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Stepped on the stage
Dancing in the light
Eyes on her
Spinning in the spotlight
She did her show
With rabbits and hats
A thrilling magic of trickery
Everyone in the act
But in the room
A man believed in her power
Yet the show ended with her
    Was her final act.
When it's the last time you saw her
Why are you trying to be his world?  
He can't contain every star in your body.

Every galaxy in your eyes

Whenever the whole solar system would spin on your smile.  

He can't
You are
Don't  let anybody tell you,  you're  not enough
When I used to fall
I'd tell where it hurt
so it can be healed
with gentle hands

Later on...

I kept on falling
Being alone
Pointed my heart
Pointed my mind
It's in pain
But no one came

I continued
This free fall
Endless agony
Until I hit
No one came to save the falling victim
I wanted to bury my feelings for you, deep within the ground so it was out of sight.

Never knew it was a seed, sprouting and blooming. It was beautiful you see  just one of a kind.

But I get it, you won't choose it.

Who would pick a daisy in a garden of roses.

And then you picked the one with the most thorns, now it's painted red just hiding in the colors.

But it's actually grey because you left.
Why would you even pick the flower that bloomed for you
Such treasure long forgotten
Marked with an X
Finding the rhythm
to see such sight
By ship sailing day and night

A heart of Gold by Your name
I found
The missing jewels of a piece
In ground

Your heart differs from my stone
It's buried deep inside
Taken from home
My heart is trash while yours was a diamond in the sand
She said she wasn't
B r o k e n

but her mind is in
P i e c e s

and her heart is
B l e e d i n g

because of the
S h a r p
E d g e s
We think she is fine, but in her eyes it's otherwise
Call me
C r a z y
For talking to
M y s e l f
It's better than my
T h o u g h t s
talking to me

Telling me to go to the
D a r k n e s s
Where my
D e m o n s
But it's only in my
H e a d

They're in my head.
Dark thoughts and whispers of voices
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