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  Feb 2021 Mrs Timetable
Carlo C Gomez
Cold to the touch / this scene is a long dream / bio-luminescent submarine / keep it light / keep it moving / this whole dream is all of me / illuminating needles on the barometer / the compass of a turtle /
entente with nature / I am the mimicry / and the signaling / to breaking waves / to new possibilities / the new, warm blood flowing / in steady, sated lanterns of hope...
  Feb 2021 Mrs Timetable
Carlo C Gomez
As a kid,
I was terrified
of things that went
bump in the night.
Until one day, I realized
this was just my parents
failing to do it quietly.
A new kind of terror
thus ensued.
  Feb 2021 Mrs Timetable
Carlo C Gomez
Her constellations move differently

She no longer controls star systems

Only one remaining cluster
now orbits her

But it is more than enough

For they need and love her as their light-giving empyrean
Title inspired by the poem "Benign" by fellow HP writer Puds:
  Feb 2021 Mrs Timetable
Carlo C Gomez
The best tea parties
in the whole wide world
are hosted, not by queens,
but by little five-year-old girls:

They're major dress-up,
with a who's who guest list
that includes
teddy bears, Barbie dolls,
and sock puppets.

They must always have
a special theme,
be it the family pet's birthday
or in honor of a favorite
cartoon character.

What she serves
is anybody's guess,
and indeed,
the menu will vary
for it's all make believe,
but her imagination
is quite real,
and a big part of the charm.

Count your lucky stars if invited.
  Feb 2021 Mrs Timetable
Carlo C Gomez
Moonlit angels keep turning the wheels of the universe

In conversations with God, they placed the Sun precisely in the centre

Alarum and escapement keep the gear train moving forth:

Astronomical clock, armillary sphere, lunar phases in sidereal time

All patterns of evidence -- releasing our impulses, advancing our hands

  Feb 2021 Mrs Timetable
Carlo C Gomez
Whether they go gently

or expedite with force

the rhythms of the night

are there to ravish us

in the miserable nature

of indomitable, incessant need

to gratify a neglected


fraught with dancing endorphins

that linger about

love's sea

as a salient reciprocal
  Feb 2021 Mrs Timetable
Carlo C Gomez
The way to a man's heart
Is through his stomach.
Does this apply to
Cannibals too?
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