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 May 2017 Al
Jack Jenkins
An arrow points to the
hole in my chest
where my heart
once lived.

Where have I gone?
Cold and darkness
embraces my mind.

The mirror
shows me as
hollow and dead
like I'm a corpse.

I'm totally disconnected
and disjointed in this
reality, this plane
of existence.

Where has the me
that I once was
gone to?
Where am I?

I feel nothing
tasting only the
loneliness and dust
on my lips.

I've become paralyzed
in the waters of despair.
 May 2017 Al
Ryan Holden
I see the violence,
I hear no laughter,
It's all faith to capture;
I can feel the rapture,
Disaster another chapter,
Darkness within these walls,
a fall,
No more buildings too tall.
Fire choking the young,
It's only just begun.
There's no sun,
We hear a bomb,
Innocent children,
Deprived of fun,

Shrapnel flying everywhere,
Smoky air,
Streets are bare,
It's all despair,
I feel the Animosity,
Knowing I'm dead probably,
We do this to our society,
Because we have religion and rivalry,
Violently, involved yet independently,
You walk so silently,
Scared of your own shadow frightfully,
With your messed up psychiatry,
That’s irony.
Restless Ramblings of a mind, that still doesn't understand why.
Quick succession rhyming used here. Some lyrics are taken from a rap I wrote, in similar context to what is happening in this sad, miserable world.
 May 2017 Al
Ryan Holden
Gold Digger
 May 2017 Al
Ryan Holden
As you breath,
With trapped lungs,
Like a fly caught,
In the silkiest of webs.
Her manifold shell,
Multiple eyes of harrowing,
A succubus to the harmless,
dampening a gentle candle lit,
In sheer darkness.

******* on our blood,
Like a hundred leaches,
Her nature thicker than mud.
Fluid runs smooth,
like ash and water,
but she stains your heart,
in gray poisonous matter,
Using you like puppet on strings,
from the very start.

She hides behind the lies,
That she fills within your head,
like a hot air balloon,
soaring through skies,
Unaware of what's below,
Avoid prickly skinned women,
They'll eat you alive.
Just a quick write. Many people can probably relate!
 May 2017 Al
Broken Hearts
 May 2017 Al
broken hearts are not silent
they just sing a different song.
 May 2017 Al
 May 2017 Al
your energy is intoxicating
if this is addiction
i don't ever want to be sober
 May 2017 Al
Cherisse May
what am I?
 May 2017 Al
Cherisse May
What am I
To a million people
Whose names are numbers
Waiting to be counted?

What am I
Other than a mispronounced name
And a character of no value
Who often becomes forgotten?

What am I
Aside from being a drunken thought
Whose name you scream
And whose heart wrenches at your drunken sight?

What am I
When I become frustrated
At how much I love you
But can't find the right words to say?

What am I
To you
When all I've ever been used to being
Is nothing?
I really hate drunk you. *******, and **** my worrying, anxious self.
 May 2017 Al
Hell and Heaven
 May 2017 Al
Hell is full of the misunderstood
Innocent souls who tried to do good
Twisted into something dark
Their wrath becomes a tangible mark
Who is to help them,
When they’re already condemned?
Is there someone to help you?
What can anyone do?
Haven is full of the ****-up’s
They got in by the poison in your cup
Who is to oppose them,
When they know of your own sin?
Where can you go?
That won’t cost your soul?
 May 2017 Al
 May 2017 Al
How many pills?
One to help
Two to drown
Three to numb
Ten to ****
How many shots?
One to calm
Two to soothe
Three to daze
Twenty to ****
How many cuts?
One to bleed
Two to free
Three to save
Thirty to ****
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