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Robert Sep 2024
This love is heaven.
Lost in this dance with your Love.
I shall stay with you
Its a short haiku (5 7 5). Pls critic.
Robert 4d
My friend, if this is the end, I will hold my head up high for you.
Barring arms, I will fight at your side.
If one of us is to die, let it be me to shake death's hand.
For life's plan for you as yet to come true.
After all, your loyalty for me, I share the same for you.
Robert Dec 2024
Dear, humanity

     I, Death, will make a human realize the value in life. Not the symbolic items you hold dear to you. Humans as a species see value in all the wrong places. You hover over bought items and how many expensive things you have. Let me ask you, death to human, what will you do? What will you do when you're on an operating table barely sustaining life? What will you do when you stop breathing in the middle of the night in the beautiful luxury home you bought.
    If you don't know the answer my friend, then allow me to tell you, it's nothing. Whether it's the operating table, your luxury home, or in a back alley on a cold night. Whether you're rich or poor, young or old, sad or happy, I'll always come for you in the end. Your precious items you hold most dear will not save you and they will not come with you. That is when you will see, that the value of life is not being rich or having expensive things, I find that the people that are happier at my doorstep than any are the ones without.
     So if I ever let you have a second chance to live this life, don't squander it on imputant items. Spend your days wisely, do mingful things, and help your fellow humans. Cause in the end while you're breathing your last breaths of air the ones you make bonds with will be there for you.

                                               Sincerely: Death
Robert Feb 11
Suicidal thoughts plague my mind.
Like rats to a sewer, they reside.
Like a cancer the nest deep inside.
Spouting words of hate and spite.
All aimed at me, the host with no right.
Not right to live, to love, joy shunt me.
I do not deserve to smile or laugh with glee.
Like a fool,I believe these plagueful thoughts.
I've fought them, but how could I contest?
When I and my meek voice long for death.
Robert Feb 2
Harken ye who stand at deaths door.
Do not fret or worry Anymore.
His touch may be icy, and cold.
But it's filled with love, or so I'm told.
He takes away sarow as well as pain.
A bliss to compare to a summer rain.
He'll take your hand and off you'll go.
The two of you walking toe to toe.
So do not fret or worry in these last moments.
Stand firm at his door, and hand him your two pence.
"Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it" by Haruki Murakami.
Robert Jan 19
Cling to me oh gracious child of light.
Spread thy wings and carry me into flight.
Let thy warmth cover every hurt I have.
Give me a pebble, a grain, of hope to grab.
Bust my stoneful heart that weighs me down.
Free me from sorrow so that I may not drown.
I yield it all to you, oh sweet child of light.
For I have simply lost the will to fight this fight.
I hope your days are bright and filled with happiness and love.
Robert Oct 2024
When I finally meet the one I will know.
Their eyes will gaze into mine and mine the same. Our souls will mesh like universes colliding and we will become one. All the while being lost in their gaze, enamored by their eternal love.
Robert Dec 2024
Yonder the sweet dove flies on straight and true. Its destiny is unknown, but with curiosity it tracks on. Through fluffy Clouds, across belowin seas, and above sultry meadow. The dove keeps soring till finaly, the day comes, where he lands his two feet back on his old nest where he first took flight.
I don't know if you'd consider this a poem, but it sounded good in my head.
Robert Dec 2024
I and my ravens waltz on top of a roof late at night. The cool busuling breeze blows as we sway. Every step, every move, is set in time, like the drum in its line. Slowly, ever slowly we dance, inching closer to the god forsaken ledge. When all at once, like fate had interjected. I see a sultry, saint, sparrow, its wings white as snow. The time seems to freeze as it bellows close to me. With talons  so gentle, unlike the ravens black feet, It guides me away from the fated ledge. Then as quick as she came, the mundane, melancholy Of time returns, leaving me in defeat. And with the metronome of madness, a song begins to play unsweetened, and I and my ravens rinse and repeat.
Robert Oct 2024
If Angel's would walk and devils could fly, maybe they'd come together, meet one another in the sky. Mabey through poems  and sonnets they'd sort their differences. The ones who fell would retell how it felt to crash while the ones who didn't, would listen. Their sweet melodies would flow through the trees, touching every corner of earth. Causing  Evil and good to blend, in a divine song, like it should.
In whispers of wind, their tales would unite,The angels would speak of ethereal light,While devils might echo with laughter and fire,Finding in contrast a common desire.
Hand in hand through the clouds, they’d soar high,Each sharing their stories beneath a vast sky.The rhythm of heartbeats, both gentle and fierce,Would weave a tapestry that none could pierce. The shadows and lumens would dance and entwine,Creating a harmony both simple and divine.For in every struggle, in each tear we weep,Lies the path to understanding, our souls to keep.
So let us embrace, in our flaws and our grace,
The beauty of differences that time can’t erase.For in this grand symphony of life intertwined,We’ll find love’s sweet essence, in every heart combined.
Robert Dec 2024
Oh love to this still beating heart of mine.
The sight of you makes me eager.
Your voice and beauty intertwine.
The gaze of my eyes yet to linger.

As you walk my way, it must be fated.
The sway of your hips, ever enticing.
As your waltz-like steps reach me and my lip elated.
The time, ever still with personal silence, you're the only one I am hearing.

Your hand grasps mine, and you pull me to dance.
As we move, spinning and swaying, all worry leaves.
Within that moment, two souls,  giving love a chance.
Robert Oct 2024
Warm are the meadows that you put in my mind. The sky reflects your beauty like the sun that shines. Soft winds feel the air, equivalent to your angelic voice.

In these warm meadows is where I reside when I'm lost in you. I drink up its beauty, and bask in its subtle hue. Yes it is in these mindful fields, in which you unknowingly create, I feel closest to you.
Robert Dec 2024
At night I find myself in dreams of indigo.
In the background are soft subtle hymns.
I walk slowly among the field of blue as the winds blow.
The iridescent moon shivers and shines.
Giving the lovely flowers their beautiful glow.

The birds, they fly over clouds so serene.
The fireflies dance their dances over top the iridescent fields.
I'm left standing In awe at this beautiful scene.
as I begin to wake, and the night begins to yield.
I found myself thinking, obsessing, over my indigo dreams.
Robert Sep 2024
I had this dream last night, I was floating endlessly, it was cold and dark. No one was there, it was so lonely, as I floated in the endless darkness. Floating and floating, on and on I went, never ceasing to drift. Till my body sunk, and I drown, in this self made dark abyss.
Plz critic, I want to get better, but plz be a little nice lol.
Robert Sep 2024
The day was cold, as cold as the head stone that sits at your grave. You set off to fight, for you were able bodied.
our mother begged and begged, she tried to make you stay. But when man makes up his mind, pleas and cries go unheard.
It's been several years since you left, so brave. Several years since they brought a flag, folded so neat to our home.
The sky that day was cold and gray. For when a brave soul dies, not even the banshee cries.
Robert Oct 2024
Alone I stand, an image of a child stares back at me. He seems so familiar, but I know he couldn't be. His smile so joyful, his eyes so serene. It feels like he and I are one and the same, but there's such a difference inside and between us. The image, so surreal, so keen, begins to fade. Suddenly, I'm left with the reflection of myself and my numb expression. Then I wonder, if I am that child, and that child is me. Where did I lose my happiness, and when did I stop being the child I used to be?
Robert Jan 12
Oh dove, oh dove from yonder oak tree.
Hearken your eyes to gaze upon me.
Lend thy wings, in which grant you flight.
So that I might gaze down at the world tonight
Soar with me, in clouds of gray.
The two of us, together, searching for the suns ray.

Oh dove, oh dove from yonder oak tree.
Grant me courage, so that I may not flee
Give me hope, and the power to do what's right.
For right now, I wave a banner of white.
so grant me  solace, and sleep on this day.
Oh dove, oh dove perched high on the oak, I hope you stay.
Hope your day, or night, is filled with positivity and genuine happiness.
Robert Dec 2024
Broken, a dove lay.
Crimson blood stains her wings red.
Surly love was the cause.
Robert Mar 2
Many have heard it told, life's worth its weight in gold.
But then harken onto the masses like cattle to be sold

Playing the fool as they dance the puppets dance.
Aimlessly, without thought, they fly by the seat of their pants.

Till alas, their marionette wires snap.
Till all but one holds them aloft in the puppeteers grasp.

We, the fools, who lop up what they sold as we drool.
tending to “their” needs and shunning our own, not realizing it's cruel.

The puppeteers in power wreak havoc by the hour.
While our peaceful, blissful world darkens and begins to sour.

The children of new, shall harken to you, to learn the truth.
But like a fool, your mouth will drool, as you ship the same lie down the sleuth.

No end to this cycle of foreboding lies and wars.
Till bombs fly off,landing, to scorch mother earth to its core

So to the children of new I say unto you.
Let peace in your heart, and you'll surely see it through.
Robert Sep 2024
A million bright stars.
In your eyes, calling to me.
Within them I'm free.
Another short haiku (5 7 5)
Robert Sep 2024
Sweet are the songs you sing to me.
As the time we share Together.
The words I hear, like melodies.
The angelic voice you lay bare.
If there's ever a day which comes to be.
Where you should leave me and the home we share.
I'll live alone, with only a memory.
Of the voice you laid bare.
Pls critic, but be a little nice lol
Robert Dec 2024
“Would You die for me” she asked him, standing In the snow on a cold december night. Light blared from the busy festival tents that surrounded them. His reply was in a soft tone, and warm like a fireplace. “I'd say yes, but I'd be lying, I'd say I'd pull my heart out, but that too would be a lie. See my love, to die for you would be selfish,  and I'm not selfish.“ Her smile faded as he spoke his piece in the snowy air, “but I'd live for you” he said, taking her hand. "I'd spend my days spreading your name like a deity ready to worship, and if no one did, I'd worship you enough to compensate”. Silence fell between them, for a moment it was just the two of them, she finally spoke “i like that answer”.
It's not really a poem, but I thought it sounded good when I wrote it.

— The End —