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Jonathan Moya Oct 2019
“Are you okay?”,
my wife asks
when I cough.

“No. I’m fine.
Yes. I’m not”,
I respond,

stumping her
in the poetic irony
of words that

encompass the
yes and no
and the in between.

She flips the finger
at me and I return
the bird to the nest.

We go back to our life
and our tablets,
the drip, drip of my chemo
and I wonder about okay.

“No.  You’re fine.
Yes. You’re not.”,
the bag stares in response.
Kuvar May 2018
-This is Nigeria,
Where Cattle’s fly their terrorism flag,
Stumping on humtydumpty green white green.
-This is Nigeria
Where corrupt QWERTY and busy ******  
Puts food on the table of unemployed youths.
-This is Nigeria
Where clerics find paradise on earth
Lo!  followers live as church rats withal.
-This is Nigeria
Where Eve plotted against a serpent  
Hm! Mrs Philomena and her fairytale animal.
-This is Nigeria
Where Sundays are full of bibles and Qurans,
Yet her body stinks in poo of immorality.
-This is Nigeria
Where the mace is a mess in her house
As senators sleeps and vacate seats in a hearing.
-This is Nigeria
Where in Nigeria
We are looking for Nigeria.
Mikaela L Aug 2020
300 pounds,
Stumping on the dusty sand,
Golden chains fall off his neck,
Thick rings depart from a block of fingers,
Jo plunges into heavy waters,
Boasts in his riches,

Would you love all the fat?
The fried chicken in his legs?
The alcohol filling his stomach,
To the point of exhaustion,
To the regret of a feeble button,
Too superficial,
Too excited,
To remain amongst the rest.

Do you know the weight of his soul?
200 lbs,
500 lbs,
He's got too much heart,
Much mass,
Tough skin.
I wrote this poem about a very heavy friend of mine. Let's give weight a chance!
wordvango Feb 2016
as graphic as yours  
a slowly lifted skirt
a hand on her thigh
gliding up to her bare heaven

bare ******* with tense ***** *******
gasping sounds cries of yes yes yes
her hands on my man pride
stiffening in the limelight

a little more risque a spank on a bare
cute well formed ***
a ******* in the backseat
a tongue teasing a small cute slit

two girls and a ******
or two midgets and one twelve inch ****
the words loud raw pelvic **** me
yes yes yes

or is it more ***** to show the latest massacre
in a school 26 dead, or
a misguided american "Smart" bomb wiping out six doctors without
borders and 50 Syrians

or the lies of our politicians promising us the world so
we may vote for them , or a young girl who is naturally
getting experimental getting pregnant and giving up her baby for adoption because she did not get education or protection. And then she gets HPV and dies at fourteen from cervical cancer

or is it just me that thinks the nightly
news and the stumping of a bunch of lying hypocrites is more *******
than a bare ******?
Antony Glaser May 2014
the night shoals of city lights,
where stumping feet
gives their own interpretation
to the baseness of silence
nothing is serene
just marked time
with feral pride
stretching into tied darkness.
Jamie King Jan 2015
Horses gone wild
stumping down hard
in my head
Canaries breaking
vocal cords just to
make me mad

my world of notions
it's a massive rock slide
in my cerebrum
my skull with axes so
I can feel the breeze
and set my mind free
My head was just on fire too much stress maybe a poet can get overwhelmed at times by emotions after all emotions makes us who we are
betterdays Dec 2013
i just
big ones,
little ones.

just love them
they are like
honey on my lips,
poprockz candy to my

they crackle and fizz:

synapses too quiescent;

c­aught snoozin and napping;
flip flopping
flim flam-ing

opinion only halfway dressed;
sometimes conniving....

fighting for a voice;
half formed,

spoken on a baited breathe,
giggle, gaggle,

given egress;
bing bang boggle,

lolloping through....
tree stumping....
where i
and nibble

i just
Whit Howland Jul 2019
I've come to love

and know
the color blue to mean
not a Blue Monday
Blue Note or joke
and don't much care to sing the Blues

or for that matter
give them
because truth be told
most of the time

I want to caucus
with those
pumping and stumping
for a Blue Hawaii
or the warm blue waters

pickling poetically
the clam shell white bottom

of Palancar Reef

Whit Howland © 2019
Realeboga M May 2018

Sensual, explicit, extraordinary


Communication, touches, eye contact, spiritual pull.

Passion, Intimacy, ***

The combination of raw, untamed energy,
Unsuccessfully molded into one.
Bursting with each arch
Burning with each grunt.

Heart thumping to each melody
Mind so white as bliss rockets out her body.

Caress your thighs,
Let me strum and create a band
drum and create a symphony
key and harness the harmony
Let me orchestrate your body while you sing for me.

Let me whisper a Terza rima
“Do you want to be ******?”

Grazing your thigh, looking away
Small subtle smile appearing.
Sneak peeks, blushing, lip biting.

There’s a hunger,
A craving for more.
Chest thumping, heart stumping

Slowly, I exhale
Deeper I go into this autumn forest
Lost and excited about this evening breeze.

“Touch me”, I whisper
As each part of you covers, marks what is within me.

Licks, bites... more!
Heavy breathing
Tongue twisting.

My voice wishes to be heard.
Unleash your inner beast,
Burn me
Warm me
I’m raging wet and cold!

Intimacy, Passion

Call out your soul,
Mine humbly and impatiently awaits,
Restrict your outer,
It’s time for your inner to shine.

Let me paint you with a colour of four,
With each stroke, call out your soul
Mine painfully awaits.

Sing to me
I’ll compose you a piece
One of meant for a goddess.

Before you reach your peak
Call out to my soul.
And fully feel me devour you.


Crave my passion
Want, need and be given
Explore the beauty of the pearl!
Sam Temple Apr 2016
tattered memories
of flattery
splash against the backdrop
of pastel coated youthful visions
soft blended colors fade and blend
swirl and collide
embrace and recoil
forever interpreting
the dreams of my childhood –
faces take shape  
staring blankly into space
I shake my fist
and race to place
the case at the law bringers feet
bowing at the stone alter
sacrificing time
desperate and forlorn
I say, I say, I say,
feeling like foghorn leghorn –
cartoon falling down the hallway tunnel
funneling idealism
into tiny glass cups
roughly stumping speeches
at penniless preaches
beseeching those reaching
for free handouts and doubting
the ones touting freedom of thought….

sometimes I get caught up,
lose my train of conscious ideas
this is what that looks like –
The incandescent lights, the crowded subways,
The penetrating fumes, the worried pace,
The ticking clocks and the rushed sweat,
The heavy breathing.
The city moans.

A man welded into a sea of bodies,
Sweat hanging from his frowned brow.
Shaky hands and an empty stare.
A quick pace walks unperceived.
He cannot be seen.

A cellular phone buzzes into his ear,
Vibrating inside his wealthy pockets.
A raggedy angry man shouts,
Like the constant bickering of his wife,
The commands of his boss.

Dark circles have replaced his eyes,
Moans have overcome his speech.
Leisure is an unobtainable dream,
Happiness is once again
An unknown deed.  

He stares from outside his window,
Confined within a wooden desk.
Stacked between a wave of duties,
He looks for an escape,
And a tempting distraction.

A thin-***** young woman, with
Child-like body, and undeveloped hips,
Walked without a pace,
Without rush, or march-like hurry.
She pranced, yes, she pranced.

Oh how her body danced,
Without worry, or clenching irk.
Her smile illuminated the beholder,
And her stubby figure, suddenly
Had become graceful.

She turned, her baby blue eyes,
And stared at him in return.
She extended her arm,
She bent her hand.
She beckoned, and he ran.

He took her hand and all
Was left behind.
The city lights, the buzzing screeches,
The never-desolate streets,
And the suffocating sweats.

The yanking automobiles,
The stumping feet, the irritable frowns,
The traffic lights, the ***** streets,
The helicopter roars,
And the rush hour jams.

The bickering wife,
The dictatorial administrator,
The dying parents, the crying children,
The mounting responsibilities,
And countless sleepless nights.

He welcomed her slender arms,
The quiet nights, and the countryside aroma.
The city fumes escaped his lungs,
And he could finally breathe,
Hear, see, taste, and feel.

Oh, how he longs such respite,
He whispers, as he stares down the window.
And slips the hand he had been holding.
She prances away,
And he stands, alone.

In between his desk, inhaling
The city fumes. Exhaling a tired breath.
Hearing the screeching wheels,
The angry drivers, and the busy tack
Of hurried standbyers.

It had only been a rush hour dream,
It seemed.
What kind of a man can
but a man that could, would not
and who should that man be?
but the man that lives in me

I engineer a situation to situate this simulation
in which I entertain my mind
and I find the stimulation that stimulates each situation is very kind
I don't mind if I am to be
a man that only I could be
and I can see
the man that I should be
is me.

Empathy and understanding
in the making of a man
is as crucial and demanding as the
man quite understanding
who can only understand
the type of man that he can see
and any man would want to be.

Anyway the man that is the man today
must learn that what he has to pay
is his fair dues
and losing sleep will not keep the man I am
from stumping up
I can
be the man I am
and if I am that man
then that man can be me.
Izlecan Oct 2017
Thou ***** a minute of adversity,
stumping on the rival with two eyes;
As if an innundation overwhelms the ground
As thou hush the gore splattered
Arid as the utopic vision of the crowds
Everyone has accepted death
Noone bears the sound of the knell:
Thou shall still be petrified by the dark!
Shall miss a moment of ironic cleft:
Where thou tackle on mundanity and self bereft
Condolences to whomever has passed:
Away from a madness that clenches a crowd of no tomorrow, without a promise of longevity,
For they have given in to a visionary of death.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
They predict the day.
They predict the week.
They predict the year.
Oh, here we go again?
Another Prophet's predicting when the world will end.

Suddenly, panic kicks in amongst some of us.
While some of us wondering about our friends and kins.
Who start believing anything spoke?
Oh, ****.
Here we go again?

To some in this society.
We truly knows, only one knows the answer to the truth.
It's not no person in the ministry.
They like a scientist trying to say, when the world begun.
Both comes across a little dumb.

It's an answer stumping many of us.
Strange, when this castrophe passes, not to be.
Then , these so call Prophets starts to use reasons.

When the end of civilization, lies within the hands of God.
lia Apr 2014
don't tell me i'm strong
because i certainly am not

if i were,
i wouldn't ache the need to hurt myself
or ache the need to jump off the third floor at school
you wouldn't hear me crying in the bathroom stall
or you wouldn't hear me complaining this much
i would be buying my cafeteria lunch
i would be eating my three meals a day
you wouldn't had to stop my feet from stumping
you wouldn't had to stop my eyes from closing

don't tell me i'm strong
because i certainly am not
i have nothing to post im sorry this is ****
Mark Tilford Aug 2015
I am thinking of the memories over and over
The highway that lead me to no shame
How it's never changed
It has stayed the same
Lead me to love and never no pain
Showed how much I had to gain
As it was leading me away
It was begging me to stay
What would have happened
If I had never traveled and I had never seen
And I always had to wonder "where"
And I had never been there
Never left me in the dark
Could always count on it getting me home
Never left me alone
Taking me to my favorite fishing hole
"Charlie's Hole"
Where I was always stumping my toes
Where it snowed
But never stopped me from being on the go
Took me to Grandma's for homemade white cake
But it was not mine to take
It allowed me to walk
And me and it had some very long talks
Lead me to the back woods
Lead me to Indian Cliffs
Where that Indian Chief
Was carved into that rock and but still kind of stiff
Where I road in the back of my Grandpa's truck
Always keeping my head tucked
Lead me to my friends
Where there has never been any ends
Where still to this day it leads me home
Where I never feel alone
Someday it will lead to where I will have my finale rest
One last time it will lead me home
Mike Hauser Sep 2016
does anyone know
the purpose of toes
if not to give a whiff
to my turned up nose

the big ones for stumping
that and nothing more
but what in the world is up
with the other four

how many games of piggie
can a man can play
before he feels that he
gives his soul away

i know some women like
to add shiny rings
but me, the manly man that i am
would never dare such a thing

and i'm no fan of their jam
as something to eat
unless you spread peanut butter
all over both of my feet

so i guess i'll continue this quest
and wonder along
what in the world is the purpose
of all these of toes
Silver Heinsaar May 2017
Roses are dead
Violets are red
Where is my head
It's over there
Under your bed.
Why did you chop it off
I know you like it rough
But i kinda need that
So can i have it back
And all the other limbs
You took from me.
Nah, just kidding
I'm only a tree.
So cut me more
You ******* *****
Cut my life into logs
This is my last tree fort
Sawdust, no clumping
Don't give a **** if i'm stumping
Everything turned dark
Let's turn it around
Oh look, a butterfly
Truly a beautiful day!
I, (and the missus)
     pleased as punch residing
     at this Schwenksville, Pennsylvania locale,
     (since july first tooth house

     sand eighteen), marks one year
and better with (on site
     service) wash and wear,
but most irrefutable attraction

     comprises rental assistance,
     when upon the merry month of May
     first, the dollar figure outlay
     to occupy a single bedroom

     (at this low cost
     housing facility) didst veer
dramatically downward
     from an initial charge,

     sans five hundred, and seventy two unswear
     able legal tenderloin monies,
     per twelfth of Gregorian Calendar,
     when aye didst tear

away the page signaling June,
     thine checking account reduced sheer
     lee no misprint (to win unbelievably
     rosy, piddly, and giddy)

     one hundred and seventy
     seven buck a roos,
yet lesser benefits appended, asper
     this bucolic, diatonic,

     and harmonic rear
opportunity to espy
     white tailed non queer
yule less doe ting mama

     belonging to Cervidae family app pear
ring to take shelter in a narrow
     (sunset) strip somewhat near
enough from mine

     inside perch oblivious
     to this mad capped (Alfred E. Neuman),
who **** stumping for elections midyear
essentially to reinstate

     "FAKE" King Crimson Lear
on the throne,
     who strongly objects to killdeer
for eats or sport,

     and silences those hood jeer
his reverence toward gentle creatures
     including near extinct albino blushing zebra,
     hooves warp and weave interlinear

within said (postage size
     token) plot here ~ 1+ hectare
secluded upon a tract
     off the beaten commercial

     domain and glare
with suburban sprawl,
     a hop, skip and jump fair
lee quickly disappearing

     "in the name of progress"
though vanishing wild
     life eyes find endear
ring, though thine psyche

     wracked with despair
no matter ample (spacious
     free) parking, a clear
bonus as well un

     limited water usage
and to top off the list donated
up for grabs non-sellable (stales) breads,
     cakes, fruits, vegetables
     about twice a week doth appear.
Robert Gretczko Nov 2021
we are shredding our sensibilities
into mindless, endless affirmations of guilt
if by a freak of nature we are all now a disease
by birth our skin.... white and pale as silt

stumping and pumping hands high in shrill
gasping moments in the public square
banged and pummeled our mouths fail our will
but against those men with muskets do we compare

thrown across flickering screens that rage
with acid and foment eliciting condemnation's hate
are we just players in the second act on stage
if you fail and are plowed under there is no rebate

the mustering blustering sanctimonious deceit
has crept in brains and deranged the synapse
flagellating babbling chauffeur-driven elite
deliver the death knell, clock sure without lapse

take heed and know your forbearance is fully tested
against an evil with spikes at every turn and bend
if you falter now or run from the beast to be bested
surely the light and lift of all mankind will be but a bitter end
Its my birthday every day just because I awoke to see another day
a new breath an extra hour beneath my belt, I am God's living ray
Defying all odds I am still here stumping the experts with my drill  
dancing in the sunlight like a dervish mendicant ascetic, no pills;
I remember being six and blowing out the candles on my frosty cake
mamma asked me sweetly to make a wish before the first snowflake
I wished to live forever so I could find the secret of a well lit firefly
and summer after summer I watched them as they lit up the sky
It is my birthday today, every hour succinct to the next I like it this way
twirling like a wild baton in a parade I bang my drum and I sing all day
A new breath an extra hour beneath my belt, I am God's special girl
a Mystic soul that refuses to lay down and die, while the stars unfurl
I'll lay on the freshly mowed lawn and watch the stars shine from on high,  
while I recall mamma's birthday cake and the fireflies that once lit up the sky.
Its my birthday every day just because I awoke to see another day
a new breath an extra hour beneath my belt, I am God's living ray
Defying all odds I am still here stumping the experts with my drill  
dancing in the sunlight like a dervish mendicant ascetic, no pills;
I remember being six and blowing out the candles on my frosty cake
mamma asked me sweetly to make a wish before the first snowflake
I wished to live forever so I could find the secret of a well lit firefly
and summer after summer I watched them as they lit up the sky
It is my birthday today, every hour succinct to the next I like it this way
twirling like a wild baton in a parade I bang my drum and I sing all day
A new breath an extra hour beneath my belt, I am God's special girl
a Mystic soul that refuses to lay down and die, while the stars unfurl
I'll lay on the freshly mowed lawn and watch the stars shine from on high,  
while I recall mamma's birthday cake and the fireflies that once lit up the sky.
hence yours truly (me)
seeks mental health services
without any luck
even after reading Scripture
from my namesake who exuded pluck
after paging thru
the AETNA Medicare directory,
whether a group practice or individual,
I expended energy and precious time today
June sixth two thousand and twenty four

hoping to get linkedin and truck
with a suitable therapist,
cuz various and sundry issues
such as chronic anxiety, dysthymia,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
and panic attacks plagues
sexagenarian old body electric
matter of fact mein kampf
and hard times reducible
to four letter description
conveyed by the word yuck.

Exhaustion prevails courtesy emotional distress
self evident to any anonymous reader
predicated on morose poetry of mine
invariably discouraging positive ambitions
for friendship receiving,
yet I experienced
unexpected welcome response
from over the hills and far away
where Teletubbies come to play with me,
whose fealty being a ***** buddy
gratitude sexagenarian does express
and so what if three score
plus five year old does regress.

Once upon a time
more than half century ago,
in a faraway galaxy
this second born and singular son
of Harriet and Boyce Harris
(mother and father since passed away
May third two thousand and fifteen,
and October seventh
two thousand and twenty respectively) though
both parents during their lifetime
beset with impossible mission
to administer to my psychological woe
and actually unwittingly exacerbated

dysfunctional behavior of mine
exhibited, jump/kick started,
and witnessed videre licet
courtesy their verbal
browbeating with ultimatums
aghast at irregular impulsive decisions
to attend this, that or another institution
of higher learning
post high school graduation
psyche subjected to actions experienced
being whipped back and forth,
to and fro, hither and yon
analogous to ma yo-yo.

Scads of irrational thought processes
bombard nooks and crannies
within me swiftly tailored
harried styled noggin
sense and sensibility
doth create veritable boondoggle
stumping psychological masterminds
even Sigmund Freud himself if alive
would be mystified and ask ghost writer
of Mary Shelley to craft sequel,

where Doctor Victor Frankenstein
rids trademark neurosis of mine
shape shifting Matthew Scott Harris'
witnessed when whirled
wide web of electrodes
activated courtesy toggle
subsequently flash brilliant lightning bolts
in tandem with deafening booming thunder
reconfiguring bitta bing bitta
chitty chitty bang bang switch  

rendering corporeal cerebral flesh
truly significantly reconstituting
dogma, enigma variations, karma,
and persona of aforementioned
poet of Perkiomen Valley into altered state,
whose psychological state now mimics,
dovetails, and approximates
that of Neanderthal man
forever linkedin to seventh heaven.
Mykie Oct 2022
I feel like writing something
But the words won't seem to flow
Its really stumping
I've reached a plateau
My mind is blocked
From the words I want to write
My creativity has locked
No inspiration in sight
The words escape my brain
And nothing is on my paper
Trying to write again
My thoughts are like vapor
Disappearing into thin air
Nothing makes up my head
The ideas just aren't there
So I'll write this instead
Travis Green Dec 2022
In my beguiling brown eyes
You are the newest, smoothest cruiser
That cajoles me into your dope, robust beat
Your explosive engrossing land
Of distinctive dreamy enchantment

I feen for our serene, sensual dimensions
To mingle and spring up to utter loving ecstasy
Cherish your majestic reverent incredibleness
Slip into your kissable rhythmical exquisiteness
Filled with wildly enticing and shining delight
That haunts my mind all through the night

You are my visually gripping lover man
With marvelous marketable machoness
So unapologetically freshalicious
So lekker and refreshing on the tongue
I hunger that much more
For your unsurpassed fantastical splashiness

I check you out like an awe-inspiring oil painting
Groove on your breezy manly moves
Your catchy compelling, finesse
I vigorously wish for your expressive
And energetic sexiness to enter my veins
And mesmerize my flourishing flamboyant frame
You hit me with deep hard-hitting lovesickness
Leave me so hung up on your bang-up, foot-stumping hunkiness
Predicated on his paying obese sense
to Ronald McDonald patron saint
buzzfeeding his pie hole
courtesy "two Big Macs, Fillet-O-Fish
and a chocolate malted,"
he hungrily nabbed the ⁦Tuesday,
November 5, 2024⁩ election
ofttimes series of unfortunate events
found him holed up
in his Mar-a-Lago Donjon club.

After demise of western civilization
linkedin to implementation of Project 2025
courtesy the forty seventh president
of these currently fragmented United States,
left a legacy that rivaled
the fall of the Roman Empire.

Nary a trace of North American grandeur
discerned amidst the bombed out
rubble strewn landscape
after the second Civil War,
triggered global mortal kombat,
which far eclipsed
the first and second world wars
in death and destruction
(courtesy Beatle browed
foo fighting, gun toting rebel rousers,
who fomented revolution)
rent asunder many a complex edifice
symbolizing once cherished
life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Feeble hot pockets of resistance
constituting battle weary
tried and true troopers for democracy
outmatched by phalanx
of heavily armed local militia.

No matter wickedly wrought shenanigans
essentially widely accessible
Artificial Intelligence tools
allowed, enabled, and provided users
to synthesize audio in anyone’s voice,
generated photo-realistic images of anybody
doing nearly anything, and power
social media bot accounts
with near human-level conversational abilities —
and rendered on a vast scale and with a reduced
or negligible investment of money and time.

Due to the popularization of chatbots
and the search engines
they quickly became absorbed into,
also disallowed, disabled the first election season
in which large numbers of voters
routinely consumed information
that is not just curated
by Artificial Intelligence
but produced by Artificial Intelligence.

Blatantly unconcerned
about the populace at large,
nor any promises made
while he angrily stormed
across the country
stumping as dictator of the free world
after riling the madding crowds
enthusiastically populating campaign trail,
most of his waking hours spent
schmoozing with other de facto
autocrats while divvying up the *****
of annexed, subjected vassal states,
(a vast swath of territory
mainly comprising the former Soviet
breakaway Baltic states,
and about a dozen republics
under the sway of Russia),
violently yanked back in the fold
of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Within this brave new webbed, wide world
each man, woman and child
needs to fend for him/herself,
and those people flush
with ample disposable income
will pay (thru the nose,
hence the bigger the schnoz the better)
for security details unless he/she
presents an intimidating mean mien,
possesses black belt
with at least one martial arts,
or a powerful lucky charm
to ward off threatening hooligans.

Essentially lawlessness will run amuck
imagined in one guise as
the phantom of the opera nemesis
multi pronged ferocious buck
accompanied by an outsize
chicken legged stricken man,
who doth bawk and cluck
also enlisting cannibalistic
commander in chief wannabe
tricked out as Donald Duck.

Even prior to any political fracas,
I decry being dependent
(and at the mercy)
to purchase commodities
within consumerist society hierarchy,
yet envy people who live off the grid
fostering an ecologically friendly lifestyle,
versus being linkedin to Market capitalism
(an economic system where private individuals
and corporations own the means of production,

and the government has a limited role)
yet yours truly never aggressively learned how
to become self sufficient ala **** Proenneke
(him of "Alone in the Wilderness" fame -
when he retired at age 50 in 1967  
decided to build his own cabin in the wilderness
at the base of the Aleutian Peninsula,
in what is now Lake Clark National Park)
and certainly never belonged
to an Amish community,

never surviving with some degree
of independent comfort,
cuz the sole son of Harriet and Boyce Harris
overstayed his welcome
by living social under the same roof
as said mother and father,
who ofttimes delivered hollow ultimatums
to shape up or ship out –
meaning intolerance exhibited
toward their singular male offspring,

who struggled securing
and maintaining gainful employment),
hence fantasies throve
somehow magically acquiring
carpentry and farming skills
sturdy accommodations house families
where every timber secured by strong hands,
and stitch of clothing sewn courtesy adroit woman
traditional gender stereotypical roles obeyed
as if ordained by Biblical
credo, fiat, ideology, et cetera.

— The End —