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6.6k · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
Silence speaks;
The truth of life which can't be spoken.
5.0k · Mar 2014
A Mar 2014
My hipbones rock me on the wooden floor 
Protruding from my frame 
Skin bruises from simply laying on my stomach
Yet I am not skinny
 red lines mark where the folds of my stomach have been, 
my arm like wings 
my thighs hugging each other tightly
 stretching occasionally my eye catches the reflection of a stick like woman I can't recognize in the dark window until I realize she is me 
as that settles in my true details fill in 
morphing the strange woman into the ugly that is me. 
Striving to become the strange woman that once was 
I shove a finger down my throat
3.6k · Mar 2014
Dear heroin
A Mar 2014
Dear ******,

I ******* hate you
I ******* HATE you
You ******* rot my loves
Inside out
Leaving death holes and track marks
Killing their teeth to Swiss cheese
******* nodding to sleep in the back seat
I ******* hate you
You ******* double crossing *****
You make them love and forget
Til then don't anymore
Cold and shivering
 you leave these "outcast junkies quivering 
To steal for their next 2 minute fix 
You ******* stole my loves from me 
Through their noses
Inhaling your bitter vinegar 
Shooting your warmth
I'm so ******* sick of you killing the kids I use to build sandcastles with
I ******* cry how you've infected old friends and lovers
Dear ******, 
I ******* hate you.
2.7k · Dec 2015
Walking roses
A Dec 2015
We were at the age where roses could walk,
And petals were silk,
They carried us to nirvana,
Struck with the fear of a child.
Haven't wrote in a long time- I suppose that's a different kinda death for those people like us were writing and art are a part of us
2.0k · Sep 2014
A Sep 2014
I am dyslexic,
And I can spell:
Font wards and backwards.
I can invent new ways,
How it looks,
I am dyslexic
And I stumble over the word:
This lyfe's
Syllables I have yet to conquer
Or the ability to make it possible.




2.0k · Apr 2014
dress up
A Apr 2014
slipping little feet into mothers shoes
lipstick deforms little pink lips
plastic curlers tangle knots
hands wiggle free from oversize cloths
that child is me
i am that child today
bewildered by our society
a child i stay.
1.8k · Apr 2014
A Apr 2014
Run naked and eat Oreos
Walking barefoot licking ice-cream
Holding hands blushing lightly
laying naked and tasting cannabis
Walking barefoot finding *****
1.4k · Mar 2014
Fingerprint lives
A Mar 2014
They say,
that nothing you do is of much significance,
there's nothing you'll do that is of much importance,
but the small impact you make,
you have to do.

They say,
That your finger prints are permanent,
on someones life when you grab hold.
no matter how meek,
you leave your mark on their crime scene.

They say,
that love conquers all.
Your knight in shining armor will save you.
A young little pretty woman will love you for you and nurture  you,
until together you die,
on a warm day in bed together,
to continue your lives in eternity, in blissful peace.

They never say the truth.
The story of how we just so happen to be here.
How the only difference betwixt us and an animal is that we escaped natures food chain,
and have made our own controlled by pieces of paper and fat pigs congratulating eachother over brandy and illegal drugs on wall street feeding on our developed Darwinist society.

They never say
How no matter what you'll do your efforts are deleted months after your enviable death.
Self inflected or other wise.
So why do we value our fingerprint lives so dearly?
1.4k · Mar 2014
Coffee and novocaine
A Mar 2014
He read me my precautions
Only removing my own decay
In return his novocaine 
Don't you worry about nerve endings,
They'll splinter up eject themselves away
In time you'll teach yourself to capsulate the pain,
Just sign your essence away,
I'll give you more novocaine.

*"Sometimes it's better not to feel"
1.3k · Sep 2014
A Sep 2014
Love does not give flowers.
Love does not speak in
Or rhymes.
Love is a sigh
That makes you whole.
1.3k · Jul 2014
A Jul 2014
Who am i
I am drowning
skin deep
Within my cavity.
I can feel me
heart is still beating
These eyes aren't mine.
Or at least
someone else inhabits them.
Every beat
I keep blinking,
waiting to see again.
1.3k · Jan 2014
A Jan 2014
i don't know weather time is dripping or running
but reality has woven a new life
the essences of it is ***** of green and purple
revealing everything is breathing and beautiful
as we age and die
from our lives of moments pass
we lay together in the tunnel of sanity
for reality becomes insanity.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Carnations into Barrels
A Nov 2014

Look around the world around you
Watch people yell into telephones
"burn it all down"

Just sit among the evidence
And feed off of the calm.

A gun to head awhile now
It's much ado about nothing.
Just keep inhaling the peace.

1.2k · Dec 2014
A Dec 2014
Do you hear the cellos moan in the distance?
Voices achromatize and beckon?
Can you feel the vibratos?
Can you feel them echo within your vacancy-
Feel your warm silks quiver-
Members within tingling ridges,
Can you feel it?
The electric awakenings
shaking dilated eyes,
Can you feel it?
*-let me hear you
I wanna feel you.
1.1k · Jan 2014
August sun
A Jan 2014
August sun stung my eyes
as sweat trickled down my brow waiting.
Anxiety and Fantasy banged around in my head turning like a picture book
i saw you emerge from the blinding lights and heat waves
Baby i was smitten by you
inhaling deep sweet smokes from the tip of a pipe
i walked a concrete line as sweltering reality dipped and swerved
dancing around your carelessly moving body
Baby i was infatuated by you.
resting in the shadows of the day
I, i couldn't breathe
you stole the breath from me as you kissed me
i had an enviable lust for you
Baby i loved you
the gentle swerves became dodges
I grew impatient with you
having miserable meetings over your movements
you chose to move with someone else when i went to the bathroom
Baby i hated you.
blinded by the words burnt into my head
feeling her imprint where I
I was suppose to fit!
Baby i hated you!
i gave you my heart  and you burnt it!
this monkey wrench beaten me into madness,
impaled by my rage
I ******* hate you!
your gentle touches ripped the fabric of my soul
you ******* murdered me!
Baby you burnt me.
leaving nothing but a ****** scarlet letter
i scrubbed my skin with sandpaper
And couldn't get rid of your traces
Baby i longed for you.
i needed you.
i loved you.
**I love you.
1.1k · Jan 2014
A Jan 2014
soft and warm you fall into me.
brushing my cold walls as they melt to form into you.
alone we dance
in this slow trance of senseless ecstasy and wonder.
skin is thin
finger tips sink in
as they fall in to the notches of your beautiful bone structure.
caressing you exterior
your life vibrates on to mine.
like silk threads straining through my fingers
sighing in your crisp aura
i feel whole
1.1k · Apr 2014
Affaire De Coeur
A Apr 2014
Intoxicated* by the sweet juices of your lips,
I slurp your affections
having them flow into the fjord of my mouth
As your tongue seeks refuge.
I wallow slowly into your seductions
blushed with moonlit lavender and ****** secrets
yearning for an escape through your ecstasies
976 · Apr 2014
Life with Andromeda
A Apr 2014
A thousand letters ago 
my declarations meant galaxies
Ink smudged constellations only
a nebula to your Globular cluster 
As time waned so did the layers of the universe 
After being rooted in the milky way 
I found andromeda
Knowing fated arms will intertwine
 I discovered that love was everlasting outside of those forced letters of an old province
967 · Aug 2014
A Aug 2014
In a life of black and white,
She swears shes got colour.

In this prism,
She dances freely in her

I wish I could be free like that.
952 · Mar 2014
Midnight company
A Mar 2014
Curled by myside you purr
Wet careless lips dampen me tenderly
Resting on your head on my shoulder
Your contentment nestles
Cradling me from my sorrows
942 · Jan 2014
A Jan 2014
***** and Violated
I lay willingly.
Naked, on the floor
drenched in the sweat
of past anxieties.
Breathing for the first time
without choking on a chafing inhale
of exacerbating suppression of my own entity.
i lay peeled.
913 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
The dock weeps the song of the chilled waters;
Staining the air with stale salt and wetwood with every croak.

Street lights peer ominously
through brume that sits on the Earth.

My heart is a fist.
Were the Captain went down with his ship.
"Oh Captain, My Captain."

Rest In Peace
908 · Nov 2014
A Nov 2014
These **** yellow lights
Threaten my corneas-*

your legs belong to a pin up girl*

Someone is staring at me,
Pale faced,
Sullen brown, red trimmed eyes
Being held by purple shelves.
Gazing at my legs
I glide my hands from my ankles
Grazing unrecognizable
Willow limbs,
******* the scarred flaking notches
Fixated on my newly found eyes
I realize
I never felt my own deterioration.
Yeah I realize this isn't much of a poem
My b
907 · Feb 2015
A Feb 2015
It's that feeling
When you feel the fibers of your heart
Releasing chilled blue auras
To the bottom of your throat.
Leaking the familiar asphyxiations
Of yesteryear's sorrows.
Feels like anti freeze
872 · Feb 2014
A Feb 2014
Lately you've been on my mind
While I was thinking about my problems
It's 5 am
the thought of you
Is peeling back my eyes
Laying in this bed of mine
I see you come through my bedroom
And lay by myside
As your tender hand carress
My outer thigh
I feel you breathe down my neck
You are the reason why I can't listen to the same songs that I use to
I doubt I go through your mind
It's 5 am
And the though of you peeled my eyes
853 · Oct 2014
Hello mr. reaper,
A Oct 2014
I see we sit for tea again.
To be honest with you
I thought your visits had become
More natural.
As our plastic pink cups
Were replaced with China
I see now we've just have grown a more mature understanding.
You come as you like,
as I and others clean your dishes.
Only to come back to you
Pouring another cup of pennyroyal tea.
Each year
Three pasting now
you've poured from that ***
I surely thought you had to be done with that 8th serving.
The *** seems bigger every time
you pour
now you've taken the 9th.
You've over stayed your welcome.
850 · Mar 2014
A Mar 2014
i know i am not perfect
my teeth are crooked
i've lost my sheen
i'm aware of all the dents that are me
i know i am not perfect
for i am a re-gifted prize
however a prize is a prize
even if not in your eyes
834 · Mar 2014
I want you
A Mar 2014
I don't know you
But I want you.
All of you.
I want to hear your voice
Speak warm laughters
I want your hands to
Trace my geography 
To have them laced in my hair
and lock my fingers
I want your gaze
To drown me
I want the bow of you lip
To see how they pout while listening 
I want you
All of you.
832 · May 2014
A May 2014
A thousand bees 
Swarm o'er me
Pique flesh
With liquid fire
Flushing my body
In naked vermillion
827 · Apr 2014
Seconds unnoticed
A Apr 2014
So it seems
Within the last 10 seconds
She's grew up.
The face of a woman
On a young girl.
Crows feet walk the rims of her eyes
Leaving delicate prints
Death of a child
Seems to be unnoted
At such a young age.
Allow  me to take your hand to guide you my young lady
825 · Apr 2015
2am worries
A Apr 2015
I have these ghosts haunting the corridors of my mind
When I focus hard enough
I swear I can still hear expired words
And see them turn corners they once had with permanent smiles.
806 · May 2014
don't tell me
A May 2014
I'm glad to hear,
for a short moment,

                 laying on my lap,


eachot­her for hours
You felt connected to me.

I'm glad to hear
you "maybe" talking out your ***.
Thanks for the chocolate.
787 · Nov 2014
The Perfect In-between
A Nov 2014
I head out at the end of an Indian Summer,
To journey back through whispering sleet.
Green blades stand tall with
Tips bleached white,
air cradles my face
Walking through a path of confectionary houses
that float on the lakes of November.
Falling stars deliquesce in nearby tarns.
Winter falling upon New England
759 · Oct 2014
Restless Love Syndrome
A Oct 2014
It's not the rhythmic thuds of a headboard,
Nor squeaks of well christened springs,
Sighing the night's discretions.

It's the strained veins glazed over red eyes
Seeing the clock strike 4 am.
Flushed in a solitary blue.
758 · Apr 2014
A Apr 2014
It's become more apparent 
words are the only intimacy 
How unfathomable the desire of understanding 
that hundreds of cells and molecules came together to create vibrations just to express it:
   Just to connect
        To be intimate
757 · Dec 2014
Born by fire
A Dec 2014
Love melts
the Snow;
and heats the Rain.
Steaming home's comfort
In the coldest places.
It's fire rises infecting solitude
With panting red.
Every time you breathe
I see Love.
734 · Dec 2014
Lost memories
A Dec 2014
Now and again
I let myself wander
In the words once forgot-
Reaching further than
Hearing Past voices
I strain to feel a phantom touch.
I no longer can feel the stroke of your hand on my bare shoulders,
And I can't hear your inflection
In moments once precious.
There's no soul left in those shriveled memories;
Just deformed faces.
723 · Apr 2014
Fly me to Neverland
A Apr 2014
Bed ridden,
And Barely breathing.

I await you to drift in,
Like turning leaves in autmun wind.
Chasing your shadow through the corners of my latency

Make me believe in fairies.

Dance me in violet haze 
twirl me with nymphs of woods everlasting  
let me prance my weaknesses down 
Through apath of serenities among orange speckled wild lilies 
Take me where I can breathe 
Besides these letters of make believe pages.
706 · Dec 2014
A Dec 2014
Home is your favorite coffee stain
704 · Apr 2015
A Apr 2015
I peel my skin back
To reveal my vulnerablity
Just to find my nature is to scab.
That's not life baby;
Life is that time in between
Before you fend off the alien
And dance with what you breathe out.
Don't let this world blacken your heart
696 · Nov 2014
A Nov 2014
Days like this remind me
of the 5 year old hanging
from her pink feather boa.

Contrived Eyes,
Smile wide,
at a drugged up,
perfect table.
Far, Far away.

I grew up
and threw it
Far, Far away.

Thanksgivings been found at the bottom of a bottle
and I'm thankful for the dope in my pocket.
I burn that life away.
And this is where I fly
Fly high,
Far, Far
688 · Jan 2014
And I Love it.
A Jan 2014
my heart is
fluttering vibrations coat my throat holding the gasps of his essences I draw in
I am frozen.
convulsing on this bed
I am deaf
and I love it.
the buzzing in my head makes me weightless
I am floating
and I love it.
rolling my neck like a swan
I am freely chained to your body
and I love it.
feeding on your exhale
I am thriving
on your ecstasy alone
and I love it.
legs going numb
only feeling between my thighs
and I love it.
the burning on my ***
from the slap by your hand
and I love it.
red is smoldering.
as I lay by your side
and I love it.
the blanket of afterglow
while we finally are alone
and I love it.
A Oct 2014
Share the love you have in your heart.
Being able to see the universes beauty,
Is all temporary and small
And maraculous.
You never know when the rug will be pulled from under you,
And never will you know how far the vibrations of your crashing will run
And who it will shake.
You never know who slips next.
Time waits for no one.
Appreciate the ones in your life .
Fear not to express your heart,
For it's all that matters.

My friend, I'm not processing that you just aren't here. In my head I'm reliving old laughs and smiles.
682 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
Through refreshing rains;
Breath's creation
Happy birthday.

~A special thanks to Sverre G Holter for delightful suggestions that has improved this little poem :)
670 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
Since when was your body what defines you?

I've been so detached from this body
Since I can begin to remember-

I am not the free form freckles that crawl up these legs.

Nor the angles that form curves,
I am not this body.

This foreign object I reside in
I decorate.
I paint,
I cut,
I dress,
I hang my decorations;
To make windows.

Make windows,
To peek through thick walls.
668 · Aug 2014
mindful mournings
A Aug 2014
in the mornings
your lips taste bittersweet
lubricating my lips with premeditated longing
and cool passionate sorrows
663 · Nov 2014
Tastes like salt
A Nov 2014
Looking up at sea level
Daydreaming the highest low
White horses trample capriciously
Beating panic in mello brine
Choke down to realize
You're your own demise
650 · Jul 2015
Smoke stacks
A Jul 2015
Poison erupts through paralysis
Without an escape
649 · May 2014
A May 2014
The heart is fatal.
Lie your palm on your chest
Shut your eyes lightly and start to breathe,
       Deeply in.
Feel the pulsing of life flutter beneath your fingertips.
    And realease.

        Funny how your song beats stronger as you let go...
646 · Apr 2015
You liquify me
A Apr 2015
You liquify me.
I want to be that cool drip
Tracing down,
Down your neck
Pooling into your coves.
I want to be that cool
that ravages your insides,
Making you quiver.
I want to be that cool drip
Heating up from your shivers.
I want to be that cool
That makes your heart drop
From a single gasp-
I want you to feel me when I'm gone.
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