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truth be told,
I am not that bold.
It is a jab into my eye,
a reality full of lies that my mom blames this distress.
Hold on, I can't tell black from white. Might as well be blind, I can predict even the scenic route that people doubt. My whereabouts are no longer in a crowd, standing with witnesses is unhealthy for me.
I want privacy, isn't being alone key anyways? Who is to care
if I write "Beware" or just  stare. In the end, there is this sentence left to bare. Always interpreting the language I so rarely speak. Energy may flow for others, but I am not a plug one can spark by lousy remarks.
I've committed quantum suicide
to exist in a coherent superposition.

© Matthew Harlovic
 Feb 2016 Chiqi Styles
He said.
 Feb 2016 Chiqi Styles
He said: I'll never leave you alone.
And here I am marching on my own.

He said: I'll love you even more.
And here's my heart broken and torn.

He said: You're mine and I'm only yours.
But he's with her, he slammed all my doors.
 Feb 2016 Chiqi Styles
am i ee
 Feb 2016 Chiqi Styles
am i ee
how many do you wear?
do you even know that
you are wearing them?

can you see through all
the other masks?

or does it become a confusion
you cannot extricate yourself

entertaining the thought
that you have many masks
is a beginning.

which ones bring you strength?

which ones pull you
deep into delusion?
lost in casting yourself as
a victim?

lost in hedonistic pleasure?
seemingly fun... but
at its core
suffering in another

chasing highs
never stopping
never going inward
never finding the silence

living in fear
attracting spirits
that feed off of fear.

how to climb out?

a practice lived with
great faith
a practice lived with
great doubt

great motivation

truth revealed
bliss realized.
 Feb 2016 Chiqi Styles
They say you are disorder of sleep
Because you don't let others stay asleep
You come to me silently at night
I can't prevent your coming, I can't fight
When sleeping time comes, I close my eye
Sleep don't come, only come my cries
Sleep gets frightened, she hides
You are the evil and you stay besides
Even when sleep comes, you give me nightmares
My health deteriorates but you don't care
I fancy to anything but just scream
I wish I were lost in my dreams
You keep me stay awake for endless hours
I wish I were snow white lying on bed of flowers
I wish I had that apple the dark queen gave her
I couldn't even stay fully awake, my eyes have a blur
I feel tired, every other day
Insomnia insomnia, pretty please go away
At least for tonight, please cease
Let me lay in the slumber of peace
Insomnia don't let my angel sleep sometimes and I hate it then.
Written from her view
 Feb 2016 Chiqi Styles
Melissa S
Even though it has been ages
since we've talked
I know I got to you
I seeped under your skin
And I still reside there
Quietly waiting...
For you to feel that itch again
If you would just scratch
You could still feel me
Wow such a surprise~ Thanks HP for the daily selection honor and Thank you fellow poets for all the nice comments. I truly appreciate them all!!
 Jan 2016 Chiqi Styles
Cold Heart
 Jan 2016 Chiqi Styles
Four seasons,
only winter he loved,
he let the coldness
caged in his heart
set free,
disguised as
the cold December winds.
Lost within the voices
Is my will
Lost within the memories
Is my strength
Lost within the darkness
Is my light
Lost within the deepest cuts
Is my bittersweet life
You get down on your knees,
Pull the hair beneath your ears.

Feels the beat of the sea,
As you sip your tea.

Sky's purple as your lips,
As the sun slowly drips

With my heart you never keep.
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