The present carries you along, the past
Unwinds behind, time’s arrow
Keeps the future up ahead.
That’s how it’s always been, but now
The present slips away, leaves the future in the past,
and disappears.
You’d follow but the present’s gone, moved on,
Left you behind,
In a future that’s already out of date,
But still enough to knock you down.
Things change without you—
What seemed stable disappears,
Your horizon shrinks to nothing,
The future surrounds you,
And everything is stranger than you imagined.
Keeping up
You hesitate along the way,
Say that’s enough to this and that
But keep up with the rest,
Until you say to what remains
This far but no farther
This much but no more.
When asked—
You find your reasons are in the past,
With gaps and pages missing,
And certainties uncertain,
Planets in motion, pulled loose from their stars,
Leave you in silence.