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I am magnetic, and I am alive
I attract what I need in order to thrive
My mind is a magnet - an incredible power
And creates my desires hour by hour

My focus is sharp, strong as fine steel
I know my emotions, what I want to feel
My end result I can clearly see
Which is drawn magnetically right to me
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I give Increased Life to all I see
I want abundance for everyone
The infinite supply is plenty for all
To have riches and peace and fun

A gain for me does not take from you
Life is not a “zero sum” game
When freely we trade with each other
Since our desires are not all the same

We each have different values and skills
And create with our body and mind
That value we give to each other…
It’s how Increased Life is defined
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There’s a universal substance
And it’s moldable and smart
But it needs to have a pattern
For the shaping power to start

Yes, it needs to have a template
A kind of outline or design
For this thinking stuff to cling to
And build your world and mine

I’m glad the pattern I provide
By the thinking of my mind
Is the template that is needed
For my world to be designed
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I have faith enough to live
Now my wealth is here
I can love and freely give
Now my wealth is here

Every need is now fulfilling
For my heart is pure and willing
And my mind is firm and stilling
Now my wealth is here

I must speak the faithful word
Now my wealth is here
I will let my voice be heard
Now my wealth is here

I receive what I am needing
All my thoughts to truth are leading
And my good to me is speeding
Now my wealth is here
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The reason for this being "0" rather than 1 is because it's given to everyone right away, and then they receive Prosperity Poem 1 on week 1.
My moments do not make a line
But one eternal round
My past can never chain me down
For choice remains unbound

My past consists of memory
With meaning I assign
Each moment I create anew
This blessed life of mine

The future too does not exist
Except in my mind’s eye
The implications of my acts
Lie clear to see (or deny)

I pre-create in matter fine
My true prosperity
Building spirit templates that
Will yield their fruit for me

Each moment - indivisible
A bright & glowing sphere
Is where in faith I plant the seeds
Of that which will appear

One eternal round of truth
One eternal round of love
One eternal round below
One eternal round above
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See a crystal blue stream
Flowing through green trees
And tumbling over mossy stones

See the bright sparkling gleam
And hear the light breeze
Blowing leaves in musical tones

In your mind
Become the stream
Yielding and bending
Rhythm with no ending

Relax and breathe
Let go and flow
You are always giving
Power to all living

This crystal blue stream
Remains a symbol for you
A stream of prosperity
To last your life through
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Of all the tools which I might use
To help my wealth to grow
My mind is first - it’s what I choose,
The best tool that I know

I can collect ideas from friends
Not “reinvent“ the wheel
I can reap wholesome dividends
Creating something real

This world will always gladly pay
For things which they desire
And my best tool provides a way
To “think” what they require

And with my mind I work to build
Increased life for every soul
With my best tool I will grow skilled
And reach my dreams and goals
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