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 May 2017 Al
Renée C
 May 2017 Al
Renée C
The wind plays with my hair like a lover. 
I'm left disheveled and laughing.  
I'm drunk on sunlight and that particular shade of blue
of skies that have secrets, and they're not telling.
©Renée Casey May 2017
 May 2017 Al
 May 2017 Al
I'm sick of pretending like everything's okay,
with the war going on inside my head.
I'm tired of  trying,
to be normal.
While things are falling apart.
I'm tired of hoping,
you see behind my smiles and laughter.
And just once see my broken spirit and lost soul.
I'm tired of coping,
with something I can't.
When every thought and every breath is a war,
a war I'm not winning anymore.
I'm tired of existing,
can't I just disappear.
Take a break from the loneliness and pain.
I'm tired of breathing,
when actually I'm drowning.
While everyone else around me isn't.
I'm tired of living,
when I'm already dead on the inside.
Maybe life isn't for everyone.
It's not like I chose to be like this, I don't care if you see the cuts and scars on my wrists anymore...stop asking if I'm OK, do you like it when I lie to you?
 May 2017 Al
Drug Me
 May 2017 Al
Day slips into night
Like your whispers in my ear
Gradual and soft
Sweet tones slip
Into dark cadances
Filled with lustful secrets
And wistful desires
Hot breath
Sends chills
Leave me quivering
Sedated on your presence
Sober on your words
Dear god
It's too much
 May 2017 Al
 May 2017 Al
Where did all the promises go?
Were all the “I love you”s as empty as your heart was?
My heart aches for you
It always will
But you don’t seem to get that
You’re the one causing me so much pain
Yet you blamed me for feeling too much.
 May 2017 Al
I don't fear death
But I fear life
And the agony that follow
Like an amorphous shadow
There's no escape from this hell,my friend
Unheeded we all die alone
With a crooked smile on the lips
Beneath this summer moon
The soft gentle wind croon
Broken promises of see you soon
We fear and hate the happy ones
Bliss is a forgotten friend
And we lie and lie and lie
Till it resembles to the truth
Experience comes at a price
Which is so godmann high
We trade our innocence
And sell our souls to survive
Surrendering to the fears we thrive
And those fragile feelings we hive
And the children are insane
For they dance naked in the rain
Being blind to their personal gain
They don't feel fear nor the pain
And the children are insane
 May 2017 Al
Savannah Charlish
Truth is I have no idea how you are
I've come up with a million versions in my head
I guess I could call you and ask
I mean I used to call you all the time

But we don't talk anymore
And what if you're doing really well?
What will I do then?
If losing me didn't wreck your world
The same way you leaving wrecked mine
 May 2017 Al
 May 2017 Al
When hell's demons took over the politicians
Nobody noticed
When black mothers cried for their children
Nobody heard
When we cried out for justice
Nobody listened
When  we were desperate for a change
Nobody provided
When the blind man asked for a penny
Nobody granted
We are the ones out for blood
And yours will do
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