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Broke my wings
So I couldn’t


So I stole his soul
So he couldn’t

 Sep 2020 Soloy
...A blue aurora full of brume, an atrabilious expression of grief
A haunting sight watched by the moon, sheltered by the cobalt reef
An arrantly perfidious man, where arrogance lies beneath
Distressing her and even then, apologies never escape his teeth...

‘Tis a broken song to sing, a bleak melody to ponder
The aching loneliness does bring, wounds not healing any longer
Tune flows out like streams of blood, lyrics sharp and somber
A poet’s hurt such as a flood, waves crashing ever stronger

Teardrops of the mighty flood, have now trickled to a river
Feet treading through the layers of mud, in their failing feat they quiver
A siren weeping ripples here, mourning love you refused to give her
That plangent song caresses ears, touch chilling as a shiver

Her throat burns yet she goes on, soft enough to make the earth quake
The very ground you step upon, rumbling with her tragic ache
How do you turn a blind eye, she’s been torn by your mistake
Her very soul does cry, while you can hardly even shake

She exonerates all you have done, furthermore she does beseech
Perhaps she’s lost but you’ve not won, alas her heart you shall not reach
A precious gem amidst the coal, enchanting those who wander near
The scene is stirring as a whole, dulling any calm presence here

A storm has passed tonight, though you still do not repent
Siren sings beneath blue moonlight, of the love she does resent
A lullaby to make you tremble, deep beneath the twisted torment
No longer shall she dissemble, all but you shatter at the poet’s lament
added a few paragraphs and rewrote some lines, enjoy <3
 Sep 2020 Soloy
 Sep 2020 Soloy
panting for air,
running to nowhere

out of breath,
still trying to dig what's underneath

what's left is longing,
a soul seeking,
a mind wandering
let hearts be hurting

after the sorrow and tears
laying down walls and fears

let the fragile heart break
let the shakeable shake
no more trails of fake and ache

wait 'til the void opens
the emptiness awakens

beauty in nothing,
space for new fillings
throwing what's rotting

no longer chasing
finally, resting and stopping
It's okay to pause. It's okay to find yourself. It's okay to be real and raw. In the emptiness, we can start over again.
 Sep 2020 Soloy
My pen is bending
•                              •
•             •             •
My eyes are blind
•                             •
•             •            •
When my lights dim
The clips break

I’m struggling  
Too hold everything together

My sky view shows a pilot twist
The sunset spirals while my flight dies

I see the windshield break
But I believe a blank canvas can still blink

I’m suffering
Too keep my passion from being passed on
•    •
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•                                                  •
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• The break down on the dead end •
• My pen scribbles life into existence •
•The one way spilts my paper into gray•
•My drive collided with my sight of color•
•                                                         ­              •
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• •

The love of life
Drifts away
While my
Bullets create
Turns of O-pens
Circling back around
Too the plot of sunrises
The light begins a new trip
The wind brings back the shattered pieces
The glass is finally made to be seen through
And I start to see outside the review
 Sep 2020 Soloy
 Sep 2020 Soloy
Hatred and pettiness drives you
Love and greatness is my pedal

Our outfits are our outlook
We both wear red hats
But you’re dressed in hatred
I’m draped in a lovely bucket

The car I drive is as rusted as your heart
You stare at a windshield of revenge
Wiper blades pass by rain that you’ve dropped my way
The lights I shine dance
Your headlights are dim
While we both dress to impress
You stunt because you’re pressed
I shine through love to careless
 Sep 2020 Soloy
Have you ever
Had your back broken
Your heart beat shattered
All in the same week
Constant stabs in the dark
And losing the light of love
Piece by piece turns
A man’s soul weak
•                                            •
I’m spinning on a new road
straightaway down a dead end
Hopefully to gather up a new soul
Someone please comment a heart today
 Sep 2020 Soloy
You’re talking too yourself
Causing a lot of the same mistakes
The problems you’re faced with
Stare at your soul
All the way from the eyes
Straight down too your heart
Shooting right back up to the mind
Embracing it all with whatever soul your will has left to look at with
Constantly reading your own book
Correlating corrections with so many errors
Concentrating on the void of the infinite mirror
The faults
The beauties
Loving it all
Till all of it
Don’t look in the mirror
Getting lost in a world
That’s really never been there
Talk to your soul
Tell it, you love it
Don’t look in the mirror
Searching for fear
 Sep 2020 Soloy
Paint My Mind
 Sep 2020 Soloy
Tanking in the sea of fear
Pressure keeps building in the unknown
I need to see but the glasses are starting to crack
The water is piling on in
I’m dying from what I really needed
The ship is buried more then six feet

The salt baptizes me
I come out into a puddle
The worry in the shallow then follows
Hopefully a time is known to link to a start of a new star
Different days have new eyes laying, looking for any type of gray
They see a baby born into a new man
Drawing him in whatever kind of melee

But this baby boy dives into everything
The art and the color schemes he sees blew
Details are now seen even laying in the deep end
The pressure is building all around him
He might slip and crack everyone up
Heads are turning all around him
He finally sees red instead of the deep blues
Ignoring while criticizing, the jury lives all around him
Sun ignores the moon from my viewpoint
Has I light up my way, faces still blew me off the board

All while I’m playing yin yang with a soul
I see her eyes, I melt as if I’m in a super nova
A star has found its way into my universe
But the balance doesn’t carry a stance between them
All while these colors paint a little too vivid
These lines keep drawing me
I have to wait till never is happening
I spill the change I’m looking for
Picking pieces of me up to feel great

Paint My Mind
#change #water #color #pieces #change #fear #pressure
 Aug 2020 Soloy
The truth is this,
Every monster
You have met
Or will ever meet,
Was once a human being
With a soul
That was as soft
And light
As silk.

Someone stole
That silk from their soul
And turned them
Into this.

So when you see
A monster next,
Always remember this,
Do not fear
The thing before you.
Fear the thing that
Created it instead.
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