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Sep 2019 · 539
ARCH Sep 2019
Displeased with exhausted mind
Though ugliness embodies perfection
Of the creation majesty empower
The whites aren't right
And black ain't beautiful
Questioning the creativity
And erroneous concept of beauty
We somewhere fades our own reality
Indulge with your voice inside
Whose raising the vocals of equality
Whose antonishing signs
Are reflection of humanity
Now the quest of questions
Is out of answers inherently
Yet hopes are serene enough
To resist a human world
And here the wrong things
Are done with good intentions.
Apr 2019 · 3.8k
ARCH Apr 2019
Bare feet
Teared clothes
Eyes with tears
Consoling her fear
She was *****
Broken and burned
Still people taped
Her parents told her
You'll be not married
Nor have kids
It's better to be silent and mild
Her voice being shivered
Shouted! If my words
Will not shout
Rapists voice will be loud
World will make me choose
Tough honor or life
I have nothing to loose
Nothing to loose
People may refuse
May repel my voice
But i being robbed
And justice is what
I wanna eloped ♥️
Women's aren't *** toys ! They are the powerhouse of a house.  Women's are 100 men . **** is serious matter across world.  Wse have to change our mentality and ask our sons to respect not only who gave birth to them but also other's daughter,mother and sister #raiseyourvoice
Share your views and share this♥️
Dm for collaboration
Apr 2018 · 221
ARCH Apr 2018
The fragrance of Cody
The triumph of love ody
Brushing my soul
With the feisty console
The dark spirits of clan
Clouting people in darkness
Yes, there's lot to confess
Feb 2018 · 477
suicide and injustice
ARCH Feb 2018
Her hand was shedding blood
Drop by drop dying by flood
Her life was vanishing
Her name in prayers ;cherishing
No one to calm her brow
Her restless body is sowed
Her story was lilltle different
Her life sometimes fill with happiness
But most by tears
World start looking at her
As if she is a criminal
Stopping people all she go
She is innocent she knows
Tears filling her eyes
Crying all the way she goes
Soon,struggling from emotions make her fall
She cuts her wrist but her soul stand tall
They don't know what she went through
They never thought she is human too
Her soul was waiting for a miracle of justice
She was in depression
But court was doing nothing but
Session by session
Her story was closed as if she is a book
No one to give her justice
And have a look
All we have to do is be a man of divine ....
You should help people who are in vain
-Pallestine beauty
Feb 2018 · 850
i was you
ARCH Feb 2018
Whittle down the memories
And vale of love
Someone who urge me
To Stand tall
With the blink of an eye
All past existence cherishes
My soul and happiness tie
Although I may not be there
For you that time
But believe me I was you
All the time
Venturing the dim light
Of your cries and fright
I'm sorry I couldn't save you
But believe me I was you
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 300
ARCH Jan 2018
Distance of death
Is seems to be far
But thread of life
Is really hard to cut
With knife
Wanna hung
Wanna leave this world
But couldn't cause distance of death
Is seems to be far
I may be lost
Or uncleared by frost
But my soul wants to fly
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 519
untold love
ARCH Jan 2018
A feeling of happiness
And always we are in stress
Thinking of our soulmate
But no place for hate
Love is feeling of heart
Emotions and attraction
And a beautiful reaction
Bend on knees
Or give her a rose
Tell her your feelings
Or hide
It will hurt you
Kills you
And you always miss
The joy of living
It's better to express than to
Be in stress
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 480
beauty of night
ARCH Jan 2018
The moon stared the lady
Who was hiding and crying
She was a star to slay
By the god ,may
Deserted by all
She was not good ,human call
What is truth ,what is lie
She is different her own way
Let her expressed and say
'I'm a beauty of black night ;
You're a beauty of sun'
-we may different but our
Heart is one
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 582
ARCH Jan 2018
I wondered I was one
I always gaze through mind
With great story of time

Eyesore of folks makes me weak
But flint of culture
Make me seek

I was a fledgling
Who just learn to flame
The fire of traditions

I learnt from folks ;
Nothing can fulfill human needs
But calmness is something
That you should meet
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 220
life kills
ARCH Jan 2018
My life
Drives me away
Doping me every day
Kissing me , silently
Creeping me , blindly
Yea life is slaying day by day
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 464
ARCH Jan 2018
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 539
ARCH Jan 2018
She was lost in her mind
Imagining something real but fake
With thorns and roses

Lost in her mind of fantasy
She don't know coming through it
Is not so easy

She made a attic of imagination
She create her own world
It was not home ,it was a devastated dome

No one knows what was in her mind
She don't know that she was blind
In darkness of her own world

Where's real she ,she always try to figure out
Is she real ; she always shout
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 206
remember to remember
ARCH Jan 2018
To remember that you
Don't have to remember the past
'Cause it will stir bitter memories
The last time when you hurt last
Look forward,towards your goal
The next step ,your aim
Learn,learn to love your soul
If no one else loves you , you are still the same
In life , if it is too dark
It's going to launch you with great success fast
Remember , you can plan to write a book everyday
But you living a book everyday !
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 250
ARCH Jan 2018
You will see me struggle
But you won't see my fall
Regardless of every weakness
I'm going to stand tall

Every time I will be living
In pain and in vain
But always wear a biggest smile
Though I want to cry

I'm going to fight to live
Though destined to die
It may be difficult to survive
But you won't see me fall
I'm going to stand tall
Pallestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 235
no where's women
ARCH Jan 2018
Her eyes were all dry
The folks had deserted her so that she even cry
All her melancholies abided her eyes
Awaiting someone
But hopes were all lies

The child drawn of moon made her weak
But without a quirk on the street she laid
Her hopeless eyes closed as if she died
Fear of everything she saw
Not a hand to calm her brow

The drawn was how broken
The stories of forgotten women were woken
The fog and mist had nothing cleared
The thickened fog blotted out my vision

The solitary women was deserted by all
Though her hardship made her strong
Nor she whishpered a single note
Not a hand out for a support

Torn her clothes did not work her in
I wondered -"what was her sin!?"
Yes the' no where's women' she was !?"
"Why was she!?" I wondered for the cause .
Palestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 246
am i beast
ARCH Jan 2018
I breath deeply & start to think
Of I was pushed to the brink
I really do regret it now
I'd fix it but I don't know how

But it feels so good at the time
The mind doing it isn't mine
It's not the sweet child
With polite voice and manners mild

But which am I & which is me !?
Which one of thou am I going to be
The child who's weak yet nice
Or the beast nobody crosses twice
Palestine beauty
Jan 2018 · 184
ARCH Jan 2018
Holding a knife
she stands by
Mind of heavy loads
Never does right
Body went raging
Her eyes were seeking
A breath was suddenly heard
A death is going to be curse
No one can understand
What is going through her mind !?
She is a divine or a criminal mind
pallestine beauty

— The End —