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 Apr 2014 A
Introverted Species
I did it again
I degraded myself
I let myself slip away
I let myself go

The demon took over me
Its laughing at me now
Im pathetic, im young
I fall so easily into traps i build for myself


I have became the monster that was hidden within me
 Apr 2014 A
Introverted Species
Maybe we should get drunk,

forget the world for awhile


get lost in each others feelings
 Mar 2014 A
A Poem
 Mar 2014 A
I read a poem today
It wasn't particularly new
It wasn't written a long time ago
By someone long dead
But it was real
It was written in truth
And experience

I read a poem today
It wasn't short and simple
It didn't lose my interest
As though it were long and boring
But it was nice
It was deep and engaging
Relative to this young heart

I read a poem today
It wasn't that of rebellion
It wasn't so typical
To which I have become accustomed
But it was honesty
It was entirely genuine and
Was a bit of a tearjerker

I read a poem today
It wasn't expected
It didn't give you thrills
As many of us seek
But it was perfect
It changed this heart of mine
And opened realization of the future
 Mar 2014 A
Pushing Daisies
 Mar 2014 A
Pushing Daisies
I cannot bear to watch,
her slowly choke you,
unrequited love,
drowning your heart,
in a torrent of numbness,
an endless pool,
of tainted hope.

I cannot help but weep,
as your features darken,
and eyelids droop.
Your dreams evaporating,
into bittersweet nightmares,
your mind disintegrating,
consumed by lust.

I cannot be your salvation,
although I wish I could.
I'll try to tear down,
your wall of doubts,
that stand so proud,
and block the rays of sunlight,
from shining upon,
your gentle soul.
I'll try in vane.

I cannot make you love me,
I don't expect you too.
I just want to see you smile,
That smile you lost,
so long ago.

Maybe I can help you find it.

Use a map and compass.

But you'd only push,
The rusting point,
Into my punctured,
For the boy I love so dearly
 Mar 2014 A
 Mar 2014 A
She asked me if I had a tattoo
I told her
Yes, my tattoo marks upon my chest
stretched long and wide it resembles all my pride
what pride she asked
I said
my lungs are breathing
my blood is pumping
what more could I ask for
I did not include
that my tattoo long and wide has stitches all around
Every night
it burns my flesh
its spews the shakes' like a mini earthquake
By morning
I pick up the rubble
and curse the day I added this sentimental devil
 Mar 2014 A
Kelsey Bohn
It Hurts
 Mar 2014 A
Kelsey Bohn
It hurts
It hurts to know what pain is,
From all the people in this dark, dark place I hurt.

Because of all the pain and sadness I keep,
I am scared,
Scared of being taken in by all of it and having nothing.

All the people pass on by watching getting sick and die,
Without a glisten or care shown in their eyes,
They all wear masks upon their faces,
From all the shame,
So they blame me for all of their hurt and lost.

So I take the cost, because who can blame them it hurts,
They have what it takes to try to push the pain away,
Because we all know it hurts.

But one day we will take off the mask,
The pain might go away or stay,
But we must look and see on that old plain sad face,
A smile appears, because it hurts but it will be ok
10/11/2012 is the date that I wrote this for the first time. On that day my mother brother my uncle died.  May he rest in peace with the thought that eventually  it will be ok because it hurts.

In Loving Memory of
Sean Calanan

 Mar 2014 A
the pain
is now cutting
so deeply
i can't think
and i have
to be strong
for the ones
who need
to be strong
i have to put on this mask
a mask
with smiles
a mask that says
"No, she's happy, don't worry.
The scars on her wrists don't exist."
but frankly
i can't even breathe
or handle
this anymore.

i'm done.

 Mar 2014 A
 Mar 2014 A
You drink about it.
       You smoke about it.
              You **** about it.
                      You cut about it.
                           You sleep about it.
                                 You stopped sleeping about it
                                       You stopped eating about it.
                                            You keep eating about it.
                                                You swallow pills about it.
                                                      You punch walls about it.
                                                           You kick cans about it.
                                                             ­   You spit about it.
                                                             ­        You write about it.
                                                             ­          You cry about it.

                                                            ­            But you won't talk about it.

                                                            ­ You won't pray about it.
                                                      You won't seek help about it.
                                                 You won't reach out about it.
                                            You won't tell your father about it.
                                      You won't tell your lover about it.
                                  You won't meditate about it.
                           You won't medicate about it.
                    You won't preach about it.
             You won't advocate about it.

       You're killing yourself over it,
but perhaps it's time you start saving yourself from it.
What is your "it"?
I've bolded what I find to be healthier alternatives for coping, opposed to the common and harmful ways of coping that are italicized.
This poem is very personal & I hope you learn to cope the best way you can.
 Mar 2014 A
Duplicate Virus
You don't know me.
Or my unrequited dreams,
You haven't seen my failure,
Or witnessed me endure,
You don't hear my heartbeat,
Or the patter of my feet,
You can't feel my nerves on end,
Or see how my fingers bend,
You don't know my secrets,
Or memories I'd like to forget,
You haven't heard me sigh,
Or stifle a small cry,
You've seen me everyday,
Said you love me in every way.
But how can that even be,
If you still don't know me?
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