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Dec 2019 · 402
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
have you ever seen words
dance like that?
she can make syllables
shimmer like diamonds,
the pieces of her soul
she bares
when she smiles and laughs
filling the room with
the serenity of snow
the warmth of her good heart
woven from the same fabric
as kindness and beauty -

transport me through time
to find that
I still admire you just the same
the worlds and characters
you concoct
inspiring worlds in me;
bend dreams into
marvelous shapes,
lost in the throes -
the fervent grip
of your beautiful imagination.
Dec 2019 · 483
love - a theory
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
i sank into you so easily,
did I think it would hurt
any less?

i fell
so **** hard
i hit the floor
and shattered -
messy broken pieces
cradled by
copious coping mechanisms
erudite discussions of self-love.

Kiss the Sun
feel the fire
consume flesh
that weeps,
for love,
starved and starving


willing to risk it all
for a future
feels far and foreign
like some forgotten
(or perhaps, mad?)

juggle life and death
only to spiral
into the past
into the present
into emotional volatility
the withdrawals my heart endures
away from you
the pain of longing,
having longed for nothing more
than your touch;
addictive personality prevailing,
sinking further
into lovesick madness,
I turn to the past for answers:
memories attack like zombies
rising from dew-laden graves,
through time’s barrier
between the now and then...

i see myself
grasping someone’s thumb
i feel love
for the first time;

i see a girl
smiling at me -
she kisses me
next to a green ladder
i can’t respond
i don’t know how;

i see an arm around a shoulder
in the back of a Dodge van
a sweaty highschooler
asking for a girl’s
cellphone number -
did he save her life
or did she save his?
time slips
through them like
cutting ribbons
out of clear paper
centuries rust
like the forgotten bike
in that groundhog’s shed;

i see a sweater,
hear a voice,
and my heart colours
the sky
with every shade
of the love
i cannot yet admit
i am feeling -
she is better than me,
of this i am certain,
which is perhaps
why it hurts when
she is so far
i already make myself
feel so small.

i see myself,
how powerful my love
when i let it go -
while no one’s watching
it has nowhere to go
but inward;
a tree falls,
hidden in the dark -

lay in the snow

my heart beats red:
beat beat beating

beating beating

to love
to care

a fate
only human.
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
Tired is a feeling that rests in the corners of your eyes
and makes the inside of your eyelids
look a lot like Heaven.
Goodnight morning.
Dec 2019 · 346
two a.m. - twitter poem #1
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
2 am is quiet
it reeks of silence;
night slinking sleepily into day,
the dew marinated-grass shimmers
like the stars above
and a hollow moon
welcomes tired eyes
wide with wonder.
Dec 2019 · 275
painting the past
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
sketch a thought
for the girl who wanders
the echoing halls of my mind,
depression’s cold cousin,
smooth as a seal’s fur,
reaching through barriers -
wrapping your fingers around my heart,
only to pull, pull, pull;

i am belly-up
my guts exposed
like the tears that dissipate in the wind
for her.

I once knew her:
mirror, mirror,
held up to myself
and i scream -
have i been a monster?
does the gaslit lamp provide enough light?
it misleads
we mould ourselves to marry and martyr
before we know how to speak
love is as real and painful as the scars on my back, your wrists, my lips, yours eyes,
my mirror mind

you gave me magic,
i gave you happiness
and you returned it
signed: “return to sender”. packaged,
pieces of a beautiful thing
cast out across the tide
pulled along by the current
then sunk
below the water’s surface -
freezing cold
and isolated.

i washed up on shore
in a land not quite Europe
not quite America
with all of the problems
both have,
lovelorn and lost;
i survived there,
somehow -
fresh eyes
drew me forward
to explore this land
in the wake of exploring
so much pain.

now my heart is full
but so is my mind:
with the knowledge of seven years,
who i’ve been,
who i will be,
because we have to change
because i wanted change
because i’m in love and too scared
to utter those words out loud
because i don’t want to rush
or ruin
or reverberate the madness.

i will love new
i will love strong
i will love genuinely
(even when it hurts)
i will not give up.
Dec 2019 · 350
fantastic strikes back
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
by the sea
i saw her there,
lost on another voyage;
i hope she finds her way
floating on the notes
between the bars of the road
bopping along a scale
frozen in time
until the asphalt weakens
under the sun and rain and snow;
washout roads
lead to washed out souls
conditions have never been better.

i was saved by a martyr self
bundled in boxes and shipped off to
my sister — my keeper;
rescued by captain fantastic,
sleeping with myself,
saved in time tonight and every night
and winding it down
like the brown dirt cowboy you always knew i could be.

those songs came over the waves
sailing through my musical bones,
neurotransmitters like piano keys
jazzing up a well-strummed soul,
fingers plucking heart strings without resistance,
and i am at the mercy of music you’ve made -
that mesmerizing melody
in the inflection of your voice
the movement of your body
against mine;

don’t **** this song and dance
when the curtains just opened

let this harmony take us home

and resonate.
This and "the rise and fall" are inspired by Rocketman and my own personal experiences around the time that film was released. Will always love me some Elton!
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
feel lost within’ yourself,

it’s scary
because you attack yourself,
left alone in self-containment,
the blood flecks the inner walls
and you see red;
shutting out other voices,
you fall far and fast -

the self becomes as vast and terrifying as outer space,
a cage becomes a spaceship;
given the tools to survive
until you run out of oxygen,
beating yourself into submission
only to realize how, ******-faced,
a self-made martyr
floods the causeway without recourse to part the tide...
no way to progress -
to shepherd yourself through the grim darkness and uncertainty,
locked in what feels like
an eternal battle:
depressed, anxious, lonely, tired -
the vandals of personalities past and present -
come to me for round one, two, three,
wash away in the silt fragments
of time that elude me,
slip through the cracks in my brain and disappear
only to implode
when it feels like you need them the least
(because that’s life).
do you let the shards of self-pity shatter you?

do you let the tide close in on both sides
and consume you whole?

do you **** a mind that seems to never learn
what it means to love itself properly?

or do you write and hope the phantom pain,
the biting cynicism,
the bitten tongue,
the burning trauma
die down for the time being?

there is no answer.

or else you’d find it
tattooed on each cerebral
coded into the DNA
that malfunctions perfectly
to make us each
Dec 2019 · 269
the emigration
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
when the black pebbles
crept into the crevices
of my shoes
and pulled me deeper into
the earth
I felt connected -
like I feel with you;
i wanted to pick the flowers
and give them to you
but they’d never make it back
across the sea
of anxiety I skid across
until my arms are wrapped around you
and I know you’re mine.

There I sunk
into the sand, out of luck,
dreaming of love,
sick with it to the bone-
infected, **** it-
and thinking of you,
I stopped and listened to the sound
of glassy waves shattering cold
against shifting mossy rockfaces.
I thought of the way
you make my blood rush
like the windblown waves;
how my heart
is full of the changing colours of our souls
like the water transforms
deep to shallow,
light to dark to light again... until the cool silence arrives,
sweet music
of a babbling beachfront
historic bedrock
the wreck of the edmund
hidden beneath
in shallow graves;
ten thousand souls
over a century,
I can hear them all
telling me
“this is the place. this is right.”
where I wanna be
she may be
and I could be wrong
my heart steers me
and I can’t stop smiling
here I root
to begin my new life
at the
edge of the world.
Dec 2019 · 585
Austin Campbell Dec 2019
the sun caught in my eyes
for a minute i was holding you -
holding your hand,
trembling inside
but still as stone outwardly;

my heart gathered love
like eager hummingbirds
collect sap.

i wanted to tell you
how every time you leave
another piece of me goes
with you.

because the truth is

i am and
i’m not

it’s envy -

of those who
get to see your smile
every morning
while i dream of a day
when it’s the smile
i wake up to.

in my mind
i’ve already said
those three words but
i hold them close
to the heart that beats
for the love of you

the heart you carry
next to yours.

— The End —