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 Aug 2020 Soloy
a wandering voice
if i disappeared
would i become like echo?
the words on my tongue
fading into the wind,
my spoken words echoing around me
as i’m hallowed out by the silence.

if i disappeared
would i become like eurydice?
my ghost lingering behind my husband
who reaches the light with me not far behind;
only to turn and **** me.

if i disappeared
would i be come like icarus?
too stubborn and
in love with the sun-  
only to meet my fate into a watery grave.

—— if i disappeared would i too become a story? // a.
26. julliet 2020
9:40 am
 Jul 2020 Soloy
 Jul 2020 Soloy
It smelled like trust
It smelled like truth
Like hope and heaven
It smelled like you

It looked like life
It looked like doves
Like sighs and smiles
It looked like love

It sounded like lies
It sounded like hurt
Like a deep crimson rose
Had been plucked from the dirt

It felt like heartache
It felt like guilt
And like all other roses
It began to wilt
it's been a while since i've written a rhyming poem
 Jul 2020 Soloy
Chandan Shersia
Waking up to place
Faraway from home
Meeting new faces
While I roam on my own

Sound of silence
Palpable in nature
Singing a melody
Like flowers growing in a bomb crater

Its a dream or reality?
For I don’t know
But I wish its a dream
That waits for me to arrive
For I want the world to know
That’s where I will hide
 Jul 2020 Soloy
~i am a feeble sun, lurching,
my light bleeding through
phantasmagoric clouds of
dreams outgrown,
of spiritless contradictions,
of flesh and touch and stone

you are the half-moon ripping
day from dusk, a charcoal fugitive
stealing away emotion and trust,

and as the water runs salty
from the faucet in this room,
drawn into view
just like the coldest muse,

you evolve, meander,
you age and question and fall,
though you never seem to understand it,
still asleep inside your own walls

how do you survive in this asphalt amnesia
of punctured love and reluctance?
for nothing shows
on your woven face
of tusk and bone;

and love is just
another mistake
you've left to become unsewn
 Jul 2020 Soloy
sundial iris
هر دو بی فرزند هستیم (متفاوت)/we are both childless, differently

let us not ask each other or god

the why, just how life worked out

and maybe by a choice unconfessed


yet we both lie.


you possess thousands of offspring,

tend to their every need, breast feed

them water, special nutrients, stroking

their leaves, worry about their viruses,

you, dying just, a little, when, one rooted

looks up and says, “I am dying mother,

thank you for your love.”


my ***** produced two men,

each now, differentially,

lost, lost to me, and daily

privately, in word and wet,

weep my losses, for what

is a man who had children,

but goes down into his grave

gray haired, with none in

attendance to refill the soil

that his grave grayed body

requires to

hide his wasted,


 Jul 2020 Soloy
JJ Hutton
The Misfit
 Jul 2020 Soloy
JJ Hutton
In Farmington the misfit suffers the jukebox and dances to an unknown song. He dances on the pool table. He wears black—black skull cap, black
duster, black shirt, black slacks, black boots. He's in Farmington and
the women here drink Bud Light. He dances slow. It's similar to a dance
you've seen before. You have that friend that climbs on couches after a few and half staggers, half sways. The women here watch him with unhappy eyes and hands stained blue from the textile mill. He seems to mouth the words although he clearly doesn't know the song. They, the women, dig their elbows into the bar. Pocked and graffiti'd, the bar soaks up spilled beer and ash and nail polish. Behind the bar a sign reads: Free Beer Tomorrow. And for some reason, you must admit, this sign's effect never dulls. The Misfit pantomimes a dance with a pool cue. His face is severe, serious. He's in Farmington dancing with a pool cue on a pool table to a song he doesn't know like a drunk friend of yours and the women are watching. Next, he does something amazing. He removes his cap. He's got shocks of bleached hair and burn scars run like rivulets between the patches. He tosses the cap toward the bar. One lucky woman catches it and summons herself to the pool table. You want them to have a bit of dialogue here, to say something oblique and innocent. Instead the lucky woman dances at the man's feet. He surrenders a smile and he's got small tracts of bleached hair and burn scars and he's in all black and he's dancing. The lucky woman, she's in a canary yellow patch dress. Her dance, although clumsy, still mesmerizes you. It's without ego, without shame. She is a child. She is the light in the room. She is, in this moment, the world entire. He pulls her onto the table. It's time to appoint the Misfit and the lucky woman names, you think. His name shall be Joshua. Her name shall be Anna. Palms together, her head resting on his chest, they sway. The smoke and the tracers of light meld and Joshua and Anna's outlines become muddied. Their bodies merge and they are both yellow and black and covered in burn scars and bleached hair and the women are still watching. As the song starts to fade, someone—maybe it's you—drops a few coins in the jukebox and it begins again.
 Jul 2020 Soloy
 Jul 2020 Soloy
Romance is dangerous to desire,
When all of your flames are hellfire,
And all of the men you let touch you,
Do nothing but claw and clutch
At your heart,
Till it bleeds and you’re sore,
And you can’t see the point anymore,
Of love or of loneliness,
You don’t know what’s worse,
But you do know one thing,
You’re cursed.
 Jul 2020 Soloy
Racheal Rodriguez
You say we're friends, with benefits on the side,
Yet seems we get together, then continue to hide...
You hide from my friendship until you feel like being found.
And I'm sure a fool for remaining around.

But I can't get away; I can't seem to move on,
Dreams of you cross my mind into early dawn.
We haven't spoken since that night my innocence was lost,
But then you turned your shoulder, which hit with an icy frost.

There is always a lesson to learn from the pain,
But it appears I still like you...I know it's insane.
I long for you to call me, yet you never do,
I'd be satisfied with a real conversation from you...
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