wide
there is yet time,
but not for
much longer.
Therefore, I
charge you,
all who read
these words,
and feel them
within your
Revitalize your
the world.
Every action
think, before
you act.
I charge you,
do this
for yourselves,
and for the
and I swear
to you, before
God, and
all the infinite
and yet
of eternity,
there is yet time.
There is still hope.
the world will
and flower,
for all of
I promise you.
It will.
The world is a thing of beauty.
will you help to preserve this light,
to heal this suffering, inflicted
in the greed of our race?
Or will you not.
There is no other
Nov 2016 · 694
Floating, in Endless Depth
Christian Bixler Nov 2016
within the multicolored
of consciousness,
seeds of life
and of all
my mind a spinning
vortex, all
thought a
of turbulent
I am lost,
And it is good.
Gathered fragments of Novean brightness, strung together, in the dead of night.
Christian Bixler Nov 2016
I wake in bed, 'neath twisted sheets,
full throated sings the thrush
and with it, the scrape of knotted
twigs, scratching at my window-pane,
which doubtless served to bring me
up, from that release of dreamless

I turn my head upon the pillow,
hoist me up the patchwork quilt,
but struggle how I may in lust
of the peerless prize of sleeps
recapture, I end, as well perhaps,
I might have known, with naught
to show but bated breath, and rest
lost, in want recalled.

Throwing off the strangling sheets,
pushing back the weighted quilt,
I rise, abandon hope of sleep,
shiver, in the morning's chill;
the dawns of Spring as
Winters days.

I move to light a candle,
watch the flickering flames arise,
draw up a chair to the window,
set the candle at my side. I
sit there, dreaming wakeful,
mind weary, gone, astray, as
the minutes pass in silence,
and the hours slip away.

At length, as long I lie there,
reclined in soulful apathy,
lost in boundless sympathy
as to the state of self and Being,
I rouse myself, and stir, eyes
red, begrimed and straining,
for I sense a subtle lessening,
in the aura of the dark.

Then at last, as I sit watching,
I and the herald thrush, at
last, oh long awaited! the
gleam of the dawning Sun.
I rise and gaze in gladness,
tears welling at the brim,
for it seems to me I never saw
more splendid a sight than
this; sublime, celestial
vision, balm to my hearts

I move towards the door,
all weariness forgotten,
push back the latch and
turn, forward in the
lambent dawn.
I stand amidst the sunlight,
golden gleam effulgent,
and all the dew-drops
glittering, resplendent in
the shine.

I marvel to myself in awe,
at the magnitude of
the world, as if the
colors' cool irradiance,
or the fragrance of
the vernal dawn,
were not but seeming
new, but were, verily
new-made in glory,
set to lighten paradise,
for the coming of
Thoughts firstborn.

I breathe deep, in and out.
Thoughts clear I gaze,
out still, amidst the reaching
light, yearning ever to glimpse,
into the heart of the Sun,
and see there, as I know I
shall, the patterns of eternity,
Imprinted upon my eyes
and memory, full-writ
in endless time, before descends
the final black.

At last, I sit, back straight,
against the old and ivied wall.
Eyes farseeing, gaze lost,
beyond the reach of mind
and men, I waver not, from
that point of infinity, lost to
the horizon, and yet near,
so near...I am lost, adrift,
in a golden sea of light,
and of nothingness,
which is everything,
and eternity.

Lost, amidst the bright expanse;
peace, in endless change.

And I sleep, amidst the
dawning light, at last,
in blissful solitude;
and my soul is far,
and gone from me,
gone, within the fractals
of infinity, and in the
sempiternity of joy,
and of endless light;
for a moment,
and for forever,
in Time.
These are my spiritualities, my convictions, such as they are, unpolished yet, of the universe, and of the soul, and of God, and Time. Comment, if you will. Thank you, if you have read this through, to the end. Thank you, with all my heart.
Nov 2016 · 339
Christian Bixler Nov 2016
I stand alone, feet bare, at precipices' edge.
I feel the wind, a gentle embrace, breathy,
Infinite caress, enveloping my soul in the
Eternity of acceptance. Irises shut, against
the gentle piercing of dawns red-gold,
tender radiance, I gaze into the
kaleidoscopic configurations of Eternity,
and see all, in dazzling brightness.

the winds caress comes now, softly, soft,
as the reverent touchings of the Lovers,
gentle in their adoration, lost in their worship,
of love, of life, of each other..

I inhale, slowly, the air warm and strange,
and infinitely tender, alive in itself,
and in its love of everything, of the world,
and of the multicolored ecstasies' of

I breathe, and, slowly, I grow, expanding
outwards, encompassing everything, and
inwards, becoming nothing...and I discover
the learnings of my secret heart..

I breathe...and I release, everything..
softly, I dissipate, my body released,
become one with the world; with the air,
with the stone, with earth, with life,
with love...

I remain there, awhile longer, existing in
peace, and in the love of spirit...I breathe,
deeply, once.  I open my eyes...and see
my face, there before me, smiling, out of
a cracked, and broken mirror; and there
is the light of Eternity in my skin, in my
smile...and there is everything and
nothing, in the Eternity of my eyes.
If one may gain such knowing of ones self, knowledge true, and  without deceit, then will that one gain everlasting peace, and eternal bliss; and that one may be calm, even in the face of all calamity.
Christian Bixler Oct 2016
I'm walking alone,down the long
street, midnight the moon shines
high, a pale moon, and wan with
the sickly light of the thousand
thousand city lights jewling the
streets and lanes and alleys of the
great city so prettily, seen far off,
a conflagration of multicolored
stars brought to earth, shining amidst
the vast lonley dark of the plains in
the night under the stars and the
pulsing moon, like a great halved radish,
red around the edges, from drink,
from laughter, from the lack of sleep
and the joy of the knowledge that
everything exists and that we are alive
right now and roaring, yelling up under the
madly glittering lights, circling circling,
all around us over our heads, and now the
most awful roaring of sound and of
smell and of sheer surging drunken glory
and then black, and the sleep of the abandoned,
of the holy ones who live raw and free
and mad and idioticly, wild in our sheer
shining distinct lack of soberity, and of the
great rationizer, common sense be ******
and sleep until the shine of morning comes
dawning over the horizon, and shines in our
eyes and makes us cry out, and up to the
business of the day, to the long mad glorious
trek onwards, ever onwards, and all a great mad
comedy of life rovolving around and around,
and on we go, on, on till death do us part,
sweet love affair, the road and I and us and everyone
apart from the masses, crazily determined,
singly in our passion, to walk and love and
sing and yell and drink under the moon,
not a care in the world, and on and on and
on and on, till death do us part, my dear
projected love.
my first experiment with the stream of consciousness style. Like and comment, if you will.
Oct 2016 · 868
Christian Bixler Oct 2016
I wonder while I'm sitting here,
typing these words down, what
it'd be like to live, out, in the fresh
free air, walking, always walking,
the world my second home.

I wonder, as I sit here, typing
these words down, would it
be like my wanderings, lost in
imaginations dreams, a journey
of beauty, of hope, of spirituality,
of self discovery, of enlightenment...

I have been told that the grass is
never greener, here, or in furthest
Asia, that we are all one, a human
family, extended into the billions,
all having unique quirks and traits
between us, but all being more or
less the same, for all that. That we
all are truly, one. And I think that
that is true.

I want to know what it is like,
to feel what they feel, to see
what they see, to walk among
them, to drown in the torrents
of noise and smell and color,
to bathe in a sea of silence, alone
but for myself, wandering
awestruck, and the whispering of
the leaves in a gentle breeze..

I want to know..I have to.
I need to see, to feel, to hear,
to love..

I gotta go. I gotta go.
that's all.
Oct 2016 · 290
On, Spirit of My-Self
Christian Bixler Oct 2016
It has been said, by some,
by many, that in time the
hopes and dreams, the
pain, all cheap and chil-
dish loves, the aches of
their passing,

all will fade,
and become but photographs,
blurred memories, last,
of a bygone age,
remnants to be lost,
and forgotten, in
the passing of

Perhaps this is so.
But if truly there be
a thing called end,
a time called respite,
called peace...these
are to my mind more
to the like of fantasy,
of that which occurs in
others, and never in
oneself, than not.

But I will not give up my
Hope, nor lose utterly
that dream of Emptiness,
that Vision of Peace, held so,
there, in my heart.

For truth, in all times,
and for forever,
all hope is dream,
and all dream
possesses the power
to be called reality.
If there be such a thing as truth, it is written here. Judge it as you will.
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