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 Jan 2016 Kyle
Sian Carrington
We met on the pebbles of a southern British beach
as a night sky of stars unravelled.
Beneath silver moonlight and crimson harbour lights,
you enthused about your plans to travel.
Inspired by your spirit and dreams to roam far,
You captivated me from the start,
But hope washed away in a wave of disappointment,
As I imagined us two worlds apart.

Yet our paths intertwined like two chapters of a book,
and resumed our unfinished story.
Beyond the great horizon and vast stretches of sea,
we connected in virtual territory.
After seven months immersed in this online world,
Christmas carried you home,
And I longed for the day I would see you before me
to replace the small screen on my phone.

We met in verdant gardens of London's Green Park
as a British chill gripped us raw,
Heart-hammering. Words-failing. Mind-racing.
Speechless; my heart soared.
Yet your adorable smile warmed winter's chill,
and suddenly all worries melted away,
There was no tension or strain, but a breath-taking moment
knowing I'll forever cherish this day.  

A Christmas of ice-skating and New Years in Dublin,
These moments we will always share.
When you venture back south for your second year of travel,
I will wish everyday that I am there.
All I ask as you jet beyond the equator,
is to keep me close at heart,
In four months time, our paths will meet again;
Distance shall not tear us apart.
A very personal poem, but one that I would like to share to those who can emphathise with long distance relationships.
''Parting is such sweet sorrow''.
But being in love means your paths will always lead to one another
 Jan 2016 Kyle
Alice Baker
He said he finds it odd,
That such pretty eyes could shed
So many tears.

I told him I find it strange,
That he found these stained eyes
 Jan 2016 Kyle
Just because I have more than some
and less than others
does not mean my happiness depends on them
My happiness is entirely my own
Mine to be responsible for
Mine to take care for
and mine to water so it can grow
My surroundings may affect it, but it is always me to decide
When will I water it? Is there even water here?
Does it need more sunlight to get strength?
Am I being cruel to my own needs?
What am I willing to sacrifice?
Do I sacrifice my happiness or do I sacrifice my comfort zone?
Watering it without making any decision
slowly killing myself because I might take it too lightly
The needs of stepping out of my circle of comfort
Stepping out to a life full of air to breathe and new fears to defeat
But yet here I sit in the dark, continue to water my needs
with water so brown it might only poison me
Knowing I could do better but not knowing how to proceed
 Jan 2016 Kyle
Noah Ducane
Jenny killed herself
Because of all the things people do;
It's not much of an excuse,
But it's true.

Jenny's death was quick and painless
Life's pain dragged on too long;
And some people hate pain
More than others.

Jenny couldn't be bothered
To hang around
She was busy hanging
After all the kids laughed
And parents cried.

Jenny was a lover
And a love subject, too;
So many loved her,
If she only knew.
 Jan 2016 Kyle
Every day I sit down and begin to open my soul;
I bleed out onto the paper in ink; feelings becoming less whole.
But oh, what a beautiful release from within.
The secrets are out, no longer buried beneath my skin.
 Jan 2016 Kyle
JR Falk
If you look to the stars on a late winter night,
you’ll find they shine brighter than normal.
Although summer’s warmer and
most would rather look at the stars then,
I often find myself stepping out on December nights
to stare into the depths above,
playing connect the dots.
The thing with the sky is,
no matter how far you try to look into it,
you’ll never figure it out.
I worry I’m the same.
I’ve been looking deep inside myself for years,
trying to find the meaning to which I provide life.
I’ve been trying to figure out why the dark spots are so vast
in comparison to the light.
It was only recently that I found
that despite the dark,
despite the ever-growing black,
there were gargantuan amounts of light,
only they were smaller.
What I’ve found
is it’s the little things.
And just like the sky,
there is so much dark,
and yet so much light.
So instead of looking for the light in the sky,
I should find the light in myself.
Maybe there’s a few constellations in me, too.
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