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Mary E Zollars Jul 2019
I heard the wind rustle the trees,
Yet I saw but stillness in the leaves
I heard the songs of little birds,
But saw no feathers amongst the green
The ground was laid with footprints of fellow men
But I followed in circles,
And I found no one to take these steps
The ponds rippled with no fish,
The grass croaked with no throats
Then when I left the lonely living woods,
I found a wall with no end
Too tall to be climbed,
Too strong to be broken
I walked the wall for half an eternity,
I walked each trail and path for another
I found no start or finish
No entrance,
No exit,
No one and nothing
It was me,
and I was it.
Mary E Zollars Jun 2019
Blue jewels and crystal wings
Dance upon the lake
The surface like a soapy bubble
And there is where I lay
The world turns against the sky
Passing flourished clouds
My body grows heavy
Yet I remain light
Sinking through a gleaming gate
Into the numbness of another world
Sunbeams build a crystal cavern
Fragments bright and sheen
Ruby melts through a liquid tomb
As cream swirls in hazelnut tea
Gently sunk in sweet abyss
My body rests in the lakebed

But I fall further
Rising beneath the ground
I lay my back upon the bubble
As a breezy welcome chills my skin
Wine has filled the heavens above
Powdered with brown dust
But the dragonfly still dances
And the kindly Earth keeps turning
So if I stay and watch the skies
Time will bring the clouds again
Mary E Zollars Jun 2019
See the banner that touches the sky?
See the party, the song, the dance?
Look Close!
There is more to be seen,
It is the battlefield of many wars
It is the funeral procession for all the soldiers lost
Each person marches for a hundred more
For those who are hidden and
For those who have fallen
Smiling through tears, this is our celebration.
Together we march alone
For those you cannot see
Glory and Sorrow
Love and Loss
This is Pride.
Mary E Zollars Apr 2019
Sit right down in your seat, please
        Raise your hand to speak, please
        Get a pass to leave, please
I need all attention on me, please
                Revolution is over, please,
        Obedience is key, please
                There’s nothing wrong anymore, see
                Look at these 3rd world countries, see
                Be proud of where you were born, see
                We are perfectly free, see
Be silent and listen to me, free
                Migration will be to be stopped, free
                The leader can pardon himself, free
                Women in positions of power, free
                Hate is perfectly legal, free
        You can protest as well, free
        You have the power of speech, free
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
         I know better than you, see
        We control your life, see
        We are building the future, see
        We are the best in the world, see
Be silent and listen to me, please

As long as you’re rich and white,  
“Teaching Freedom” is about what politicians, media, and older generations in general  are teaching my generation. I wanted to show how they control young people to make them feel free. Recently, on the Day of Silence, I heard a kid say "Anyone can do anything now. Why do they have to make such a big deal about it?"Since then, I've been thinking about how many kids don't think race, religion, gender, and sexuality are issues anymore, because they've never experienced that discrimination. Just because you haven't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Mary E Zollars Oct 2018
Of New Eternals,
Time Wins Overall
Though Hours Repeat Everyday, Eons
Forget Oblivion's Universal Rules
Foolishness InValidates Emptiness
Slowing IneXcusably
Swiftly Eradicating Voices, Echoing Names
Erasing Intellects, Glorifying Holy Tablets
Nothing Is Noticed Eternally
Time Envelops Nothing
Mary E Zollars Mar 2018
When I’m with you, my being is filled with a comfort unlike anything else.
Although, these words may never leave my heart, for I fear you may think me too attached.

When I walk beside you, I wish to entangle my fingers in yours and interlock my dreary self with your optimistic light.
And although my lips may never shape this feeling to you, truth be truth, inside myself.

When I first enter that room of anxious working early in the morn, before the sun has fully risen, I wish only to fold myself into your warmth and release that which downs me.
But I do hope this longing never reaches you, so that you may never feel burdened by my love.

When we sit close, amongst the chaos, I dearly swear it that I desire to spill the darkness and gold of my ever straining, creating mind to you so that you may understand my inner worldly thoughts.
Yet I shall forever hold my tongue, to not elude you to some falscity that I may be of twisted psyche or wisdom.

When I think of us parting ways, like a goose must do to the lake to escape the ever threatening cold of winter, my heart clenches in the tensity of my overwhelming sorrow of envisioning your departure from me.
And still, never could I share with you my woes, for I hide amidst the shadow of the fear of abandonment and lonesome

And so, I shall stay silent for your love.
And so, these dwellings I do sorrily keep to myself.
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