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Aug 2014 · 616
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
Over the last few days
I have gone from sick,
to sick and weak,
to sick, weak, in pain, and tired
to fine;
I'm healthy as I've ever been,
and rested.

I seem to
have this connection
to the weather.
Just before
it's going to rain,
by which I suppose
I mean a few days at most
I feel anxious,
and sick,
and weak,
and in pain.

I'm still not sure,
and might never really be sure,
it's the meditation and breathing exercises,
or the rain and general passing of the storm
that make me feel better.

Did I have cold?
Could it have been the stomach flu?
Why did the Tylenol stave off the symptoms
long after they were supposed to,
but just before it started to pour?
Recent events.
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
Mostly Void, Partially Stars
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
Much like this poem,


that has ever existed,

or will exist

including you,

your heart,

your life,

and your dreams,

always have,

and will forever be

composed of

"           "

Inspired by commentary that has come up in my life very often recently.
Aug 2014 · 590
What Is It?
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
She has glasses.
She's short.
She's shy.
So it's not her looks
by themselves.

She wants to get to know me.
She works with me.
She gave me candy.
She is human.
Nothing out of the ordinary there.

Something in her eyes.
I think they're blue.
Something in her name.
All but one letter was in a dream.
I don't want to say it.

What else could it be?
What makes her stick in my thoughts?
What if I'm just overreacting?
What if I'm not ready?
Good sweet mercy she's cute.
Aug 2014 · 432
The City
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
Having lived here
all my life
I just realized
the brightest part
is always in the distance.

Maybe that's why
I never
thought that I
could hold onto
anything I have ever loved.
Aug 2014 · 939
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
The idea
that there is a time
                                             for violence, or guns;       that there ever is a need
to slaughter peaceful, innocent bystanders
in the name of an officer who willfully, and wrongfully
ended a young man's life for no other reason than he can is
u      n      e      q      u      i      v      o      c      a      l      l      y
f              u              c              k              e              d              .
Inspired by the events of August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, MO.
Aug 2014 · 619
The Truth
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
It's out there,
not here.
It's waiting
until the end

It's illusive,
so we hunt.
It's elusive,
yet we need

It's God,
but also death.
It's love
(whatever that is)

It's subject
to the change
of wind.
It's hard, factual

It'll be
the end of
me. Maybe
it's just the
X-Files Thoughts
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
I've got a funny story of my own actually;
I rose from the dead,
and then after that
I ripped people apart.

Okay maybe it’s not that funny but
you can sit there and listen to it anyway.

Listen to the story.

It’s weird at first because
all there is, is just darkness.
It’s so
it doesn’t make any difference
if your eyes are open or closed.
What you think
is that you’ve been
buried alive.

Not ideal.
That’s proper... panic, you know.
You hit out at the lid of the coffin
even though there’s no way.
But then...
it starts to give.

You have to push your way through
all the soil.
It takes ages doesn’t it?
It takes so long.

But all of a sudden
something’s different;
you feel the wind on the
tips of your fingers.
And the rain.

Because before that
you’re not really sure where you are.
But now
you know.
And you’re pushing through.
And then all this stuff at once.
The moon.
And this incredible storm blowing
and the church bell
ringing midnight
and just standing there,
nobody else around
and all of it
pushing into me.

That feeling.
It’s what being born must be like.
Except you’ve got
Because honestly, dead...

Everything up to then was fear.
even when I was alive,
different levels of fear.
But then
it’s gone.
And you’re like that:
‘Yeah, come on.
Give it to me!

But I tell you what,
This appetite.
I could not wait to get started.
New favourite monologue forever.
Aug 2014 · 433
Trying to find the words.
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
The sky is so dark.
It has been nothing but bright
after being so ******* dark,
for so long.

The dark is so heavy.
It has been nothing but light
after being so ******* heavy,
for so very long.

I feel alone.
Lately I've been surrounded by love
after feeling so ******* alone,
for so very ******* long.

I miss you.
I've been so busy
that I didn't really get a chance,
for what feels like forever, but I guess it's been 6 months.

I hope you're doing okay.
Sometimes it really ***** out loud
that I can't stop loving anyone
I've ever once felt love for, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I love you.
I hope you do too; love yourself that is.
I hope that the job is what you want, if only for now.
Sweet dreams.
I'm always looking for the right way to describe how I feel.
Felt a pang in my heart; could be clinical depression, but I feel really good now.
I always feel great once I can find the words.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Perfect Blue
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
Doctor discussing with detective.
Patient mumbling to themselves.
"Yes, I am an actor."

Cut to  rewind, of producers watching take in post.
Rewind actually fast forward in post, watching alternate lines of same scene.

Cut to  alternate scene as if it was reality.

Doctor discussing with detective.
Patient mumbling to themselves.
"Yes, I am a model."

"CUT! That's a wrap!"
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
I don't know her name,
but I plan on learning it.
She has glasses,
and looks at me
in that way.
****** or not,
I feel a pull,
or is it a push?
Either way,
I feel a loss of words,
and the potential for coffee.
Before I get ahead of myself,
and start crossing that thin line
fantasy and reality
I'll make a cute friend first.
Seriously though she's p cute.
Jul 2014 · 3.7k
Keaton Rutz Jul 2014
I have always called
myself a wandering knight.
I still don't know why.

I always wanted
a sword I can call my own.
It's pretty odd I know.

Is it the romance
in various media?
I couldn't say really.

Maybe the freedom
is what really gets me.
Why did they choose it?

Honor? Truth? Rad swords?
The women? The blood? Nah.
Perhaps the title.

To be known as one.
To be lightning, and fire.
To be Samurai.
Something I've been thinking about lately, and haiku cause my favourite type of poem.
Jul 2014 · 11.9k
Keaton Rutz Jul 2014
I am the rain transformed.
I am more than light, and speed.
I am deafening, but silent.

I am quicker than most.
I am louder than most.
I am brightest, when I arrive.

I move from ground to sky,
from sky to ground,
and even between the clouds.

I am in your veins,
orbiting your atoms,
making your thoughts.

I am jagged, and beautiful.
I am love, and death.
I am the rain transformed.
Inspired by Metal Gear Solid 4.
Jul 2014 · 5.0k
Keaton Rutz Jul 2014
a Gestalt principle
of organization
holding that there is an innate tendency
to perceive incomplete objects as complete
and to close
or fill gaps
and to perceive asymmetric stimuli
as symmetric
It might not be the word, but ******* if it ain't perfect,
Jul 2014 · 860
Keaton Rutz Jul 2014
Had a dream about a girl
and some time travel
but only at the end.

Enemy was a hierarchical deal (like bees);
started as a corporation,
then began the nightmare fuel,
this was not a nightmare.

She had gone back before was the twist.
Obviously she lost then too,
so I figure
this had to have been the second time.
Although who knows

There was a word,
a phrase;
"mobility loops".
Ain't quite right, is it?

The word that fits...
It's on the tip of my tongue.
Cinch? Craton? Catalectic?
Does it even start with c?
Maybe I need to make up a word.
Post dream thoughts.
Jun 2014 · 565
Keaton Rutz Jun 2014
Sitting around an
open flame,
feeding it,
catching up.

Some drink,
some smoke.
We all eat when the pizza came.
We all watch the coals,
and sparks.

We talk about
and gender, ***,
and sexuality.

People are growing up;
so am I.
I love it,
and each of them dearly;
It's always sad to finally drown the pit.

I hope, no matter what happens in each of our lives, and no matter the weather, when the skies clear again, and we can all find time in our busy lives, the fire will never be truely out.
Supposed to look like fire.
Jun 2014 · 601
Keaton Rutz Jun 2014
Most, if not all
held their hands up as children
and fired.

I don't know why,
but I do know I still do it;
Am I still a child?

Guns are dangerous, unless ce n'est pas un pistolet.
Fingers aren't dangerous, even quand ils sont un pistolet.
I can be dangerous, but je ne suis pas un enfant.
Was working from the ending of an anime, and "This is not a gun" art piece.
Jun 2014 · 676
4 stars total
Keaton Rutz Jun 2014
Sitting on your porch.
Talkin video games, and weddings.
After a night of drinking;
what more could a brother ask for?

Under the black of this dirt town.
Wanting out.
Nowhere to go.
So we wander:
moving at a liesurely pace.

I can't quite place our de ja vu.
It's lost to month old dreams,
and past lives.
We don't talk enough, but we drink.

I love you.
As a brother does, for his sister.
Everything will be okay in the end,
and if it's not okay
it's not the end.
For my sister.
Jun 2014 · 392
Writing: a rough draft.
Keaton Rutz Jun 2014
I've been stuck.
I've been stuck...
at a part in this book...
I've been stuck
at a part in this story I've been writing,
because I really didn't know where to go.
Obvious statement. Whatever.

I am surrounded.
I am surrounded by pieces of writing, and stories, and literature, and people, and poems that inspire me to fight.
I am surrounded by stories, and love,
and I've looked to them...
I am surrounded by love, and I've been looking for a way forward.

I found it.
I found the path.
I found a path.
I found the story that I needed to hear, and feel...
I found a story that lead me to the place where I belong.
I found a story.
I found a love that helped me realize what to write next.

Is it wrong I want to end it so soon?
Is it wrong to end it so soon?
Is it wrong to end a story?
I was going for what writing really looks like, without the editing.
Jun 2014 · 419
1:22 am
Keaton Rutz Jun 2014
It's almost time to sleep.
I still haven't figured out the difference.
The difference between life,
love ,
I hear I'm a romantic ****; **** me I guess.
The night is calm; the rain is on it's way back,
I feel like I must remain calm,
at the very least
Don't mind me, just being.

— The End —