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 Apr 2014 A
Grumpy Dwarf
Why can't you be horrible and full of unforgivable flaws?
Why does it gets worse and not better inside my stupid, devoted heart?
Why do you still feel the same to me?
Your skin hasn't lost that scent I knew
The scent I still know and can remember by simply closing my eyes
The scent I still desire and find familiar
Even if it really never was
 Apr 2014 A
In silence
my heart overflows
as you hang the moon
 Apr 2014 A
Bleeding Rose
I feel like I am drowning
But all at the same time I'm not.
I get pulled under and
I don't know which was is up
or which way is down
and i reach for the surface
but its
not there.
but at the same time I am
standing on my feet,
without any idea of how
or what i am standing on
or how solid it is.
I am standing yet drowning.
drowning is so scary
I can't breath.
There is no air
around me.
my Lungs are being filled
with the water that drowns
out all my bloodied
attempts of knowledge.
but i'm not dying
I feel like I am coming back to life
I feel like i was already dead
and the drowning is bringing me back.
As if I need to swim harder,
to find who I am,
where I am going.
As I sink further into the
that consumes my dried skin
 Apr 2014 A
Your Touch
 Apr 2014 A
It's late at night when I crave your touch, and to be in your arms again.
Your emerald eyes piercing through me, causing my heart to skip, like a young girl playing on the sidewalk.
Your chestnut hair, all wild and untamed as my frantic fingers pull and run through it.
The softness of your lips, O those lips,
as pink as the morning skies when the sun begins to rise once more. Your rough hands possess a gentle touch
as they travel up and down the sacred temple which you call my body. I crave the feeling that overtakes me as you hold me through the darkest of nights,
our bodies and limbs a tangled mess
with the bedsheets. Your breath on my neck, warm and reassuring as you press your body, tightly against mine.
Because it's nights like these where your touch is my remedy.
 Apr 2014 A
I fell in love with a boy
whose smile outshined the stars in the night sky

I fell in love with a boy
who couldn't stop laughing
with the crinkles by his eyes
making him look older than he is

I fell in love with a boy
who had dreams
big ones too,
and the world was his oasis

I fell in love with a boy
who could make the saddest story
have a happy ending

I fell in love with a boy
and how lucky I feel
to have loved than never loved at all.
 Apr 2014 A
The Cause
 Apr 2014 A
Somewhere someone is going
Without anyone even knowing
Across massive rivers of blood
In the young revolution flood

While the mothers in black hide
Their tears which now have dried
Out of bloodshot sleepless eyes
Across vast open miles and miles

Mothers with their sons throwing
Themselves into the river flowing
And with tireless soldiers of God
All for the long forgotten cause

The blasted and wounded call
They cry for battle but never fall
What is war for widows and mothers
What is freedom for young lovers

There is only endless years of waiting
There is only loneliness and hating
And somewhere someone is going
Without anyone ever knowing
 Apr 2014 A
Craig Harrison
Would you say yes if I asked you out?

would you like to grab coffee some time?
or maybe catch a movie?
Would you say yes if I asked you out?

I'm a shy guy but only at first
by the 3rd date you would never notice
I'm filled with confidence waiting to burst.

I can't do it face to face
or over the phone
It's so easy when I'm at home

Will you go out with me?
This poem is not based on a current situation, it's something that happened when I was much younger. I was really shy at the time and there was this girl who I really liked but of course I was to shy to ask her out face to face so it was coming up to her birthday so while I wrote out the card I expressed my feelings and asked her out in the card. Well it didn't go the way I planned and I made a fool/idiot out of myself. Now when I look back at it I smile and that was the inspiration and the idea behind this poem, I hope you enjoyed it.

If I'm still been honest I will admit I am still shy but no where near as much as I once was, and if any of you ever meet me in life you will notice this but you will also notice the shyness disappear with-in an hour or so.

Last little bit, something new I'm going to start adding to the end of my poems. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.
 Apr 2014 A
Mason Moreau
Blissful quiet
Where I can let my thoughts unravel,
Wander awhile
Let my mind loose

When I can finally sit
And write poems, stories, and letters to myself
With no interruptions
No disturbances

I call this place home
This place is my own
Safe from the problems outside
Stuck inside my own solace
Alone, but not lonely
 Apr 2014 A
I am not suicidal.
But life has lost all meaning.
While I may not go looking
for Death's hands,
if He found me,
and wrapped his fingers around mine
I think I just might
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