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 Dec 2016 Bella
Take me on a roller coaster ride
Let my tongue slide inside the inside
of your mind and tease your poetic side
Let us improvise
the visions close your eyes
As our world collide
My mind provides your mind
with vibes crawling into your own skin
Devoured by the desire of pleasure lies
Slowly seduced by the sensual vibe
Exploring the dark side of nowhere to hide
Temptation tempting you; causing a tempest inside
The core of your body, boiling hot
While you are shivering on the outside
The storm brewing is confusing,
but the pleasure is mind.
 Dec 2016 Bella
 Dec 2016 Bella
When we kissed;
           She used her lips to seal my lips
           Her hands to rock my world
           Her hips to turn me on
           And her tongue drive me crazy
 Dec 2016 Bella
Just Melz
 Dec 2016 Bella
Just Melz
Dreaming of a new day
Hoping the past fades away
Never knowing the truth
Cause the lies always stay

Nightmares await my waking hours
And reality's dreams never really mattered
So I surround my self with a wall of glass
But the past crashed in and my faith was shattered

And that wall falls into a black hole of despair
Leaving my emotions exposed, naked and bare
 Dec 2014 Bella
She was alone. No one to hold her.
Her friends thought she was happy,
Why? Because that's what she told them.

looking...searching for something real.

"I'm fine." "I'm okay."
Is all she would say.
Faking a smile and moving on every single day.
No one knew. She had everyone fooled.

looking...fighting off demons.

No one knew what she felt, or what she thought,
or what she did when coming home, and the memories she fought.
No one knew what was happening behind the scenes of this Angels' smile.

looking...seeking for a hero.

She thought that she was useless,
that there's nothing to her, no point to stay alive.
Little did she know that the hero she was looking for, was on his way.

looking...finding a hero.

Until this one day, she thought She needed someone.
Until this day, when he walked up to her and
told her that she is His hero.

looking...loving a hero..loving herself.

Full of doubt, she asked "Why?"
"Because of who you are" he answered,
"All you have to do is find yourself, your true self."
"Because when you do so , I'm certain that you'll be able to see you,
the way others see you, the way I see you; My hero."
"My hero in disguise."
First poem with dialogue..
 Dec 2014 Bella
We've been texting and calling for six months
and now it's reached its culmination
when you surprised me one day
you're coming here for vacation

I ran out to the store immediately
bought condoms, **** n toys
I also warned the neighbors
because we were gonna Make lots of noise,

I met you at the airport
you're even more beautiful in person
we talked on the way to my apartment
you wouldn't forget this I'd be certain

when we finally arrived you saw I lit some candles and laid some flowers on my bed
we kissed caught up with the moment
and lust flowing through our heads

I laid down below you because you wanted to be in charge
we kissed again while between your legs
I got ever so hard

You slid my shaft out of its pocket
and bounced on me without hesitation
As we got caught up in all the passion
you screamed MY GOD WHAT A VACATION!
I know what you'd all like to say
      To make me feel better
"Beauty is on the inside"
       "You are beautiful"
But my soul is so tattered
       And my heart
Has been repeatedly
All the scattered
      bits and pieces
   You might find in there
          Between the scars and creases
     Would make you all run and hide
               If beauty shines from the inside,       Then I'm the **ugliest beast alive
The second in my series of 'lies'. Click #mylittlelies and #mytruths to read the rest.
Little moist drops of heaven
       Trickling down my throat
    The heavenly burn,
Synonymous with an Angel's wings
               fluttering in my esophagus
     Liquid lightning, striking
          Almost blasphemous
 A devilish game of Russian Roulette
              With four shot glasses,
   Three rogues and one gent
Emotions getting looser
    Clothing getting tighter
           The taste becoming
          Liquefied demon tears
Playing a wicked game
            with my insides
    Putting a beautiful curse on my mind
             Melted Whiskey Raindrops
     Sending shivers down my spine
           This hellish war of love, hate and
   Has never felt so
 Dec 2014 Bella
 Dec 2014 Bella
I want you,
I need you
What can't you see.

My wrongs,
Are my faults
Do you blame them on me.

I am what I am,
A plain old human being
But please don't let me be.
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