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 Dec 2015 Kyle
I love you
she told you
you just smiled
never said a word

I love you
she's in love with you
you hugged her
said thank you

I love you
she cried
you wiped her tears
everything's gonna be fine

I love you
she had her make up on
you held her hand
and walked

I love you
she wore a dress
you touched her hair
said let's go

I love you
she wrote on a letter
you kept it
hid it under your bed

I love you
she waited for you
you had her
but not with her

I love you
said you love her too
it's too late
she loves herself more
 Oct 2015 Kyle
Kambry Wilson
She sits in the room,
It's dark and it's quiet.
Above her, though,
It sounds like a riot.
Chairs are moved,
Sounds are made.
But if she's to whisper,
The price would be paid.
They call it a prison,
They call it Hell.
But only she knows,
The pain this well.
They'll pick,
and they'll tease,
and watch her,
As she falls to her knees.
She tries not to let them,
But they come anyway.
The tears, they fall,
As her head does in shame.
She doesn't want,
To face another day.
Alone in her room,
She'd much rather stay.
She's sick of the torture,
Sick of the pain.
But she goes to the bus stop,
And stands in the rain.
The bus ride *****,
And the picking won't end.
So a text to her mother,
She knows she must send.
"Hey mom, come get me,
I know you're at work.
I'm sick from dinner,
Last night's pulled pork."
She knows it's wrong,
To lie and deceive.
But she needed an excuse,
To get out and leave.
She's back in her room,
It's a safe place to think.
"I don't want to live anymore,"
She says with one final blink.
I wrote this a while ago....finally decided to post it.
 Sep 2015 Kyle
I could say what is cliche
"Our bodies tangled,
In crimson silk sheets.
Hearts and bodies joined as one.
Passion and love.
Climaxing together,
In sweet unison.
Forever mine."

Or I could say the truth
"Heart pounding,
Mind numbing
Begging for more.
Nails digging into your back,
Swallowing every drop,
Like a good girl should.
Mine for tonight."
****** poems are so often cliched, and I can write that if you wish. But I prefer something so much more real.
 Sep 2015 Kyle
my concert love
 Sep 2015 Kyle
A concert I attended
where a boy sat near me
I was intoxicated
and with fake confidence
I turned to him to see
gentle eyes
a soft face
and lips I couldn't ignore
We didn't hear a single song
when the night ended
we knew we needed more

So far away he lived
but our souls knew we should be
I had never felt like this
no one has ever gave me the looks
he would give me
So genuine
so kind
But the distance was an annoyance
it wasn't good to his mind

Another spring on it's way
I was thrilled for that cold, February day
to once again
see that boy I met
off we would go
to a DJ set
Our love that night would quickly grow
only to know
in a few hours
separate ways we would go
too much kissing
I don't remember that show

Summer is now ending
our love
forever pending
A festival we would meet
our love wouldn't be discreet
Mac Demarco
our favourite man
in the setting sun
holding my hand
we both stand
to the beautiful sounds
on this historic land
You look to me and say
I can't explain
how you brighten my day
there is something different about you

and I told you
I feel the same way too
No one has ever looked at me
the way that you do

And with that
the sun had set
separate ways we would go
until the next show
always wondering
always wanting
but I may never get to know
 Sep 2015 Kyle
Danielle Shorr
The night you died
I held my breath in your honor
or in anger
I can't exactly remember, only
a dropping of the gut, the swollen amalgamation of numb and comprehension and
more confusion than I have ever swallowed whole before

I hope you cursed yourself when you realized what you did
your hand closing is a picture I played a million times in my head
your eyes rolling back is one I tried not to but
every time my eyelids met
I saw yours gasping for air

Your mother, a glass vase splitting on hardwood floor
I can promise you she is still stepping on your pieces
the truth is I know you never meant to cause damage
the breaking is just what happens when so much is left behind

When the rabbi said your name
I thought about laughing, how
you certainly would be at the seriousness of it all
the level of despondence floating
in the room
the oxygen, thick in its lack of,
a density unlike any other

I remembered the time we got high on one of the holiest days of the year
I thought maybe this
is god playing a joke on us
I thought maybe this is
just his sick revenge, an attempt at humor but
there was nothing funny about your leaving

For the first few months
losing you was drowning every night in my sleep
and waking up alive the next morning
friends asked what it's like
to have this gap of almost stretching inside of me
I asked if they had ever accidentally touched something hot
and to recall how it felt when the burn started setting on their skin

Most days I miss you without trying
some days I don't think about you at all
there is a life that is full without your being in it but
it isn't mine to call my own
I am forgetting your laugh like a song whose words I can't remember

Today is your 22nd birthday,
facebook had to tell me
there are no shots being taken and nobody is making a cake
today you would have been another year older
I wish you could have stayed to be it

-from the one who loved you
from the perspective of the person who loved him the hardest
 Sep 2015 Kyle
 Sep 2015 Kyle
Every exhale
feels like hot, negative, lonely pain leaving my body,
an exhausting task;
it is so heavy that it is almost a chore
I wish I could exhale enough that
I would no longer feel so alone
But no amount of exhaling in my lifetime
will take away the fact
that I have no one who cares
if I ever inhale again
 Sep 2015 Kyle
love game
 Sep 2015 Kyle
The search for love should not be played;
what a sick and twisted game
you are forcing me into

I should not have to strategize my next move
in fear you may surpass me
on this ridiculous board

I should be able to move swiftly without thought or worry
about who is winning or losing
Because we will either both win or both lose

No more childs play;
it is time to grow up
because love is not a game
If I were God
My hands wouldn't be big enough to catch all prayers
But my heart would be a reverse black hole of love

If I were God
I would immediately strike down anyone who hurt animals for fun
Or anyone who ***** anyone
Or killed anyone

If I was God
There would be no sin
No greedy people
Because everything would be fine
Lust isn't a sin

Maybe if I were God
Everything would be more peaceful
I just want everything to be happy
Even if I'm not
This ******
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